APIC Systems AVI, Tracking Image, & Quality Alert System 2 TNG Training Presenter: Marcus Sternberg Last updated: 2007 Jan
Agenda 1. Overview 2. AVI 3. Tracking Image 4. QAS Workcell
APICS Lots of products Automatic Vehicle identification AVI subsets: Colorwheel, Mix bank Tracking Image, QAS/ALS Mistake proofing APICS Mercury PFCS
Development and Implementation APICS Development arm ASLM Assembly System Launch Management Implementation arm of all APICS products FIS Implementation As required
APICS - Smile
APIC web site http://apics.intra.chrysler.com/
ASLM / FIS implementation
AVI / QAS Main Components Automatic Vehicle Identification - Barcode reader - Floor PLC - Panelview Station sequencing & Automatic line stop - QAS WCC - QAS configuration database server (HMI) Tracking image - Floor PLC - Panelview
AVI Used to provide bar code label data to the Floor QAS PLC. Main Backup
AVI Components
AVI Reader Function Read job mounted bar code labels Decode the scanned information Forward the information to the tracking image application within the PLC
Associated Stack Lights Flow Bar code is sent to the AVI/VMS driver located in a PLC associated with that particular point AVI/VMS driver validates the bar code Label is sent to QAS Tracking Image Application Barcode Readers and Associated Stack Lights
Empty Carrier Photoeye Function Determines if there is an empty carrier If empty, photoeye sends a signal to the AVI/VMS driver that there is no vehicle on the carrier Empty Carrier Photoeye
Video Camera/Monitor Function The camera is positioned to display the bar code or VIN In the event of a No Read, the line will stop and the label will display on the monitor, allowing the operator to manually enter the number on the PanelView
Video Camera/Monitor
AVI Stack light
QAS Provides vehicle sequencing that displays vehicle ID on PFS terminals in sequencing stations Sequences vehicle IDs for marriage with tool data in PFCS Provides Automatic Line Stop (ALS) capability to contain problems within a station or production zone
QAS Components
Floor QAS PLC Function Contains the QAS Tracking Image Application and the AVI/VMS driver used by QAS Can be implemented into the conveyor PLC or existing on its own PLC with up to 4 other other tracking images (“Concentrator PLC”)
Flow Receives the bar code label data from the AVI/VMS reader, then the bar code data is sent to the AVI/VMS driver. The driver sends the bar code label data to the QAS Tracking Image Application. The Floor QAS PLC sends the tracking image to the QAS WCC for every 1-foot of travel on the conveyor.
Floor QAS PLC Panel
Encoder Function A device that uses the mechanical rotation caused by the conveyor movement to produce an electrical signal. The electrical signal of the encoder is converted to feet, which is used to determine the distance the conveyor has traveled for vehicle position.
Flow The encoder generates an electric signal due to the rotation caused by the wheel or gearing. This electric signal, when combined with an initial tracking image, monitors the position of a vehicle along a conveyor.
Two variations of encoder mountings Ceiling Mounted Encoder and Friction Wheel Skillet Conveyor Encoder
Very High Speed Counter Module (VHSC) Function Performs the high-speed count of the encoder pulses. The module is an intelligent block transfer I/O module that interfaces with the Floor QAS PLC
Flow Counts from the module’s memory to a designated area in the Floor QAS PLC processor data table using Block Transfer instructions The VHSC module counts encoder pulses because of the high rate at which the encoder sends its pulses
VHSC Module
PanelView Function Provide the user with an array of screens that display tracking image information, such as bar code numbers and location on the conveyor in feet
Purpose Operators can use this information to verify that the proper vehicle is in station and to back up reader input in the case of a fault or No Read condition Communicate with the Floor QAS PLC for all information requests and use block transfers to send and receive information
PanelView and Associated Control Panel
QAS Workcell Function A PC dedicated to running the QAS SoftLogix5 engine. The SoftLogix5 engine is a software implementation of an Allen Bradley PLC-5 The QAS WCC is responsible for sending job arrival messages to PFCS, where it is married to tool data for the appropriate station
QAS Compaq WCC
Tool Controller Function Gather input data from station tools and send this data to PFS through PFCS
Flow Tool data is sent to PFCS, where it is married with the ID of the job received from QAS This marriage is sent to PFS for logging Tool Controller
QAS WCC Configuration ACC Known as “Human Machine Interface for QAS workcell” Contains the configuration database used to update the Realtime database Specifies the location of stations, tools, and terminals along the line where arrival messages are to be generated Identifies warning points, timer values, conveyor interlocks and annunciation device locations for ALS and Timed PFS stations
ALS Station Hardware Station Lights- Used to announce ALS events to local operators Restart Pull Cords- Used to restart the line after an automatic line stop, bypassing the condition that caused the line to stop PFS terminals also annunciates ALS conditions, bypass vehicle in station, restart line and show product ID
Green: The SoftLogix engine is running in the Remote Run mode. Grey: The SoftLogix engine is running in the program mode. Black: The SoftLogix engine is stopped and in the program mode. Yellow: Uploading or Downloading of information. Flashing Red: Fault Condition