Contracting for Decision Makers Professor ___________ WELCOME! CON 360 Contracting for Decision Makers Your Teaching Team: Professor ___________
Learning to Think Critically to Make More Effective Business Decisions Technically Competent! Business Savvy! Change Ready! Learning to Think Critically to Make More Effective Business Decisions to Support Your Agency's Mission.
Welcome to CON 360 Administration Fill out the Name Tent in BIG DARK letters with what you want to be called. First names encouraged!
Assists in locating you in case of emergency Locator Cards Review hard copy Sign and Date or Fill out and sign/date blank form Assists in locating you in case of emergency
DAU Policies Non-Attribution Academic Integrity Dress Code All outside assistance and citations must be acknowledged Copying, sharing or exchanging of quiz information before, during or after CON360 is an integrity issue! Dress Code Business Casual including last day
Blackberries and Texting Blackberries/Cell Phones—Silenced Please be courteous and resist the urge to check your phone during lectures If you need to take care of business—do so during breaks or step out of the classroom
DAU Attendance Policies All absences must be coordinated with instructor in advance No more than 5% of instructional time can be missed – for CON 360 that is 4 hours 5% includes cumulative absences (take note those of you who are habitually late!) Prior to approval, the instructor will coordinate any absence over 4 hrs with the DAU Academic Dean Failure to abide by DAU’s attendance policy may be grounds for disenrollment or failure DAU Academic Policies are detailed in DAU Directive 704 which is available on the DAU website
Student Academic Policies & Information DAU encourages students who have an issue or concern with the learning environment to discuss it with their instructor. Students who feel their issue is not resolved satisfactorily may go to the department chair/site manager or Associate Dean for Academics. Students should visit the Student Policies and Information page at for information on matters such as: standards of conduct accommodations for students with special needs prerequisite coursework student evaluations violations of academic policy problem resolution procedures requesting a transcript …and more
Administration Class starts at 0800 daily Last day ends at 1200 Restrooms Sodas & Snacks Coffee Mess Student Parking
Administration continued Classroom Computers will NOT be used during lectures, briefings or when guest speakers are present Classroom Computers Sign-On:_________________ Password:_______________
Terminal Learning Objectives The student, while serving in the role of the contracting leader will: Apply critical thinking skills to a contracting related problem in a graded paper and verbal presentation with supporting media. Apply problem solving methods to a contracting related problem in a graded paper and verbal presentation with supporting media Apply risk mitigation techniques to a contracting related problem in a verbal presentation and class discussion
Terminal Learning Objectives The student, while serving in the role of the contracting leader will: Apply leadership skills to complex contracting issues in a verbal presentation and class discussion Apply an industry and senior Government contracting leader perspective to an assigned contracting policy issue in a graded written paper and a verbal presentation with supporting media Contribute in a collaborative environment by providing timely written and verbal feedback to team members and the class
Terminal Learning Objectives The student, while serving in the role of the contracting leader will: Make a decision related to a contracting dilemma that complies with the rules of ethics in contracting Successfully identify various methods of motivating and alleviating employee stress for individuals who are dealing with constant change in the contracting working environment Manage information and knowledge for currency in acquisition and contracting in order to prepare and deliver presentations on current issues in contracting as measured by rubric handout
Agenda See Handout
Course Philosophy You are all competent, well trained professionals We learn from each other – senior professionals Expectations Competencies – soft and hard skills
Academic Studies of Procurement Skills The Definition of “Skills” Varies Widely with no Clear Set of Common “Best Practices”
On-Line Assessments 15% of Your Grade Reading Assignment –Effective Team Membership and Leadership Written Assignment 5% Reading Assignment – Problem Solving Written Assignment 10%
Resident Assessments 85% of Your Grade 15% Quiz #1 (Individual) – 15 Questions 20% Local Challenge (Individual) – See Rubric 10% Hot Topics (Group) – See Rubric 15% Quiz #2 (Individual) – 15 Questions 20% Senior Leadership Challenge (Group) – See Rubric 5% Class and Team Participation (Individual) – See Rubric You must earn at least 80% out of 100% to successfully complete CON 360
In class review conducted Tuesday morning. Quiz #1 “Leadership That Gets Results” by Daniel Goleman (Appendix A) “What You Don’t Know About Making Decisions” by David Garvin and Michael Roberto (Handout) “Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making” by Carter McNamara (Appendix A) “In Search of Effective Teams” (Appendix A) Critical Thinking Lesson (Tab 3) Quiz is worth 15 points In class review conducted Tuesday morning.
Quiz #2 Problem Solving Lesson – 2 Questions Risk Management Lesson – 2 Questions “Managing Change and Transition” Film – 2 Questions Leadership – 2 Questions Conflict Management Lesson – 2 Questions “Pitfalls to Avoid in Dealing with Difficult People” Film – 2 Questions Ethics Lesson – 2 Questions Tradeoffs/Source Selection – 1 Question Quiz is worth 15 points
Local Challenge Project Resident Week 1 Refine Problem Statement using critical thinking (Steps 1 & 2 of Rationale Problem Solving Model) Team support given on local challenge project Develop and analyze alternatives, make recommendations (Steps 3 & 4 of Rational Problem Solving Model) Develop a 2- 3 page point paper using the business decision template format Present a 10 minute/student brief of your local challenge, with 5 minute questions and answers from the coaches and class Put information on board Current State, Impact, End State
Team Senior Leader Challenge Project Resident Week 2 Develop problem statement (Step 1 & 2 of Rational Problem Solving Model) Develop and Analyze Alternatives, Make Recommendations (Steps 3 & 4 of Rational Problem Solving Model) Discuss implementation of the recommended alternative (Step 5 of the Rational Problem Solving Model) Develop a 3-5 Page Point Paper (using the Business Decision Pt Paper Format) Present a 15 minute team brief to senior leadership
Business Decision Point Paper Outline Problem Statement Concise, relevant three sentences explicitly stating the problem/impact/end-state. Discussion (The following are examples, not a rigid list) Background (Awareness of the scope, implications and issues associated with the problem) Key Actors (Stakeholders) Assumptions & Constraints Cause and Effect; Impact of Problem on Mission Evidence, Facts, Supporting Data, etc. Alternatives List and Explain Alternatives Criteria for Selecting Alternative Recommendation Criteria for selecting which Alternative Major drivers or risk factors affecting alternative selected (Cost, Schedule, Performance, Resources, Standards, Best Practices, Regulations, Statutes, Technical, Quality, ROI, etc.) Rate and Explain Each Alternative Based on Criteria Recommendation State recommendation(s) & how you chose based on your ratings, roll-up, ranking & grouping. Implementation Identify the next step – implementation. What actions are needed to move out on the recommendation.
Your Feedback is Important! White Index Card for specific daily feedback Talk to us if you have any issues End-of-Course questionnaire on-line—Not until Thursday afternoon of Week 2
Tell Us About Yourself What is your name? Where do you work? What is your primary role at work? What are 1- 3 things that are special, unique or interesting about yourself (family, hobbies, likes, dislikes, travels, talents, military experience, etc.).