City Council Meeting November 7, 2016 Consideration of a Call for Review Conditional Use Permit #6479 880 La Loma Road Good evening Chair and members of the Planning Commission. The presentation before you tonight is a strategy and work plan on how to address the issue of neighborhood compatibility of newer single-family homes and major additions. City Council Meeting November 7, 2016
Call for Review Before the City Council is a request for a call for review of a decision made by the Hearing Officer. If the Council decides to Call for Review, a hearing will be scheduled before the Board of Zoning Appeals. As property values increase, the likelihood of original, modest-sized homes being replaced with larger structures also increase. New single-family development and large second-story additions that are built out to required setbacks with minimum spacing between houses could create a congested relationship between adjoining houses.
Hearing Officer Action October 19, 2016: Public Hearing held, no opposition October 19, 2016: Hearing Officer approved entitlement application, subject 37 conditions of approval. October 19 to October 31, 2016: Appeal Period November 1, 2016: Effective date of decision (if no appeal is filed or no call for review) October 24, 2016: Councilmember Madison called item for review Recently, there have been several homes in various parts of the City that are out of scale and character with the existing established neighborhoods. To ensure that this does not become commonplace, on September 8, 2014, City Council proactively directed staff to develop a strategy to encourage development on single-family residential parcels to be compatible with neighboring properties through revisions to the City’s Zoning Code.
Project Description The Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts event includes the renovation and remodel of an existing estate located at 880 La Loma Road. The event will also include on-site food service and retail vendors. Parking will be provided at the Rose Bowl, where shuttles will transport the public to the event site. Project is divided into three phases: Phase 1 (Renovation Period): January 23, 2017 to April 22, 2017 Phase 2 (Open to Public Period): April 23, 207 to May 21, 2017 Phase 3 (Return to SFR): May 22, 2017 to June 30, 2017
Requested Entitlement Conditional Use Permit: To allow the operation a temporary Cultural Institution for the 2017 Pasadena Showcase House of the Arts in a RS-2-HD (Single- Family Residential, 0-2 dwelling units per acre, Hillside Development Overlay District) zoning district. The Showcase House is proposed to be open to the public from April 23, 2017 through May 21, 2017. A Conditional Use Permit is required to establish a Cultural Institution land use in a residential zoning district. No permanent structures would be constructed as part of this temporary use and no protected trees are proposed to be removed. Recently, there have been several homes in various parts of the City that are out of scale and character with the existing established neighborhoods. To ensure that this does not become commonplace, on September 8, 2014, City Council proactively directed staff to develop a strategy to encourage development on single-family residential parcels to be compatible with neighboring properties through revisions to the City’s Zoning Code.
Subject Site
Site Plan
Transit Route Shuttle Route to Rose Bowl (Bridge Open) Shuttle Route to PSHA Shuttle Route to Rose Bowl (Bridge Open)
City Council Meeting November 7, 2016 Consideration of a Call for Review Conditional Use Permit #6479 880 La Loma Road Good evening Chair and members of the Planning Commission. The presentation before you tonight is a strategy and work plan on how to address the issue of neighborhood compatibility of newer single-family homes and major additions. City Council Meeting November 7, 2016
Previous Showcase House Locations 2017- Pasadena (880 La Loma Road) 2009 – San Marino 2008 – La Canada Flintridge 2016 – La Canada Flintridge 2007 – La Canada Flintridge 2015 – Pasadena (1333 Wentworth Avenue) 2006 – San Marino 2005 – San Marino 2014 – Pasadena (1200 S. Arroyo Boulevard) 2004 – La Canada Flintridge 2013 - Arcadia 2003 – Pasadena (70 S. San Rafael) 2012 – La Canada Flintridge 2002 – Altadena 2011 – La Canada Flintridge 2001 – Pasadena (295 N. San Rafael) 2010 – Pasadena (430 Madeline Drive)
City Financial Benefits Sales Tax Business License Fee Permit Fee Tourism (hotel, shopping, restaurants, parking)
Financial Impacts/Cost City has no financial burden. PSHA pays for all cost associated with the CUP, implementation of conditions, and operation of event.
Compliance PSHA adheres to the conditions of approval set by the CUP and any/all applicable municipal code requirements. The PSHA has a Neighborhood Chair that is available for any concerns/issues from the community.
Traffic Management PSHA uses licensed security officers to assist with on-site traffic control. In addition, staff from the shuttle provider (Transit Systems) also assist with traffic control at the event location.
Finances Monies earned by Showcase House 2013 - $710k 2014 - $695k Profits earned by the Event are used to fund the following three key programs that advance PSHA’s mission to support music, arts and culture in the community. Over the past five years, PSHA has awarded $345,150 to Pasadena public schools and Pasadena-based charities. Public schools in Pasadena received $224,100, and Pasadena based charities received $123,050 in grants. Many grant recipients receive multi-year grants.
Gift and Grant Recipients Blair IB Magnet High School – musical instruments and performance Longfellow Elementary School – music programs Pasadena Master Choral Pasadena Opera Guild Marshall Music Boosters - music instruments and production of Beauty and the Beast Cleveland Elementary School – music programs Pasadena Presbyterian Church Pasadena Senior Center - concerts Daniel Webster Elementary School – music programs McKinley Elementary School Pasadena Symphony – music education Pasadena Arts Council – Young Artist Scholarship Don Benito Fundamental – Choral Concerts Professional Child Development Associates – need based scholarships Pasadena City College Foundation – costumes for the Opera Production Friends of Music The Frostig Center – Production of Lion King San Rafael Elementary School – musical instruments Pasadena Community Orchestra – Young Artist Concert Hathaway- Sycamores Villa Esperanza – music therapy Pasadena Conservatory of Music – scholarships and Young Musicians at Jefferson Elementary Hillsides – music education program Washington STEAM Magnet Academy - Spring Musical Jackson STEM Academy – music programs Pasadena High School – musical instruments John Muir High School
Programs Music Mobile (45 years) Since 1971, PSHA’s Music Mobile Program, as implemented by the Pasadena Conservatory of Music, has presented interactive demonstrations of symphonic music to third grade students. On average, approximately 800-1,200 students from Pasadena public schools participate in the program annually. For many children, this is their first introduction to the instruments in a symphony. Over the past year, 1,020 students from Pasadena public schools enjoyed these presentations. (Annual Cost $39,000) Youth Concert (63 Years) PSHA’s Youth Concert, a unique musical experience that is arranged to appeal to 10 year-old children, has been presented by world class symphonies since 1953. For the past 12 years, the Youth Concert has been held at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and has been performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. Over the past five years approximately 8,500 Pasadena fourth grade students have attended the Youth Concert. This past February, 1,808 Pasadena and PUSD fourth grade students attended the Youth Concert. (Annual Cost $55,000) Instrumental Competition (31 years) Competitive Awards given to 18-22 year old musicians to further their education. (Annual Cost $30,000)
Business License All shop vendors, designers, and restaurants must obtain business licenses
Sales Tax Sales Tax (sales revenue is approximately $2 million).
Charitable Organizations Pasadena charitable organizations over the past five years have included: Docent Council of the Gamble House Five Acres Foothill Philharmonic Committee Affiliates at Large Friends of Showcase American Association of University Women – Pasadena The Frostig Center College Women’s Club of Pasadena Friends of Pasadena Playhouse Delta Kappa Gamma Society International – Omicron Chapter, Pasadena Pasadena Jewish Temple Sisterhood Shakespeare League of Pasadena Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Pasadena Alumnae Chapter The Green House Children’s Fund