International Workshop on National Registers of Radiation Sources Vienna, Austria, 20-23 March 2017 National Inventory of Radioactive Sources and Radiation Generators in Bangladesh Meherun Nahar, Ph.D Principal Scientific officer Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA)
Presentation Flow Legal Basis for the Inventory of Radiation Sources Radiation Facilities in Bangladesh History of Source inventory Import Export Control for Inventory Conclusions Sample footer
Uses of Radiation in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, the application of radiation started in the medical sector primarily in the diagnostic radiology effective from 1920s. Medical uses include diagnostics X-ray, radiotherapy nuclear medicine, & Cyclotron, Irradiator facility include NDT Well Logging Nucleonic Gauges Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) is operating one 3 MW TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor since 1986, Radioisotope production Laboratory and many other. Going to start construction of 1st Nuclear Power Plan by June 2017 Application of radiation sources/radioisotopes in Bangladesh Hospitals & Clinics, Institute of Nuclear Medicine (INM) Nuclear Medicine Center (NMC) Industry, Research, Agriculture & education Sample footer
Radiation Facilities Within BAEC 3 MW TRIGA Mark-II Reactor at Savar Radioisotope Production Laboratory, Savar Neutron Generator, Savar SSDL, Savar HP&RWMU, Savar 3 Gamma Irradiator NINMAS, Dhaka [1] INMA Ss [14] Health Physics Division, AEC, Dhaka NDT Division, AEC, Dhaka Van-de-Graaff Accelerator, AEC, Dhaka RTML, Chittagong BSMEC, Cox’s Bazar 3MV Tandem Accelerator Facilities, AERE, Savar, Dhaka Central Waste Management Facility Sample footer
Institutional changes of Competent Authority in the country Until 11th February 2013, the Nuclear Safety and Radiation control Division (NSRCD) of Bangladesh atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) was performing the regulatory activities to control all kinds of nuclear and radiation related activities throughout the country as per the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control Act-1993 & Nuclear Safety and Radiation control Rules-1997
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) INTRODUCTION Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) was Established on 12 February, 2013 under the provision of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory (BAER) Act-2012 BAERA is empowered by the National Parliament to regulate all nuclear and radiation related activities in Bangladesh The Chairman and the Members were appointed by the Government in Nov. 2014 to run the Authority effectively BAERA Bhaban Sample footer
Legal Basis for National Register in Bangladesh Sample footer
Legal Instrument for Controlling of Radiation Sources in Bangladesh Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control Act (NSRC)-1993 Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control (NSRC) Rules-1997 Regulatory Guides (Guides on X-ray, Nuclear Medicine & Radiotherapy) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory (BAER) Act-2012 (Act No. 19 of 2012) Sample footer
Legal basis Section-11 of Act-2012 Describes Responsibilities and Functions of the Authority the Authority shall establish and maintain a national register and update it regularly for persons authorized to carryout activities or practices under this Act or Rules and or Regulations made under this Act. Under section 24 of Act-2012 the Authority shall take all necessary measures including a system of authorizations, to control the import and export, re-export, transit and transshipment of nuclear material, specified equipment radioactive material and related equipment and technology that has been determined by the Authority in order to protect the sovereignty and security of Bangladesh. Sample footer
National Approach for Prepare National Inventory of Radiation Sources A national inventory was initiated thorough national survey/inspection in May 1999 and completed on November 2000. At the same time mechanism was established for import and export control of all radiation sources in this country according to Rules-11 of NSRC Rules 1997. Regarding survey of existing source Competent Authority designed different information sheet on different kind of facility in consultation with IAEA expert. The Scientist/Engineers were appointed by the government as the inspectors vide Rule 91.3 of NSRC Rules-1997 for physical survey/inspection. Letters were sent to all concerned authorities in all Districts, Province and State in this country to search locations of radiation users. Check list was filled in the spot. Different seminar was arranged by Regulatory Authority for different authorities and different user as well as media journalist for motivation and co-operation. Sample footer
National Approach for Prepare National Inventory of Radiation Sources Updating of inventory is running through issuance of export import permit, total 8 classes of license and regular on-site inspection and maintain manually. The inspections are based on an annual inspection plan and application for license of new user. Presently BAERA has taken an Annual Development Project for e-Licensing where there is a provision to make data base of all radiation sources that are recorded in BAERA. Sample footer
National Approach for Prepare National Inventory of Radiation Sources The finding of survey was recorded in checklist and compiled in different report. Data was analyzed and published separately for each facility type and for X-ray machine, report published for each district separately. The finding contained in the 78 published reports. Each facility is assigned a code number for quick identification and future follow up. Co-60 recorded the highest activity of 3.5E+05 Ci source used in irradiation followed by Ir-192 with 1.5E+02 Ci used in industrial radiography practices. Beside this a total approximately 6000 diagnostic X-ray source, 22 industrial X-ray and 14 linear accelerators for radiotherapy practices are using in this country.. Sample footer
Status of total no. of radioactive sources used in different practices Sample footer
Status of total no. of Permission issued for Radiation Sources Enter in Bangladesh During last nineteen years (from 1998 to 2016) a total no. of 2334 permit issued by regulatory authority for radiation sources. Out of these 628 permits are issued for 2455 radioactive materials import in this country. A total 89 disused radioactive sources were sent to the Central Waste Management Facility Sample footer
Status of Total no. of Permission Issued for Radiation Sources in Bangladesh Sample footer
Conclusions Bangladesh Completed full inventory of radiation sources in this country in 2000. Large extent of efforts is necessary to collect information about the radiation sources from cradle to grave in this country Updating and Effective control was made through export and import control in this country and issuance of 8 class of license. Most activities involving ionizing radiation from radioactive sources are located at capital city Dhaka and most of the big hospitals in Bangladesh with disciplines like nuclear medicine; radiotherapy and teletherapy, irrdiator are within Dhaka. At present all inventory is maintaining through manual register. It is appropriate time to make digital inventory to secure register of sources Sample footer
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