Delaware Assessment Inventory [parent community presentation] [date]
Agenda Delaware Assessment Inventory Importance of Assessment Inventory Overview of process of the Delaware Assessment Inventory District results and recommendations Next Steps
Why is this Important? Shared responsibility of reducing testing from both the State and District level Feedback from our Communities Increases instructional time Focuses assessments on those most beneficial to instruction Supports the development of a long range assessment plan
Process Used for Assessment Inventory Phase One: Review Current Status Phase Two: Develop Action Plan Phase Three: Implement Action Plan
Phase One: Review Current Status Trained educators to review current assessments Discussed why we assess and what is important to be included Conducted a review of local assessments Administered the district/school inventory of current assessments
[District] Status District team included: [insert district team] School level review included: [insert information] Type of assessments reviewed included: Number of assessments reviewed: [#]
Phase Two: Develop Action Plan Engaged with teacher, parents, students and others to determine recommendations Recommendations for each assessment: No change, Modification, Replacement, Elimination Rationale for decision Authority Timing of Recommendation Action Steps Developed the final plan
[District] Recommendations [provide overview of engagement] [provide points about the discussion that occurred]
[District] Recommendations Recommendations: [provide table with status for each] No change Modification Replacement Elimination Final plan – for approval Potential reduction in testing time: [insert time here]
Q & A Brian – Carolyn assists (write down questions we don’t know answer to)
Next Steps
Phase Three: Implement Action Plan Implement each component of the action plan Review status periodically to determine success Review data for instructional time gained Survey teachers