Professional Development PLC for Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies Presented by: Jodi Padden & Tiffanie Torrisi Description: This is a chance to collaborate with other area educators using a Professional Learning Community (PLC) framework to investigate some of the most effective evidence-based instructional strategies prevalent in the work of John Hattie. Participants will have the opportunity to explore, analyze, and implement instructional strategies related to 21st century skills and used to help effectively implement the Common Core State Standards. Participants will also have the opportunity to guide their own learning throughout the course, as this course will be designed and delivered based on participants’ interests and needs. This course is most appropriate for educators who work within a general education, resource or instructional self-contained setting. Visit Professional Development to register. “The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet“ - Aristotle Workshop Details Registration Please register online at and click on Professional development. Registration runs from September 2, through October 21, 2014. This 4 part half day class is offered free to all full time SASED and Member District certified staff. This class is also offered to districts outside the membership however, a registration fee of $50 is required. Checks should be made payable to SASED and sent to the attention to SASED 6S331 Cornwall Road Naperville, Illinois 60540. CPDU, CEU and Certificates of Attendance will be available upon the completion of an evaluation which will be distributed at the end of Session 4. Attendance of the class in its entirety is required in order to receive the certificate of your choice. Should you have questions about the class, please contact Christine Martin, or Susan Newhard, . When Where Who Dates/ Times: October 28th = 12:00-3:00 PM December 8th = 8:30-11:30 AM January 30th = 8:30-11:30 AM April 20th = 12:00-3:00 PM SASED Highland Hills 1590 S. Fairfield Avenue Lombard, Il 60148 Most Appropriate for: Gen. Ed./ Sp. Ed. Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Reading Specialist, Psychologists, and Administrators (teams are encouraged)