CINS Data Presentation John Keltz 1/18/2017 APS Research & Evaluation
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Cohort graduation rate Short version: percentage of students in 2016 cohort who graduate in four years 2016 cohort is students who entered 9th grade in 2012 Mobile students are only attributed to their last school attended
Cohort graduation rate 2016 Cohort: all students who entered ninth grade in 2012, and therefore should graduate in 2016 All cohort 2016 students who graduate in four years Cohort Graduation Rate = All cohort 2016 students who graduate in four years All cohort 2016 students who drop out All cohort 2016 students who are still enrolled + + Not included in equation: students who transfer to another school
Graduation Rate 293 Graduates 293 Graduates 33 Dropouts Grady 2016 Cohort Grad Rate = = 293/339 = 86.4% 293 Graduates 33 Dropouts 13 Still Enrolled + + Above calculation does not include 193 transfers from Grady to a different school Dropout codes 19 Unknown 9 Other adult education 5 (other reasons)
Grady Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Elementary Milestones Results
Middle School Milestones Results
High School Milestones Results
District Comparison Challenge index Includes poverty, ELL, and mobility rates Rates are combined according to formula that best predicts test scores Explains 94% of variance in test scores Does not include charters, but state comparison will
APS 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Elementary
APS 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Elementary
APS 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Middle Inman has an additional 13% of students scoring proficient compared to Sutton
APS 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: High Inman has an additional 13% of students scoring proficient compared to Sutton *High school challenge index does not include mobility
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
State Comparison Test scores vs needs index Uses combination of variables that best predict test scores Includes poverty, ELL, and race/ethnicity Index created by Jarod Apperson Challenge index explains 80% of variance at state level Less than district model
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Elementary
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Elementary
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Elementary
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Middle
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Middle
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: Middle
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: High
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: High
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: High
Georgia 2016 Milestones Score vs Challenge Index: High
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
National Comparison Reardon et. Al. Milestones conversion
United States Poverty vs. Grade Level Image from The Upshot, data from Reardon et al
United States Poverty vs. Grade Level Atlanta Public Schools Image from The Upshot, data from Reardon et al
Milestones National Percentiles Scale score vs. national percentile, APS eighth grade Science Milestones, 2015
Milestones ELA Distribution: Georgia Grade Beginning Developing Proficient Distinguished Dev & Above Proficient & Above 3 33.2% 31.8% 26.6% 8.4% 66.8% 35.0% 4 30.5% 34.2% 26.2% 9.1% 69.5% 35.3% 5 25.0% 34.3% 34.5% 6.2% 75.0% 40.7% 6 31.5% 29.2% 32.0% 7.2% 68.5% 39.2% 7 27.2% 34.4% 32.9% 5.6% 72.8% 38.5% 8 20.1% 35.9% 35.8% 8.2% 79.9% 43.9%
Milestones to National Conversion
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
CCRPI Components Components # of Elements Wt./ Pts. Elements Achievement 3 50 Content Mastery Post E/M/H School Readiness Predictor for High School Graduation Progress 4 40 4 core subject areas Achievement Gap 10 Gap Size and Gap Progress Challenge Points 2 (Max.) ED/EL/SWD Performance Exceeding the Bar CCRPI is a complex system that includes many components. However, many of the parts are determined by performance on the Georgia Milestones.
Elementary CCRPI
Middle School CCRPI
High School CCRPI
High School CCRPI
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Percentiles State percentile rank of average Milestones score Better for making comparisons across years
Inman Percentiles *8th grade advanced math students are not included
Grady Percentiles
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Progress Percentage of students making medium or high growth Used in CCRPI State average is 65
Inman Progress
Grady Progress
Content Graduation Rate Performance Comparison Performance Drill-Down District State National Performance Drill-Down CCRPI Percentiles Progress Resources
Resources APS R&E website APS Data Blog: APS home page > Departments > Research and Evaluation Or: APS Data Blog: