ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 A transformed and productive ACH sector - A sector that actively develops, preserves, protects ad promotes diverse ACH To develop, protect and promote cultural and creative sector To develop, preserve, protect and promote heritage To build relationships and partnerships locally and internationally To provide access to information To improve quality of collections Maintain an optimum environment for preservation of collections Regular inspection by restorers Purchase artworks for WHAG’s permanent collection in order to redress imbalance and representivity. No losses incurred on collections Visits by restorers
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 2. An effective and efficient ACH sector - A sound governance system to ensure service delivery To create a coherent policy and legislative environment for the ACH sector To drive an integrated outcomes-based research, planning, monitoring and evaluation across the sector To implement sound financial management and control systems To strengthen and modernise archives and records management systems To improve compliance with government prescripts Coordinate and align entity with executive authority Development and submission of plans, reports and MTEF database in compliance with the PFMA
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 3. An integrated and inclusive society - An effective / impactful nation building and social cohesion programme To lead, coordinate and implement social cohesion programme Showcasing the heritage assets for enrichment and edification of domestic and international audience Showcasing historic background of development of contemporary art Film as a powerful tool contributing to enhancing national identity and social cohesion Presentation of temporary loan exhibitions Rotating exhibitions from WHAG permanent collection Outreach programmes presented to school learners in Northern Cape Film, music and literature set work screening to add value to visitor experience Access and audience development
ALIGNMENT TO DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entities strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 4. A professional and capacitated ACH Sector - A skilled and capacitated ACH Sector to ensure excellence To build human resource capacity and promote excellence To enhance capacity and deliver on mandate towards realisation of WHAG vision Contribute to skills development, job creation, poverty alleviation, moral regeneration and social cohesion Implement programmes geared towards increasing capacity within the gallery. (6 training interventions) Implementation of special community projects
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW (as at third quarter of 2016/17)
THREE YEAR PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (3rd Quarter) Achieved 85% 69% 86% 89% Not achieved 15% 31% 14% 11%
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (3rd Quarter) R’000 Income 5 875 6 233 6 634 1 615 Government Grant 5 613 5 960 6 234 1 560 Own Income 262 273 400 55 Expenditure 5 263 5 580 5 067 1 135 Surplus/Deficit 612 653 1 567 480
AUDIT OUTCOME WHAG 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Audit Outcome Unqualified with findings Qualified with findings
GOVERNANCE 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Number of Council members 8 10 Number of Council meetings 4 Number of Council committee meetings 6 Attendance rate of Council meetings n/a 80% Number of Audit Committee meetings 3 2 Number of Management meetings Number of Staff meetings
ISSUES FOR NOTING ISSUE PROGRESS STATE OF COLLECTIONS: Non-functional air conditioning system affects the Gallery’s collections. This also affects the visitor numbers as it becomes too hot inside the gallery. Engagements are ongoing with the Department of Public Works which is responsible for maintenance. AUDIT FEES: This pose a challenge to the institution due to shortage of funds DAC through the CFO Forum is in continuous engagement with the National Treasury concerning this matter. COUNCIL: The term of the current Council will expires on 30 November 2017 The Department has commenced with the process to re-constitute the new Council.