Irrigation Method Impacts on Peanut Pod Yield. S. Leininger 1, L. J Irrigation Method Impacts on Peanut Pod Yield. S. Leininger 1, L.J. Krutz1, J. Sarver2, A. Henn2 and J. Gore1 (1) Mississippi State University – Delta Research and Extension Center (2) Mississippi State University – Dept. Plant and Soil Sciences
RISER Introduction
Irrigation Application Timing RISER -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
Plant Available Water RISER 50% MAD
Irrigation Application Timing RISER Moisture by Depth Active Rooting Zone Infiltration Depth -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Introduction 6-in 12-in 18-in Place sensors on edge of bed Weighted Average (0.33*cbar + 0.33*cbar + 0.33*cbar) Place sensors on edge of bed Opposite of traffic middle Next to representative plants of overall stand
RISER Materials and Methods Objectives –Evaluate irrigation scheduling methods that optimize peanut yield, quality, water use efficiency and profitability in furrow irrigated environments. -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Materials and Methods Studies conducted in Stoneville, MS Field Preparation - Formed 40-in beds Bosket sandy loam (sealing soil texture) -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Materials and Methods -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Materials and Methods Cultivar: Georgia-06G Planting dates: 05-05-15 and 05-06-16 Plant Spacing: 7 seed/ft-1 Planting depth: 2-in Irrigated Every Furrow -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Materials and Methods 5 treatments (-100cbar, -75cbar, -50cbar, FAO-56 and NI) 26.66-ft wide x 30-ft long plot -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
RISER Materials and Methods Parameters measured -Southern Blight Infection -Grade (Quality) -Oleic Acid (Quality) -Yield -Water Use Efficiency -Net Return (Profitability) -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
Total Inches of Rainfall for Stoneville, MS by Month in 2015 Introduction RISER Total Inches of Rainfall for Stoneville, MS by Month in 2015 April 6.33 May 6.96 June 2.57 July 3.17 August 0.73 September 0.79 -20.55 total inches of rainfall received from beginning of April until the end of September
Total Inches of Rainfall for Stoneville, MS by Month in 2016 Introduction RISER Total Inches of Rainfall for Stoneville, MS by Month in 2016 April 4.31 May 3.26 June 5.06 July 6.53 August 5.48 September 0.07 -24.71 total inches received from beginning of April until the end of September
Southern Blight Results RISER NS Fear that over-irrigating would “flare” southern blight disease pressure
Quality Results RISER Fear that over-irrigating would negatively effect quality Total Sound Mature Kernels (TSMK)
Quality Results RISER Fear that over-irrigating would negatively effect quality
RISER Yield Results 2015 A AB BC C -100cbar=8228 lbs/ac -75cbar=8014 lbs/ac -50cbar=8555 lbs/ac FAO-56=7591 lbs/ac NI=7279 lbs/ac
Water Use Efficiency Results 2015 RISER A AB B WUE=amount of yield gained for amount of irrigation water applied above NI yield
Net Return Results 2015 RISER A $971.40 B $884.24 AB $928.44 $862.63
Yield Results 2016 RISER B A -100cbar=8228 lbs/ac -75cbar=8014 lbs/ac -50cbar=8555 lbs/ac FAO-56=7591 lbs/ac NI=7279 lbs/ac
Water Use Efficiency Results 2016 RISER NS
Net Return Results 2016 RISER B $585.81 A $697.97 $569.00
RISER Conclusion Furrow irrigation did not increase disease pressure Sensor based scheduling did not adversely affect peanut quality or yield Sensor based scheduling superior to atmospheric modeling
Conclusion RISER Goal is to balance yield, water use efficiency and profitability Schedule irrigations with soil moisture sensor 50cb threshold should be utilized season long
RISER RISER Thank You Graduate Committee Members MS Peanut Promotion Board DREC Community DREC Irrigation Team Starkville Peanut Agronomics Team Eurofins Analytical Laboratories RISER
RISER Questions?