MA Education: School-Based Explorations Introduction 2015-16 Core module: Emerging Initiatives and School Change Professional Studies MA Education: School-Based Explorations Introduction 2015-16
Ice breaker
Module Co-ordinator Dr Kirstin lewis Room 309 Primary school teacher School Improvement Division at Lambeth LA as an Advisory Teacher Programme Manager for various multi agency London Challenge ‘Closing the Gap’ programmes. Research team which conducted a number of DfE and LA funded research projects, the findings of which have been disseminated nationally. Research has focused on issues of equity in education; the impact of ‘race’ and social background on children’s educational experience. She has explored barriers to learning for different community groups, for example, white working class pupils, Portuguese heritage pupils, Somali heritage pupils, as well as the strategies that schools use to overcome these. Her doctoral research explored the experiences that mixed race children have in the education system and how these are shaped by institutional prejudice based on ‘race’, class and gender.
Studying at goldsmiths Goldsmiths website- Student Services- library, careers, funding, financial assistance, academic writing support VLE- (handbooks/ module information/ communication) Macarena Yarza/ Emails
What is/ why do an MA?
The MA School Based Explorations 180 credits = 1 MA degree Each module = 30 credits Dissertation = 60 credits All students could take a module from another MA programme either at Goldsmiths or elsewhere in University of London Be realistic/ 5 years
Outline (in the guide on the vle) The MA course will: Examine the relationship between research and practice in a school context. Specific areas covered were chosen according to: Government priorities School improvement priorities Research from countries other than England
Areas covered in this module: Nature of policy and what drives it Policy and alternative pedagogies Critical thinking and curriculum Equalities Act The Prevent Agenda Consultation and pupil voice; Intercultural understanding and policy Research methods overview Assessment Your input: Read, reflect on your own situation Use each session to frame your own context/ interest Share your interests, knowledge and understanding to enhance our learning Investigate an area of your own choosing through an assessment based in research-engaged practice.
Selected Aims: to know and understand- Current policy developments in education across a range of themes How to work with policy and school development priorities in terms of your own practice How research can inform and develop practice in education How to analyse a policy document How to assimilate and evaluate alternative views, including those of pupils Ways to make an informed response to policy and school development priorities Assessment: A written professional artefact developed in response to school-based research, together with a 3000 word assignment.
Structure of module Reading- in depth at home/ to work with in the module Other readings- guided read/ discussion/ activity Using the reading to frame discussion/ activity reflect your own context/ interest Discussion/ collaborative tasks Creating professional artefacts in response to the readings- ‘practice runs’
What to read and when See module guide on the VLE
Assessment Each module supports you to produce or develop a piece of work for immediate use in school Each assessment draws on a professional artefact (2000 words) + a shorter essay containing the theoretical justification (3000 words)
ASSESSMENT (part i) Choose a policy area, identifying a focus for development through professional-personal interest, professional development requirements and/or school improvement planning Equality Act; Teaching Standards; NC documents Sex education; Behaviour; Teacher Appraisal; Teacher Pay; EYFS; Admissions; Health and Safety; Home-School agreement School information on website; minutes from governors’ meetings
Initial interest- What does school policy/ national policy say about this? Reflect on your own and/or your school’s current practice in this policy area What does existing literature say about this? Gather information from the implementation of research methods such as, for example, documentary analysis, interviews, and/or pupil-as-researcher activities, In response to the research, produce a written professional artefact. This will provide you with the opportunity to develop a piece of work based in and useful to your school practice. You may wish to include feedback by a senior member of school staff.
‘Your pencil case is so gay’ Homophobic comments/ why is nothing done about these? Reflect on your school’s current practice in this policy area/ national context- Equalities Act What does existing literature say about school and teachers’ responses to this? Use research methods- interviews with students and staff to ask perceptions about why nothing is done Produce a professional artefact- INSET to raise awareness
Introducing mixed ability teaching into a Year 1 classroom Class ethos….across Year 1 Teaching and learning policy Research methods- interviews with teachers Artefact- recommendations based on her own ‘experiment’ with mixed ability teaching
Assessment (ii) Write a 3,000 word theoretical analysis and justification for the written professional artefact. This should refer to policy in this area reflect on your own and/or your school’s current practice in this policy area refer to the research undertaken to inform the artefact review the literature on current research in the area This assessment is intended to engage critical reflection and research for research-engaged professional practice and school improvement; provide an early opportunity for useful school-based research and development in tandem with your M level study.
What is a professional artefact? A scheme of learning The planning for an event, with photos A CPD session for colleagues A specific project A new assessment method A scheme for professional support
School-focused (e.g. Culture, identity and belonging; aspiration; literacy across the curriculum) and/or You-focussed! (e.g. becoming a SENCO; music in Steiner education; addressing homophobia in 400 Birmingham schools)
The grade-related criteria are listed in the MA in Education: School-Based Explorations Programme Handbook 2015-2016.
Possible outline for module assessment Nb. this is only a suggestion- you can structure your writing as you feel appropriate. Suggested word counts for each section are a guideline to help you understand the general weighting given to each component.
Write a 3,000 word theoretical analysis and justification for the written professional artefact. Introduction: this can be autobiographical. Give your school context here, too (about 200 words) Identify and summarise a school, local or national policy in your area or interest (about 200 words) Review the literature on current research in this area (about 700 words)
Explain your research methods: did you analyse a document, interview two teachers, have a focus group with five year 9s, or ask year 7 to interview their parents? Why did you choose this method, and if appropriate, why these respondents? (about 700 words) Your findings: using your research data, reflect on your own and/or your school’s current practice in this policy area (about 700 words) Summary description of your professional artefact, and how you designed it in response to your reading and research (about 100 words) Conclusion (about 200 words) 10% more or less Professional artefact (2000 words)
Reference list: no word limit This should be in alphabetical order and written in the formats found here:
Assessment A copy of the assessment should be uploaded onto /before the deadline of Thursday 14th January 2016 by 5.30pm All students will be allocated a tutor (KL) for this assignment. You are entitled to a total of 60 minutes of assignment tutoring. It is your responsibility to contact the tutor to arrange these meetings. This can take place by email/ telephone.
Developing a focus for the assessment Begin thinking about -an area of interest, and/or -a professional artefact …in your own context. Identify and list from today’s readings: -the theories under discussion -the methodologies used -how these might be adapted to inform your own practice Friday 30th October- tutorial groups
Essays- mitigation/ health
Day 2 readings Darder, A. (2002) Reinventing Paulo Freire: A Pedagogy of Love. Westview Press Noble, G. and Watkins, M (2014) Thinking beyond recognition: Multicultural, Cultural intelligence and the Professional capabilities of teachers. Pedagogy, Culture and Society