Network of Vehicles By, Adarsh R S
Introduction Network availability can be thought of as how easy it is for one point of the IP infrastructure to reach another. With network becoming more widely dispersed and supporting more operations. Our Advanced Traffic Networking and Road Safety System helps to prevent vehicle theft, control over speed giving administrators information about problems like over loading before someone else report the issue. It is a full inventory of network equipment which are helpful or can form a guideline for solving the current problems regarding safety measures. During This Presentation we are Going to Discuss the Following: Goals Features Opportunity Ahead Background Processes Financial Conclusion
Goals The overall objective of the programs is to substantially reduce the accident and casualty problem in our nation during the next decade and in the future. This is to be achieved by first analysing the problem, formulating a safety vision, developing a strategy and an action plan, and then by implementing proposed action. The principal goal of the advanced traffic networking system remains the provision of a safe system for preventing bridge rupture due to over loading, avoid congestion of vehicles in roads and gave a clear image of route's and traffic to avoid the heavy block in an emergency case. The objective of Advanced Traffic Networking System is safe and secure of each and every one and always remain number one and ideas are never finished for an engineer
Features GPS tracking Real time online speedometer Overload detection real-time tracking Ant-theft Block detection Cost effective A new traffic networking system based on IoT (Internet of Things)
Background Processes Working GPS speed tracking module sent latitude and longitude and real-time speed to data base in data base, it is then saved as individual records in data base tables. Those coordinates is then searched via our .php based webpage and Google maps to find out the exact location when the authorities are in need. Traffic police can track overloaded vehicles.
Financial It is cost effective so that most of the drivers will be willing to buy and install this module on their personal vehicles. If government take it as a project we can provide an installation kit for just only ₹5k The approximate price chart for our system is given below Arduino Board- INR 440/- SIM908 GSM/GPRS/GPS INR 2650/- Arduino power supply INR 220/- SIM from ISP for GPRS INR 50/- Data pack for GPRS INR 100/- --------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INR 3.4k
Opportunity Ahead Through design development deployment and testing of advanced traffic network system framework for solving network security problem that is vehicle theft over speeding, overloading and heavy traffic problem has been successfully solved the system design monitoring control system in order to identify congested roads and safety risk this is achieved by an information platform that collects data from GPRS the system first collects information, assess this data to make traffic free cast and calculates the conjunction level and the safety risk in different road section, prevents the vehicle theft by tasking the vehicle using registration number and our network it gives each and every second of information of our vehicle which can control offences like kidnaping, illegal trafficking, street racing, drunken drivers, also the driver will be guided to more reliable roots, get information on the risk of future this research effort can be point on to a dedicated hardware platform with effective functionality hence there are a lot of future scope of research were to be carried out in the vital area of great significant to mankind.
Conclusion As started in our hypothesis, we believe that it will be a great success for the current state of decision support system for traffic management and their evolution into integrated mobility management systems (not just of traffic). It also present s the new challenges presented by some issues that are currently in the research and development phase. We hope that it would be a grand success if all the vehicles registered in India are installing our tracking system. And a last thing……. It is the future phase of intelligent traffic system in which each one of the vehicle can be individually tracked and so reduces many traffic issues. That is, a digital life starts right now.