TERRA Environmental Research Institute Miami, Florida


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Presentation transcript:

TERRA Environmental Research Institute Miami, Florida Mrs. Molina Mathematics Teacher TERRA Environmental Research Institute Miami, Florida

Welcome to Mrs. Molina’s Classroom Procedures & Guidelines

Am I in the right room? 1st Period Advanced Topics in Math 2nd Period Math for College Readiness 3rd Period Advanced Topics in Math 4th Period Advanced Topics in Math 5th Period Math for College Readiness 6th Period Advanced Topics in Math

Where am I supposed to sit?

Who is Mrs. Molina

Will this teacher treat me fairly? YES, ALWAYS!

THE END IN MIND Let’s begin with the End In Mind. Graduation!!! Passing this class!! Getting a high GPA! What is the path for Success???

I Will be Your Coach I will help you train You will do your routines You will exercise your brain I will take account on your gains You will be ready for the challenge You will succeded not only here but every time that you need the skills that you will learn in this class. Whenever you put them to use you will remember that you learned them with math.

What will I be doing this year in Advanced Topics in Mathematics? Review of Fundamentals Concepts in Algebra I Equations and Inequalities Functions and Graphs Polynomials and Rational Functions

What will I be doing this year in Advanced Topics in Mathematics? Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Systems of Equations and Inequalities Matrices and Determinants Trigonometric Functions, etc.

What will I be doing this year in Math for College Readiness? Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities, Functions, Equations, and Graphs Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Matrices, Quadratic Functions Polynomial Expressions,

What will I be doing this year in Math for College Readiness? Rational Functions and Rational Exponents, Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions Rational Functions, Series, Binomial Theorem

How will I be graded? We are on block schedule, therefore, some assignments will be collected before you leave and others will be collected the following class day. If an assignment is to be collected on the following class day, students are expected to begin working on it during class – any unfinished part is considered homework. You will also have homework every night.

How will I be graded? Assignments are turned in at the beginning of the class. Points will be given as follows: 10 points (100% completed – most answers are correct), 8 points (75%-99% completed – most answers are correct), 5 points (50%-74% completed – most answers are correct), 0 points (0%-49% completed). Students will keep an Assignment Log. Every 5 assignments, the Homework Package (Assignment Log and 5 assignments) will be graded. There is significant help online for completing assignments. “Google” any topic, to find numerous web sites to assist you (including your textbook).

What are the guidelines in this classroom? Mrs. Molina’s Classroom Guidelines BE COURTEOUS BE PREPARED BE ON TIME FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AND POLICIES Always be prepared to begin class with all the necessary materials when the bell rings Contribute respectfully to the work happening in the room. Encourage others. Pay attention in class. Take notes as needed and concentrate during lectures and explanations. Do not talk or cause any disruption that distracts others from learning.

What are the guidelines in this classroom? Laptops/Tablets/Cell phones use will be limited and to my description. Only when has been pre-approved and it is needed for assignments or for taking notes. Use class time wisely. Stay on task, whether in group work or individual work. Be responsible for your own learning. You will have homework each night. Always ask questions and get help on material you do not understand.

What are the guidelines in this classroom? Please make sure you always stay with the schedule. It is really difficult to catch up once you are behind. Put forth solid effort and be proud of your work as it is an extension of yourself.

Mrs. Molina’s Classroom Contract Guidelines Procedures

Classroom Guidelines

Guideline #1 As soon as you walk into the class: Pick up your book Take out your materials Seat in your assigned seat Work on the assigned bell work.

Bell work In Promethean Board or White Board: Exercises

Guideline #2 Bring ALL your materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Keep Classroom Clean. Throw your garbage before you exit the room.

Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.

Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.

Guideline #5 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the TERRA Environmental Research Institute and Miami Dade County Public Schools Handbooks.

Special Guideline This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please…respect the “No Whining Zone” this school year.

Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class

Following Guidelines will result in: Verbal Acknowledgement A Stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere

Not Following Guidelines will result in: 1st Warning, possible grade cut, parent contact 2nd Warning, grade cut, parent contact. 3rd Teacher Parent Conference and conduct grade cut. 4th Write Referral to counselor and Administration/Teacher/Parent conference. 5th Dismissal from TERRA Environmental Research Institute.

Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

Classroom Procedures

When you are tardy Enter quietly Excused: Place excuse in the basket on my desk. Have a seat and take out your materials

Getting your attention I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking

Paper Heading Your Name My Name Class Name, Class Period Date Roxana Alaniz Mrs. Molina Advanced Topics, 2nd Per. August 20, 2013 Place on all assignments

After an excused absence See the Back Board For CW and HW missed You Have a Class Period to turn in. No make-up work for unexcused absences

Student Responsibility Card This is for students who do not have the assigned homework Fill it out Sign and date it Turn it in with the homework papers

Personal Responsibility Report Check all that apply to you. ____ I did not have materials in class today. Circle: pencil, paper, notebook, other ____ I did not have the assigned homework. ____ I did the homework – but did not have it in class. ____ I did not return assigned material (ex. Progress report). Excuses: Check all that apply to you. ____ I did not have appropriate materials at home. ____ I forgot. ____ I was too sick to do my homework. ____ I was absent and did not get the assignment. ____ Other – explain in detail. _____________________________________________ Signature Date

Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?”

What Do I Do Next? Activities - Math Start working on tonight's homework Pick up a Popular Science or Society of Women Engineering Magazine and read the interesting articles.

Scheduled check out Please let me know as you enter the classroom. I will be at the door Quietly raise your hand to get my attention Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.

Turning in papers Place your paper on the desk Left side If/When you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your right. I will come by and collect all stacks

Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate. I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.

Moving around the room You must ask permission Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency

Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the dismissal. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a nice day”

“Special” Procedures Special guests Progress Reports Working Cooperatively Fire Drill (see route next to the door) Red, Yellow Codes, and Lockdown Drills Intercom Announcements (HR be quiet) Assemblies Substitute Teacher (be Respectful)

Just Remember… I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! I am here to help you succeed in life. Have an awesome year! Mrs. Molina