Interface extensions YANG & VLAN sub-interface YANG Status update draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang-03 & draft-wilton-netmod-intf-vlan-yang-04 Rob Wilton (Cisco) IETF 97, NETMOD WG
Recap of the two drafts: draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang: Defines common interface configuration for configuring network devices: E.g. MTU, Link flap mitigation, loopback, L2 encapsulation, Sub-interfaces draft-wilton-netmod-intf-vlan-yang: Defines a flexible encapsulation for classifying Ethernet/VLAN tagged traffic to sub-interfaces Features/forwarding can be applied to the sub-interfaces just like any other if:interface. Without this draft (or equivalent), many IETF forwarding YANG models (IPv4, IPv6, L3VPN, PWs, VPLS, EVPN) cannot interoperate with VLAN tagged traffic
draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang status: Only minor updates made to fix compile warnings from -01 revision Relatively little review feedback received so far, more would be appreciated.
draft-wilton-netmod-intf-vlan-yang status: Draft was previously blocked from adoption due to concerns from the IEEE 802.1 WG All concerns raised by IEEE 802.1 WG have now been addressed: They support this draft proceeding as Informational They have also adopted the 802.1Q related types (previously defined in this draft) Hence there is a dependency on the 802.1Qcp (802.1 bridging YANG project). IEEE 802.1 WG is leaving the door open to more formally define an 802.1 host stack model in future …
VLAN draft - Open Issue 1 Issue: Is defining ethSubInterface necessary, why not use l2vlan? Resolution: Propose no change The derived ethSubInteface identity is required to allow the parent-interface leaf to be mandatory It also has the benefit of being a more accurate name (sub-interfaces don’t always have to be VLAN based)
VLAN draft - Open Issue 2 Issue: Is it possible to align VLAN tag rewrite leaves with 802.1Q VLAN translation? Resolution: Propose no change Rewrite capabilities are different due to requirements and forwarding paradigms 802.1Q bridge YANG won’t want to define rewrite semantics that are not specified in 802.1Q 802.1Q bridge YANG won’t want to import from IETF VLAN draft
VLAN draft - Open Issue 3 Issue: IEEE 802.1Q interface YANG should augment “encapsulation” Resolution: Defer to 802.1 WG This would only impact the 802.1Q bridge YANG model I’ll follow up with 802.1 WG
Next steps draft-ietf-netmod-intf-ext-yang: Request and incorporate further feedback, write up interface type draft. draft-wilton-netmod-intf-vlan-yang: Currently in WG call for adoption. Please can you review and support adoption as a NETMOD WG item. Any questions?