San Pedro High School Back-to–School Night
Ms. Fleming Global/Environmental House English Teacher/Title I Coord. Contact: (310) 241-5801
English 10A/B Edgenuity (Credit Recovery) Textbooks Novel MyPerspectives (Volumes 1&2)
Grading Criteria Grading Scale Grades – Grades are based on classwork, homework, assessments, projects and class participation. A= 100 – 90% B= 89-80% C= 79-68% D= 69-58% F= 57% and below Work habits grade: E=0, S=1, U=3 or more missing assignments per grading period. Schoology (lms.lausd)
Classroom Guidelines Be prepared for class (have your materials). Show respect for yourself and others. Participation in all group activities is required. Food and/or drinks are allowed as long as you clean up after yourself. No electronic devices in class. They will be confiscated and taken to the Dean. Be HONEST. Always try your best and do not be afraid to make mistakes. Consequences First time: Reminded of the rule. Second time: Conference with me. Third time: 30 minute detention with me and phone call home/parent conference. Fourth time: Sent to Dean’s Office
Attendance – San Pedro High School A. .A maximum of 7 full day absences/28 TOTAL class period absences are allowed during the school year. B. At the 8th full day absence and/or 29th class period absence, FOR ANY REASON, the student’s name will appear on the Non-Participation STOP CLEARANCE LIST.
Class Projects Webquest, Online Group Discussions Oral, Media/ Power point Presentations Research Projects
Any Questions or concerns? Thank you and please come again.