Together with our strategic partners, Secura held a survey for discovering the current challenges, trends and information needs that companies face today. The survey results form the base of our conference and networking programme.
About which topics below would our visitors like to receive more information?
Health & Safety – TOP 10 Evacuation drills 39% Drawing up a risk analysis 35% Align work posts to the age of employees 31% Drawing up a job safety analysis and safety instruction cards 27% How do you create a safety culture? 26% Risk analysis methods with regard to ergonomics 26% Dealing with burnout: prevention, treatment and reintegration 26% Tips & tricks for managers to promote the safety policy on the work floor 25% Machine safety and (job) safety and risk analysis 22% New stipulations of the Belgian Royal Decree regarding collective protective equipment 21%
Security – TOP 10 Internal emergency plan: drawing up and practising 36% Cameras installing them on the work floor: procedures 32% Aggression management: dealing with aggressive people on the work floor 28% New camera legislation: what will change? 24% Security awareness: security culture amongst personnel and management 21% Crisis management: phases of successful crisis control 21% Intelligent key management 20% Intelligent badges as an access control system: the advantages 19% Security of building and sites: Scenario-based risk analyses 17% Central safety management from alarm centres and control rooms: benefits and pitfalls 15%
Fire – TOP 10 How to comply with the new Belgian Fire Royal Decree? 41% Evacuation drills 38% Belgian Royal Decree of 20 May 2016 regarding electromagnetic radiation fields at work: how to deal with this new obligation? 21% The EN 54-13 standard: a little known standard that guarantees compliance and performance of fire alarm systems 20% Fire extinguishing using small fire-extinguishing equipment 20% Perform a risk analysis taking vulnerable activities of your company into account 18% Identifying and preventing electrical fires 18% Methodology in tracing the causes and circumstances of the fire 17% Wireless systems in the domain of fire and burglary prevention: accepted by everyone? 17% Automatic security system – inspections by a third party mandatory? 16%
In which of the categories do our visitors plan to invest the coming year?
Investments in 2017 – TOP 10 Education, training and consultancy 38% Fire prevention and control 36% Personal protective equipment (PPE) 33% Ergonomics and comfort (office and industry) 30% Electronic security (camera monitoring, burglary detection, badges, access control, etc.) 26% Prevention and therapy of psychosocial loads 24% Health at work and personal hygiene 23% Signs, prevention and disaster prevention 18% Site safety and collective safety on the work floor? 17% Mechanical security (locks, fences, safety doors and glass, safes, etc.) 15%
CONTACT Person to contact Online More information Laura Deglin – Account Manager +32 3 280 53 48 Online More information Post show report