Peer learning of Innovation agencies H2020-Call Innosup 5 2016/2017 Peer learning of Innovation agencies Eric Koch Project Adviser/ EASME A;1.2
Main objective Encourage peer learning of innovation agencies on all topics relevant for the design and delivery of innovation support programmes for SMEs
Two options Twinning activities Quality assessment based on EFQM (European foundation for quality management)
Twinning advanced (T+) A group of peer agencies address SME support challenges together. Identify shared challenge in SME innovation support. Joint workshops / peer review visits… Common Design Options Paper (DOP). Outlines better practice. Joint application with one work package to be made public. Topic examples Design of SME innovation support (grant, loan, services, tax credits) Delivery of SME innovation support (efficiency, IT tools, selection, evaluation, action plan) Preference for new/innovative topics
EFQM Framework Define / implement consistent quality management strategy Tool for self-assessment measure performance + address gaps. Tool for external assessment group of agencies to do joint learning and benchmarking process based on reciprocal assessments 2-day workshop with agencies' management staff Facilitator: EFQM lead assessor using of simple assessment tools Creation of a self-assessment report using EFQM methodology 1.5 day training with 2 peer assessors from other agencies Familiarising with assessment techniques and the case of the assessed agency Assessment of the innovation agency Committed to Excellence assessment performed by the 2 peer assessors with the supervision of the EFQM lead assessor Good practices gathering using the RADAR methodology
Main features of the call (1) Challenge-based / open to innovative proposals Coordination and support action (CSA) Proposal stage: no detailed cost declarations End of the project: no invoices, no timesheets required. Budget execution evaluated based on the delivery of the final deliverable
Main features of the call (2) Open call with cut-off dates 17 March 2016 (closed) 18 October 2016 (closed) 08 March 2017 (open) 18 October 2017 (upcoming) 5-7 projects to be financed per cut-off date 250.000 EUR / cut off Two methodologies: Twinning advanced EFQM* Framework Lump sum EUR 50.000 Lump sum EUR 15.000 Deliverable: joint drafted 'Design Option Paper' Deliverable: self-assessment report and recommendations from external assessment
Evaluation criteria Excellence Impact Implemen- tation • Clarity and pertinence of the objectives. • Credibility of the proposed approach. • Soundness of the concept. • Ambitious/innovation potential Excellence Impact • The expected impacts listed in the work programme (e.g. regional governments to take up project results, more agencies engage in peer learning) • Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge. • Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies. • Exploit/disseminate project results. • Work plan efficiency, incl. allocation of resources/tasks. • Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (when relevant). • Appropriate management structures/procedures incl risk/innovation management. Implemen- tation
Who is eligible (1)? Any entity designing/delivering SME innovation support programmes on behalf of a national/regional public entity Innovation agencies Incubators Technology parks Knowledge transfer offices, etc. (not exhaustive) EASME will ask for written confirmation about status
Who is eligible (2)? At least 2 innovation agencies 1 does not make sense, although formally ok… Is sub-contracting possible? Yes, but it is not possible to subcontract 'core elements': No: employing a consultant to draft the DOP based on interviews with experts (lack of peer-learning aspect) Yes: Employing a professional moderator to animate the peer learning among the participants, taking minutes, summarising the event International partners admitted for funding Automatically: developing countries All other countries: exceptionally if their participation is deemed essential for carrying out the project (BRICs etc..)
General questions/suggestions If you are an applicant Research Enquiry Service: EASME on Twitter @H2020SME
Why EFQM? There are different quality management systems and processes: ISO, Lean, Six Sigma, TQM (Total Quality Management), Balance scorecards, satisfaction survey… The EFQM model: integrates all initiatives, providing a holistic approach to business excellence helps to better understand, implement and communicate the innovation agency's vision helps to identify current strengths, areas for improvement and actions driving results is pragmatic and practical: developed with & for organisations is NOT prescriptive: innovation agencies choose what is relevant for them