University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius“ Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Skopje Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - Skopje Capacities in the field of Power Engineering Regional Cooperation of Faculties in the field of Electrical Engineering Prof. Vesna Borozan, PhD 14 December 2015, Ljubljana
Institutes & Labs in Power Engineering Electrical Measurements and Materials Lab for Electrical Measurements and Materials - accredited according to MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2006 by the Institute of Accreditation of RM signatory of ILAC and EA MLA Electrical Machines, Transformers and Apparatures Lab for Electrical Machines, Transformers and Apparatures Electroheat, Electrical Welding and Electrical Traction Lab for Electroheat, Electrical Welding and Electrical Traction Lab for Electric Drives Power Plants and Systems Lab for Relay Protection Power Systems High Voltage Lab Power Market Lab
Inspection Body Inspection body for electrotechnical devices, installations and equipment Accredited by Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia By this Certificate the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard MKS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2006 type A is acknowledged in its full scope The Body has 7 fields of inspection low-voltage installations and grounding high voltage equipment and protection equipment high voltage transformers and thermo vision electromagnetic compatibility electrical protection telecommunications – measurements of fiber optic cables and links and radio spectrum fiscal devices and systems
Postgraduate studies Master Studies - New postgraduate study programmes Acredited 19 study programmes at the second cycle of studies, designed in accordance with the Bologna Process Four interdisciplinary study programmes including renewables, energy efficiency, environment, sustainable development, regulation and management Duration – one year PhD Studies Accredited PhD study programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies comprising courses in the field of power Accredited PhD study programme in Metrology comprising courses in the field of power systems measurements Duration - three years
Cooperation R&D Topics of Interest Smart greed and Smartmetering Electric vihacles Power markets and Regulation Interconnected power systems Wind resources assessment and Renewables Measurements of power quality events and analysis Virtual instrumentation and data acquisition measurement techniques Metrological improved testing devices for electrical materials Cleaner production opportunities in agro industry Energy efficiency in modern electric drives Power quality
Thank you for the attention! Prof. Vesna Borozan, PhD Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje