The Southeast Region By: Jayne! And Jessica!
Mississippi Mississippi has a big long river called the Mississippi River. Mississippi has nice houses, big and small.
Florida A lot of people like to take vacations in Florida. It has nice hotels, homes and other places to stay. Sometimes people lie on the beach and rest.
Louisiana The Louisiana state is shaped kind of like a boot. Louisiana has nice jazz music, and other bands.
Tennessee Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains National park is fun to look at. Tennessee has a tinge of blue in its grass, that is why they have Blue Grass music.
Kentucky Kentucky state plant is the golden rod. There state bird is the cardinal. If you like that kind of bird and flower go to Kentucky.
North Carolina North Carolina’s state bird is the Cardinal. The state flower is pink Dogwood. If you like that bird and flower go to North Carolina!
Virginia Virginia’s state bird is the dark red Cardinal. The state flower is the white Dogwood. If you like dark red or white go to Virginia.