HS Accountability Reports
Objectives To provide participants with an explanation of the definitions used and the logic behind the High School Accountability report.
Agenda Definitions High School Accountability in L2RPT Questions
High School Reports L2RPT Report Purpose High School Accountability Data Verification Report (SIRS-101) This report is provided to allow you to verify that the appropriate students, with assessment results and outcomes, are being used to determine whether districts and schools have made adequate yearly progress in high school English and mathematics, and graduation rate. Total Cohort Reports (SIRS-201 & SIRS-202) These reports are provided to allow you to verify that for all students who are the reporting responsibility of the district, they have been reported in SIRS with the correct assessment results and outcomes, and are being included in the appropriate cohort. Annual Outcomes for Dropout, Noncompleter, and Graduation (SIRS-307 & SIRS-308) These reports are provided to allow you to verify that all students who are the reporting responsibility of the district have been reported in SIRS aka LVL2 with the correct enrollment outcomes (graduates, other credentials, post-secondary plans of graduates, and dropouts). Annual Outcomes for Regents & RCT (SIRS-309 & SIRS-310) These reports are provided to allow you to verify the accuracy of student test records as they appear in SIRS for Regents exams, Regents Competency Tests (RCT), and Component Retests, taken in August 2016, January 2017, May 2017, or June 2017.
2016-2017 HS Accountability Before looking at the reports, we need to know the terminology. What is a “Cohort” and what defines “Participation” and “Graduation”?
2017 Participation: Total Students Counted for Grade 12 Participation Enrolled in grade 12 on June 30, 2017 or Enrolled in grade 12 during the 2016-17 school year and graduated between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
2013 Accountability: Students Counted for Accountability Cohort 2013 Accountability Cohort: Meets general definition of 2013 cohort based on 9th grade entry or birth date AND Meets requirements for inclusions/ exclusions for enrollment records defined in the SIRS manual.
2013 School Accountability Cohort Criteria: Meet General Definition for 2013 Cohort and If Enrollment shows Included Excluded BEDS Day Enrollment: Enrolled in the school on BEDS Day Oct 4, 2016 and No Enrollment Exit Code or Date between BEDS Day and June 30, 2017. Student enrolled after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 Enrollment Exit of 782 Enrolled in the school on BEDS Day Oct 4, 2016 and changed grades after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016. Dropped Out (Enrollment exit codes of 136, 340, 391, 408, 425, 306, 357) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and who dropped out after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and on or before June 30, 2017. Earned a Credential (799, 085, 629, 065, 067, 068) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and earned a credential between BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Transfer to GED (289 without 5654) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016, transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program with no subsequent 5654. Transfer to GED (289 with 5654) and then dropped out. Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016, transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program (289), had a subsequent 5654, and then dropped out between BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
2013 School Accountability Cohort Criteria: Meet General Definition for 2013 Cohort and If Enrollment shows Included Excluded Foreign Exchange Students Students have an enrollment code of 0022. Transfers: 153 ,170, 204, 221, 238, 255, 272, 323 , 5927, 5938 Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and left the school prior to June 30, 2017 for one of the following transfer reasons: 153, 170, 204, 221, 238, 255, 272, 323, 5927, 5938 Transfer to an approved GED and enrolled in an approved GED program The students transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program (289), had a subsequent enrollment code 5654 and then either earned a GED (Enrollment Code 816) or remained enrolled as of June 30, 2017. Left the US Students left the United States and its territories on or after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and before June 30, 2017 (Enrollment Code 442 - Left the U.S.). Death Students who died on or after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and before June 30, 2017 (Enrollment Code 459)
2013 District Accountability Cohort Criteria: Meet General Definition for 2013 Cohort and If Enrollment shows Included Excluded BEDS Day Enrollment: Enrolled in the school on BEDS Day Oct 4, 2016 and No Enrollment Exit Code or Date between BEDS Day and June 30, 2017. Student enrolled after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 Enrollment Exit of 782 Enrolled in the school on BEDS Day Oct 4, 2016 and changed grades after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016. Dropped Out ( Enrollment exit codes of 136, 340, 391, 408, 425, 306, 357) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and who dropped out after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and on or before June 30, 2017. Earned a Credential (799, 085, 629, 065, 067, 068) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and earned a credential between BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Transfer to GED (289 without 5654) Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016, transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program with no subsequent 5654. Transfer to GED (289 with 5654) and then dropped out. Students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016, transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program (289), had a subsequent 5654, and then dropped out between BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
2013 District Accountability Cohort Criteria: Meet General Definition for 2013 Cohort and If Enrollment shows Included Excluded Foreign Exchange Students Students have an enrollment code of 0022. Transfers: In District or Out of District placement students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and had one of the following Reason for Ending Enrollment Codes on their last enrollment record in the district on or before June 30, 2017: 153, 238. In District or Out of District placement students who were enrolled in the school on BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and left the school prior to June 30, 2017 for one of the following transfer reasons: 170, 204, 221, 255, 272, 323, 5938 Transfer to an approved GED and enrolled in an approved GED program In District or Out of District placement students transferred to an approved AHSEP or HSEP program (289), had a subsequent enrollment code 5654 and then either earned a GED (Enrollment Code 816) or remained enrolled as of June 30, 2016. Left the US In District or Out of District placement students who left the United States (U.S.) and its territories on or after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and before June 30, 2017 (Enrollment Code 442 - Left the U.S.). Death In District or Out of District placement students who died on or after BEDS day Oct 4, 2016 and before June 30, 2017 (Enrollment Code 459)
Total Students Counted for 2012 Graduation Cohort Diploma: The count of students who are members of the 2012 Cohort who earned a local or Regents diploma as of August 31, 2016. They must also have a diploma type, career pathway, grade 9 entry date, and post grad activity in the demographic record. No Diploma: The count of students who had not earned a local or Regents diploma as of August 31, 2016.
High School Verification Reports L2RPT High School Accountability AVR
L2RPT: High School Accountability Select 2016-17 to verify data for current year Select 2015-16 for data related to the School Report Card released in Spring of 2017
L2RPT: High School Accountability Rates included in L2RPT report
L2RPT: High School Accountability Rates included in L2RPT report
L2RPT: High School Accountability Rates included in L2RPT report
L2RPT: High School Accountability Drill through: Participation Rate Not Tested
L2RPT: High School Accountability Drill through: Performance Level 1
L2RPT: High School Accountability Drill through: Graduation Cohort Non Grad
Reconciling HS Accountability AVR Using the WNYRIC Data Warehouse Participation Section: Reconciling 12th Grade population: Student Enrollment Verification Report For each student in the selected building, grade, and school year, the report will display : Grade, Name, Local ID, State ID, Grade 9 Entry Date, Diploma Code, Diploma Type, Planned Post Graduate Activity, and all enrollment records for the school year, location(s), and grade(s) selected. Public Folders > District Reports - for Data Quality > Verification Reports - Demographic, Enrollment, Program Service Reconciling Assessment Data: Highest Regents Score by Subject Area - Student List by Grade 9 Entry Year This report returns a student list with each student's highest Regents score by Subject Area, selected by Grade 9 entry year. Public Folders > Accountability: Assessments Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation Reports> Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data Student Assessment List by Location and Subject: This report displays an historical list of all assessments and scores, for each student found in the district, location(s), grade(s), and school year selected. Assessments include only those taken within district selected. Public Folders > District Reports - for Data Quality > Verification Reports - Student & Assessment Lists/Counts
Reconciling HS Accountability AVR Using the WNYRIC Data Warehouse Performance Section: Reconciling 2013 Accountability Cohort Count: Student Enrollment Verification by 9th Grade Entry Year For each student in the selected grade 9 entry year, location(s), and grade(s), the report will display : Grade, Name, Local ID, State ID, Grade 9 Entry Date, Diploma Code, Diploma Type, Planned Post Graduate Activity, and all enrollment records for the most recent school year attended. (Ex: Grade 9 entry year of 2013 indicates students entered grade 9 in the 2013-14 school year.) Public Folders > Accountability: Assessments Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation Reports> Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data Reconciling Assessment Data: Student Assessment List by 9th Grade Entry Year This report displays an historical list of all assessments and scores, for each student found in the grade 9 entry year, district location(s), grade(s), and subject area(s) selected. (Ex: Grade 9 entry year of 2013 indicates students entered grade 9 in the 2013-14 school year.) Assessment data displayed is within district only. Public Folders > Accountability: Assessments Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation Reports> Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data
Reconciling HS Accountability AVR Using the WNYRIC Data Warehouse Graduate Section: Reconciling Accountability Graduation Rate: Graduates and Other Outcomes by Grade 9 Entry Year This report counts the number of students by school year who meet the graduation requirements and other outcomes, defined by NYSED. It lists all of the students meeting the requirements and selection criteria, regardless of enrollment duration rules. Path: Public Folders > Accountability: Assessment Scores, Levels, Trends, & Graduation Reports > Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data > Graduates and Other Outcomes by Grade 9 Entry Year
Reconciling HS Accountability AVR Using the WNYRIC Data Warehouse Other: To view all data for one or multiple years for a given student: Student Inquiry Report by Local ID - Multiple Years Path: Public Folders > District Reports - for Data Quality > Verification Reports - Demographic, Enrollment, Program Service Note: Data Warehouse reports can be used as an aid in reconciliation, but were not written with the exact logic used in L2RPT. Data Changes: Data changes that are identified through verification need to be made in both, Level 0 and your Student Management System.
High School Reports: Common Errors 799 Enrollment Exit without Diploma Types and vice versa. Included in Cohort total but not in graduation count. Will be counted as Still Enrolled. GED Students: Initial enrollment to GED (5654) without preceding 289 transfer. Will not be included in Transfer to GED. Depending on other enrollment activity preceding the 5654, may not be included Total Cohort Membership. GED students with anything other than a GD grade in demographic and enrollment record. GED students with an invalid GED location. IEP diploma for students without a program service record indicating Special Ed. Incorrect 9th grade entry date or birth date Missing post grad plans or career pathway NYSSIS ID Problems Simultaneous enrollment: Student is enrolled in 2 different districts at the same time.
Verification: What You Can Do Now Start verifying HS Accountability AVR. Participation and Section is based on 12th graders. Performance is based on 2013 Accountability Cohort who for the most part are 12th graders and have probably completed ELA and Math requirements. Graduate section is based on the 2012 Graduation Cohort… last year’s graduates in June and August of 2016.
Reference Documentation L2RPT Report Guides http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/level2reports/reportguides.html SIRS Manual (General, Policy, and Technical) http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/ Level 0 Data Validation Rules http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/
Contact us at: dataview@e1b.org Questions? Thank You. Contact us at: dataview@e1b.org