A Timeline of HACK TACTICS… Hacking history : A Timeline of HACK TACTICS…
After reading this article you guys are going to get the answer of Hackers - innovative or immoral ??? Hackers have always fascinated the public. Films books, and video games have all attempted to explore the hacker psyche - but just who are these mysterious figures ?? Take a look at this timeline of hacking history, from the phone phreaking to corporate theft.
Hacking begins in the 60s at MIT. 1960 Hacking begins in the 60s at MIT.
1970s 1971 1972 John Draper invents the ‘blue box’ – a method of making free long distance calls. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs learn the art of phreaking, taking the names ‘Berkeley Blue’(Wozniak) and ‘Oaf Tobar’ (Jobs) .
1980s 1981 1984 1986 The Chaos Computer Club, Europe’s largest association of hackers, is formed. The first edition of 2600: The hacker Quarterly is published. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is passed in the US. 1988 1988 1989 Kevin Poulsen hacked a federal computer network. Robert Morris becomes the first person to be convicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Robert Morris developed the ‘Morris Worm’, the first computer worm on the internet.
Valdimir Levin is caught and sentenced to 3 years in prison. 1991 1992 1994 Kevin Poulsen is caught and arrested by police. He is sentenced to 5 years in prison. Kevin Mitnick breaks his probation terms from an earlier conviction and goes on the run. Vladimir Levin accesses the accounts of Citibank’s customers thro’ their dial-up wire transfer service, and steals around $10 million. 1995 1995 1997 Kevin Mitnick is finally arrested after two and a half years and sentenced to over 5 years in prison. Valdimir Levin is caught and sentenced to 3 years in prison. AOHELL, a hacking program, brings the AOL network to its kness, disrupting chat rooms and inboxes..
2000s 2000 The ILOVEYOU computer worm is released It rapidly spreads thro’s email accounts, causing $10billion damage before it is finally stopped. 2000 Michael Calce (MafiaBoy) launces a series of Distributed Denial of service (DDoS) attacks, bringing down Yahoo!, eBay, CNN, Amazon and Dell.com in the space of week.
2001 2001 2002 Gary McKinnon (Solo) hacks into 97 US military and NASA computer, deleting files and posting messages. Michael Calce is arrested and sentenced to open custody, after bragging about his DDoS attacks on internet chat rooms. Gary McKinnon is indicated by the US, who request his extradition. He could face up to 70 years in prison. 2002 2004 Adrian Lamo(The homeless hacker) hacks the website of The New York Times. AOL staff member Jason Smathers steals the details of 92 million customers. This results in 7 billion spam emails, and over a year in prison for Jason.
George Hotz hacks the PlayStation 3. 2004 2007 2008 Adrian Lamo is charged with computer crimes and sentenced to 6 months in prison. George Hotz becomes the first person ever to carrier unlock the iPhone. The Chaos Computer Club publishes fingerprints of German Minister of the Interior, as a protest against the use of biometric data in German identity. 2010 2010 George Hotz hacks the PlayStation 3. Barnaby Jack the Black Hat conference and makes 2 ATMs dispense fake paper money in front of the audience.
2010 2011 2011 The Stuxnet worm causes serious damage to an Iranian nuclear facility, damaging physical equipment as well as computer sysem. Hacker group hacks Sony repeatedly, staling information from 70 million user accounts. Barnaby Jack hacks as insulin pump at the McAfee FOCUS 11 conference. 2012 2012 Home Secretary Theresa May finally blocks Gray McKinnon’s extradition. MasterCard and Visa are hacked. More than 1,5 million customers have their credit card numbers stolen.
Syrian Loyalist hack the Twitter account of the Associated Press. 2013 2013 Hacking group Anonymous hack the Twitter and Flicker accounts of the North Korean governments, Posting insulting pictures and inflammatory comments. Syrian Loyalist hack the Twitter account of the Associated Press.
Facts : 90% of people delete suspicious emails from their PCs. But only 56% do the same on their mobile devices.
On average $113 billion is stolen through cybercrime every year. It would take 10 minutes to hack a 6 – character lowercase password. It would take 44,530 years to hack 9 – character password with lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. A quarter of people don’t have any antivirus protection on their PCs. 1 PC = 1,000 Websites, 30,000 websites are hacked every day. More than a million people becomes victims of cybercrime every day. There are 378 million victims a year or 12 victims a second.