ST Microelectronics ST7540 vs ST Microelectronics ST7540 vs. Cypress PSoC 5LP Power Line Communication(PLC) Applications Reliable, Ready-to-Certify PLC Solution
ST7540 Overview ST7540 is a half duplex synchronous/asynchronous FSK modem for PLC applications featuring Integrated power line driver with programmable voltage and current control Single supply voltage (from 7.5V up to 13.5V) 8 programmable transmission frequencies Programmable baud rate up to 2.4 kbps CENELEC EN50065 (band C) and FCC (part 15) compliance ST7540 finds application in Home and Building Automation like Smart Plug In-Home Display (IHD) E-Vehicle Smart Meter Solar Panel ST Micro’s ST7540 ST7540 is a reliable, non-conventional communication device that offers a high performance/cost ratio
Challenges Using ST7540 1. PLC systems require multiple ICs ICs are needed for FSK Transceiver, Network Protocol, Application Firmware and other system functions such as power measurement and DC-AC conversion Higher # of ICs increases the # of points of failure (PoF) which reduces the system reliability ST7540 provides the FSK transceiver only and needs additional integration like MCU and power measurement IC to provide desired functionality 2. PLC devices are difficult to certify Certification standards vary across countries and are not well defined The standards require your customers to build complicated Network Protocol firmware ST7540 provides only partial compliance within the standards, CENELEC EN50065 (band C) and FCC (part 15) PSoC One-Chip PLC Solution FSK Transceiver MCU for Network Protocol and Application Firmware Additional Power Measurement IC PSoC 5LP solves these problems Integrates all PLC and other system functions on a single chip reducing # of PoFs Makes customer certification easy as it is pre-tested to FCC, CENELEC and UL standards PSoC 5LP delivers a one-chip, reliable, ready-to-certify PLC solution PSoC 5 one-chip PLC solution
(8- to 20-bit ADC, 8-bit DAC, comparators, filters, opamps) ST7540 vs. Cypress PSoC 5LP Feature ST7540 PSoC 5LP CY8C58LP Ready-to-certify Design No Yes Network Protocol None Included Transceiver FSK Data rates 2.4 kbps Error Detection 8-bit CRC Integrated microcontroller 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 (100 DMIPS) Integrate other system components (8- to 20-bit ADC, 8-bit DAC, comparators, filters, opamps) The indicated parameters are in the perceived order of importance
Customer Objections to Adopting Cypress PSoC 5LP over ST7540 “ST7540 is a cheaper solution” PSoC 5LP integrates PLC and other system functions on a single chip and is pre-certified, thereby reducing time to market (TTM) PSoC 5LP has superior power saving modes and restores device configuration to active mode on wake up “Previous design was using ST7540” / “More familiar with ST7540” PSoC 5LP offers an integrated microcontroller, better features and performance than the ST7540 Easy-to-use ‘Drag and Drop’ implementation on PSoC Creator and supporting training modules allows for easy migration and lowers cost on subsequent designs
Sales Cautions for Cypress PSoC 5LP PSoC 5LP has 4 device families CY8C52LP – Digital Only CY8C54LP – Analog Lite CY8C56LP – Performance Analog CY8C58LP – Precision Analog Only CY8C56LP and CY8C58LP families provide PLC functionality because of presence of dedicated Digital Filter Blocks (DFBs)
Integrated PLC Components PSoC 5LP PLC Design Win Example – Emergency Airfield Lighting System PSoC Value Block Diagram PSoC 5LP One-Chip Solution Design Challenges Communicate over an AC power line at 480V AC Support 2000 units on the power line PSoC® Solution Provides PLC system that works on 480V AC line Supports more than 64,000 units on a power line Integrated PLC Components Tx RC Filter Passives FSK Modulator Tx, Rx LEDs UART 3 2 GPIO 32 LP Notch Filter Passives ARM® CortexTM-M3 (32-bit) MCU Network Protocol Line Driver 32 Power line Power line Coupling Circuit Suggested Collateral FSK Demodulator App Notes: PSoC 5LP PLC Solution PLC Repeater Implementation Training: Introduction to PSoC 5LP LP Notch Filter Passives Rx Competition ST7540 + MCU + Power Measurement IC Emergency Airfield Lighting System by Ross Design Uses the PLC subsystem to remotely manage landing lights