Troy community opinions analytical report
Methodology 3 Focus Groups College Students Individuals ages 19-64 who attend Troy University. Senior Citizens Individuals ages 65 and older. Adult Residents Individuals ages 19-64 who do not attend Troy University. All three focus groups were conducted at the Troy Public Library on September 16th, 2016 and were recorded for accuracy. Each participant was issued $20.00 incentive for agreeing to participate in the focus group. The recordings were then transcribed and the data that was collected was then analyzed and the findings presented within the report and the following presentation.
Demographics College Students Three of the participants of the focus group were female and one was male. All participants of the focus group were between the ages of 19-25. All participants of the focus group were Caucasian. Senior Citizens All six of the focus group participants were female. All six of the participants were ages 65 or older. Five of the participants were Caucasian and one participant was African-American. Adult Residents Three of the focus group participants were female and two participants were male. All five of the participants were between the ages of 25-64. Two of the participants were Caucasian and three participants were African-American.
Demographics 20.0% 26.7% 80.0% 73.3% 40.0% 26.7% .0% 33.3% Gender of participants Race/Ethnicity of participants Male 20.0% Black / African American 26.7% Female 80.0% White / Caucasian 73.3% Age of participants 65 + years old 40.0% .0% 19 to 25 years old 26.7% 25 to 64 years old 33.3%
List of the questions asked during the focus group sessions: Focus group Questions List of the questions asked during the focus group sessions: Question 1 It has been said that Troy is not a college town, but rather a town with a college in it. Do you think Troy should be turned into a college town. Question 1.1 If Troy were to become a college town, what kind of establishments would you like to see in Troy? Question 1.2 If Troy were to become a college town, what kind of festivals or events would you like to see in Troy? Question 1.3 If Troy were to become a college town, what do other college towns do that you would like to see Troy do?
Focus group Questions Question 2 What do you think about living in Troy? Question 2.1 What do you think of the sidewalks? Question 2.2 What do you think of the hospital? Question 2.3 What do you think of the quality of the drinking water? Question 2.4 What do you think of the Troy police department and the Troy police officers? Question 2.5 What do you think of traffic in Troy? Question 2.6 Do you have a problem with vermin, bugs or cats, and if so, what can be done to fix the issue?
Focus Group Questions Question 3 What do you think could be done to improve the overall quality of life in Troy? In other words, what specific services could the city of Troy provide to you to improve your overall quality of life? Question 4 Do you know who the Mayor of Troy is? Question 4.1 What do you think of the job that the Mayor is doing? Question 4.2 What could the Mayor do that would make life in Troy better for you?
Main results gathered from focus group data: Takeaway points Main results gathered from focus group data: College students and adult residents were in favor of Troy transforming into a college town while the senior citizens were against the idea. All focus groups were in favor of more restaurants being built in Troy. College students suggested more coffee shops and 24 hour dining establishments. College students were in favor of more shopping with both the college and adult residents voicing support for more diversity within the shopping. College students also suggested more partnerships between the university and shopping and eating establishments. All participants in all three focus groups reported positive opinions living in Troy. Participants held the Troy police department and police officers in high regard and reported nothing but praise and respect. All participants reported a high quality of life but suggested that some improvements could be made in the shopping, public transportation, job opportunities, and more recreational activities.
Takeaway points Most participants suggested slight improvements to the city sidewalks, hospital, and city tap water. Feral cats were seen as an issue by all participants that needed to be addressed. Focus group participants noted that traffic could be seen as a problem depending on the time of day and location but that it generally wasn't’t an issue. All participants, excluding two, knew who the Mayor of Troy was and held positive opinions of the Mayor. The participants enjoyed being offered the opportunity to provide feedback and express their opinions and views of Troy to the Mayor.