Styles: The D Style - Dominance


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Presentation transcript:

Styles: The D Style - Dominance Most Assertive Likes shaking up the environment and overcoming opposition to get results. Likes to be in charge and make things happen. Leads and controls. Decisive Tough Strong-willed Demanding Competitive Independent Self-Confident Descriptive terms Project leader, idea creator, pioneer, changer, thinks future, adventurous, initiator, re-organiser * Some of the descriptions elicit different responses from different styles e.g. ‘tough’ and ‘demanding’ can be viewed as negative by some, but D-styles are usually quite comfortable with these descriptors. 1

Styles: The I Style - Influence Most Social Likes connecting and interacting with others. Often the center of attention. Sees the positive side of life and people. Socialable Talkative Open Enthusiastic Energetic Persuasive Inspiring Descriptive terms Stimulator, performer, optimist, idea generator, participator, outgoing, happy * 2

Styles: The S Style - Steadiness Most Calm Likes a steady and safe environment so tends to not like change or surprises. Fairness and justice are important. Often agreeable on the surface. Can tend to focus on the negatives. Calm Steady Careful Patient Good Listener Modest Trustworthy Descriptive terms A doer, family-oriented, happy to follow, helpful, good instructor, deliberate, stable, systematic, thoughtful * 3

Styles: The C Style - Compliance Most Cautious Likes things to be correct, in order and be detailed. Avoids mistakes, strives for perfection and is eager to learn. Tends to be aloof. Precise Follows Rules Logical Careful Formal Disciplined Reserved Descriptive terms Analytical, quality controller, criticiser, specialist, detailed, perfectionist * 4