System Gwybodaeth Gofal Cymunedol Cymru Welsh Community Care Information System
Why Do We Need WCCIS Policy Drivers More care now being provided in the community Social Services and Well-being Act 2014 A need to work more closely between Health & Social Care Absence of Integrated Information systems Lack of investment in community health systems Existing Social care systems coming to their end of contract Community Informatics Programme Board A joint decision was made between health and social care services across Wales to jointly go out and invite suppliers to provide WCCIS in December 2012 WCCIS is a Once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed, to bring many benefits to patients/clients and those staff providing and supporting care.
Previous Social Care Systems in Wales Isle of Anglesey DRAIG Gwynedd Conwy PARIS Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire OLM Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath Port Talbot LOCAL Bridgend The Vale of Glamorgan SWIFT Cardiff Rhondda Cynon Taf Merthyr Tydfil Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouthshire Newport
Current Community Health Systems in Wales ABMu PIMS+ Paris Aneurin Bevan E-Pex (Mental Health) Clinical Work Station / WCP Myrddin PAS CRT Portal (Frailty) Adastra Betsi Cadwaladr Myrddin Therapy Manager Paragon Cardiff and Vale Cwm Taf FACE SWIFT CIS Comcare Hywel Dda Powys
What Does WCCIS Aim To Provide Person Centred care Integrated across health and social care Improves planning & decision making Improves co-ordination of care Improves patient/client experience and safety Releases time to provide more care Linked to other IT systems Supports mobile working
What services are included? Social Care Children & Families Services Fostering Adoption Looked after children Special educational needs Social Care Financial Services Direct payments Financial assessments Service placements Social Care Adults’ Services: Mental health Learning Disabilities Disabled & Frail Older people Safeguarding Child and Adult Protection Carers Substance misuse Blue badges Home adaptations
What services are included? Community Health: District Nursing Complex Care teams Specialist Nurses Health Visiting School Nursing Community Childrens teams Therapies: Community / Out-patient In-patient Mental Health Community, Out-patient and In-patient Adult & Older Adult MH CAMHS Learning Disabilities Forensics Substance Misuse Integrated Teams across Health & Social Care
What Does WCCIS Do? Receive and Send Referrals Undertake Assessments to identify needs of patients/clients Develop and review Care Plans to meet individuals needs Helps professionals caring for patients/ clients manage those who they need to see WCCIS displaying important information to help keep patients/clients safe Book appointments for patients/clients
What Does WCCIS Do? Record information about the services the patient client receives Only allowing information access to professionals where consent is captured or implied Producing reports to tell how services are doing and where improvements can be made Keeping information about patients/clients safe Allows information about patients/clients to be accessed on mobile devices to record assessments and record care
Anyone, any place, any time, any where Any device, Working on and offline