School Improvement Plan


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School Improvement Plan Candace Adcock Denise Hall

Vision of La Crosse Elementary School Our educational program must undergo continual assessment and refinement to meet the needs of its students in a rapidly changing society. It is also based on the belief that education is a shared responsibility of home, church, school, and state. We believe that education, formal as well as informal, is a lifelong process. Although the vision statement specifies church and home, in analyzing the school improvement plan, we failed to see where the plan specifically integrates the support of these two groups. In revising the school improvement plan, we would ensure there would be a goal specific to the implementation community and home involvement. While the school improvement plan refers to a lunch buddy program and parental involvement, it does not specify to what extend the involvement entails. The lunch buddy program, which includes the local church, offers mentoring services both academically and socially.

Needs Assessment At the schoolwide level, student achievement was measured by classroom assessment tests, division benchmark testing, and Standards of Learning assessments for grades three, four, and five. In reviewing La Crosse Elementary School’s Title I School Wide Improvement Plan 2016 -2017, a needs assessment was developed based on school-wide data. At the schoolwide level, student achievement is measured by classroom assessment test, division benchmark testing, and Standards of Learning assessments for grades three, four, and five.

School Data: Reading SOL Scores The first set of SOL scores that we looked at were for Reading. This graph helps us to track performance according to grade level. It allows us to see the scores as a group, tracking the students growth as a group. It allows us to track teacher performance by grade level. For 2015-16, the AMOs were met for accreditation. In looking at the 2015-2016 year, while the overall numbers met the state’s requirements, students with disabilities did not meet the criteria That group only had a passing percentage rate of 24%. Gap Group 2 (African American students) missed by AMO by four points. Looking at the subgroups is an important aspect of data analysis to stay in tune with how every group of students is performing.

Language Arts Target Goal: To implement a balanced literacy approach for language arts to achieve full accreditation and close the achievement gap with all subgroups. S: Develop and implement strategies to improve reading comprehension M: Student Growth Assessments, benchmark testing, PALs (K-3), DRA, student work samples, SOL scores, iReady Diagnostic Testing A: RtI meetings, utilization of resource teachers, peer observations, lesson planning, accessible programs and trade books for guided reading R: Journeys reading program, iReady Reading Lessons, DRA, Scott Foresman My Sidewalks Intervention program T: August through May with assessments given each 9 weeks; DRA and PALS given three times a year in Fall, Winter, and Spring, Student Growth Assessments given twice a year (Fall and Spring) While the overall scores were meeting the state requirements, there is always room for improvement until we reach 100%. This target goal was inspired by the performance of the gap groups, specifically Gap 2 (African American) and Special Education. SPECIFIC: Curriculum framework, pacing guides, non-negotiable strategies in order to make instruction specific to what is needed for students to succeed MEASUREABLE: a multitude of assessments are used to monitor progress throughout the school year as well as prepare for ongoing improvements to instruction ACHIEVABLE: Through RtI meetings, teachers have an opportunity to collaborate in order to achieve specific goals for their students. The use of resource teachers as well as supplemental materials and technology are beneficial in achieving student success. RESEARCH-BASED: The school system utilizes research-based and data-driven programs in order to produce highly qualified instruction and targeted intervention, especially when meeting the needs for gap groups. Corrective Reading and the Wilson reading system are two specific programs utilized by special education teachers to bridge the gap between regular education instruction and intervention. TIME-SENSITIVE: Timing of Assessments are carefully strategized to assess growth or lack thereof to monitor how well the students are prepared to take state-mandated assessments (SOLs) as well as grade-level. For example, students in grades K-2 must meet benchmark requirements through PALs testing at specific times of the year. When these benchmarks are not met, they are identified as needing intervention and are given specialized PALs instruction.

School Data: Math SOL Scores The next set of SOL scores are for Math. Again, this graph helps us to track performance according to grade level. It allows us to see the scores as a group, tracking both the student growth as a group and teacher performance by grade level. For both 2014-15 and 2015-16, the AMOs were met for accreditation. In looking at the 2015-2016 year, while the overall numbers met the state requirements, students with disabilities was the only gap group that did not meet the criteria with a passing percentage rate of 35%. Looking at the subgroups is an important aspect of data analysis to stay in tune with how every group of students is performing.

Math Target Goal: To implement math strategies with the ability to supplement and decrease the achievement gap among subgroups by adding rigor to lessons. S: Utilize Everyday Math program with teacher ability to supplement M: iReady Diagnostic Testing, Student Growth Assessments, unit assessments, student work samples, SOL scores A: RtI meetings, utilization of resource teachers, peer observations, lesson planning, classroom technology R: ST Math, Everyday Math program T: August through May with assessments given after each unit; Student Growth Assessments given twice a year (Fall and Spring) While the overall scores were meeting the state requirements, there is always room for improvement until we get to 100%. This target goal was inspired by the performance of the gap groups, specifically Special Education. SPECIFIC: The schools were involved in vertical alignment to bridge gaps in the math curriculum and to better scaffold instruction in the math curriculum. Based on the vertical alignment outcomes, teachers researched programs, supplemental materials, and technology resources to supplement the county-wide math program. Curriculum framework, pacing guides, non-negotiable strategies are in place to make instruction specific to what is needed for students to succeed. MEASUREABLE: As in Reading, a multitude of assessments are used to monitor progress throughout the school year as well as prepare for ongoing improvements to instruction. ACHIEVABLE: Again, like Reading, through RtI meetings, teachers have an opportunity to collaborate in order to achieve specific goals for their students. The use of resource teachers as well as supplemental materials and technology are beneficial in achieving student success. RESEARCH-BASED: The school system utilizes research-based and data-driven programs in order to produce highly qualified instruction and targeted intervention, especially when meeting the needs for gap groups. ST Math stresses math computation skills, which is the foundation of math fluency and automaticity. TIME-SENSITIVE: For math, students are assessed after each unit of study with a common assessment (unit test). They also take a Student Growth Assessment in the fall and the spring. ST Math continuously monitors student progress based on the student’s performance.

School and Community Relations Target Goal: To build relations between school, community, students, teachers, and stakeholders in the school building and beyond to promote success of all students. S: Utilize outside community resources to provide an extension to the school curriculum M: Set up structured times for tutors and mentors to work with the students A: Achieve student gains through the use of Title I tutors, lunch buddy mentors, 4- H extension, Army Corps of Engineers Educational Outreach program, and community field trips R: Determine local educational opportunities in the form of field trips and educational outreach through the Building Leadership Team T: Schedule opportunities throughout the school year SPECIFIC: The school continuously looks for community resources to help extend learning beyond the classroom as well as inviting community members and stakeholders into the building to offer mentoring and tutoring services to our students. MEASUREABLE: Tutors and mentors are used on a consistent basis according to a schedule. ACHIEVABLE: There are already people and organizations who are willing to work closely with the school to help achieve success of students. RESEARCH-BASED: The Building Leadership Team carefully selects educational opportunities within the community to enhance classroom instruction and provide a deeper learning through real world experiences connected to curriculum. TIME-SENSITIVE: Utilize the tutors and mentors consistently to maintain skills the students have acquired and not regress. Field trips will be used to build prior knowledge and lay a foundation of background information through real life experiences. These opportunities will be scheduled throughout the school year as pacing dictates.

Resource Management Title I Funding Supplemental Materials Research-based Intervention Programs Human Resources Title I Teachers Tutors Each year our county applies for Title I funding based on our needs due to the poverty level. Title I funding is used to maintain high quality resources and instructional materials as well as funding the salaries of resource teachers and/or tutors. This is important because student success and achievement can be directly related to small-group, explicit intervention instruction. The Director of Elementary Instruction allocates funds to each elementary school based on economic demographics. The amount awarded each year varies based on the needs of student population. Each school is charged with identifying needs based on a needs assessment and funding is used at the school level in accordance to these needs.

Implementation: High Quality Professional Development Workshops to address Learning styles Differentiated instruction Horizontal and vertical alignment of instruction Professional Conferences Online classes Webinars In-class Modeled Instruction (Literacy Coaching) Teachers are given many opportunities for professional growth and development of instructional practices. Schools offer in-house professional development to address the skills necessary for their specific school needs.

Implementation: Decision Making Data disaggregation meetings Grade-level meetings Content area meetings Building Leadership Team meetings Vertical and Horizontal Alignment meetings Throughout various collaborative settings, data analysis takes place to improve reading and math instruction at La Crosse Elementary. Data is continuously analyzed after benchmarks and county wide assessments in a constant effort to continuously improve instruction.

Implementation: Student Support Collaboration between classroom teachers and resource teachers Title I Teachers Title I Assistant Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach Administration PALs Instructor Tutors K-2 SPED teachers Many human resources are used to offer intervention and remedial services in order to meet the specific needs of students. Resource teachers are used to create one-on-one or small groups for explicit specific instruction. Everyone is expected work toward the common goal: student success for ALL.

Monitoring Progress RtI/Data Analysis Meetings Benchmark Testing Data Student Growth Assessment Data In addition to grade meetings, building leadership meetings, and data meetings, classroom teachers meet monthly with resource teachers for Rti meetings. During these meetings, the groups analyze data specific to targeted gap groups to make sure they are meeting the specific needs of these students. Professional discussions, suggestions for intervention strategies, and collaborative planning take place during these meetings.

Credit The information used to create this document was taken from Mecklenburg County Public Schools La Crosse Elementary Title I School-Wide Improvement Plan 2016-2017.