Gray Wolf By Emily Aysseh
Physical Features The Gray Wolfs hair color changes from black to gray to white. Their eyes are a little green blob with a green dot in the middle. Their teeth are pointed and sparkling white. Its nose goes on a little snout its mouth is on the snout too.
Lifespan and Species The lifespan of a Gray wolf is about 8 months to 13 years . The gray wolf is not endangered because most people want tiger or other animal fur instead of the Gray wolfs. The gray wolf is a mammal. Another word for a gray wolf is Canis Lupus instead of mammal.
Climate The climate can be very cold windy hot or rainy it will even snow a little. When the climate is hot it can get up to 80 degrees . When its cold it can go down to 11 degrees.
The Gray wolf Physical Adaptations It has a special physical adaptations that helps the skin change the color of the fur as it grows up. It has thick fur to help it when it is cold so it is not hot. It will shed its thick fur if it is hot to cool down.
Behavioral Adaptations They hunt in groups of three to four wolfs. Most are female but the leader is always a male because he has more courage then the female. The females do the baby care and food planning while the males do the hunting for their food.
The Inside Adaptations It has a special physiological adaptations that helps the skin change the color of the fur as it grows up. When the night has arrived the Gray Wolf eye become bigger to help see better. The Gray Wolfs strong legs help it run faster to catch it food better , and if it takes a long journey.
Reproduction Gray wolfs is born in the early spring. The same female will give birth sixty days later then another sixty days later and another and another etc… When the babies are all grown up the female half will do the same thing. While the babies grow up they learn what to do by watching there mother or father.
Please Behave As A Gray Wolf! Play time I want food When it wants to play it leaps in the air and bows letting the front of its body get closer to the ground while its rump and tail stick up in the air. He/she wags its tail fiercely when it is hungry. It will bark for food unless he is chasing it or attack.
Time To eat Humans hunt gray wolfs for their fur to keep warm. The gray wolf eat deer , moose ,elk etc… Humans hunt gray wolf for their fur to keep warm.
Habitat & Landforms The Gray Wolf lives in Asia North America and Europe are its habitats. It likes Tundra's and Grasslands. It can live in really windy and rainy and snowy habitats. They like to live in a open country and maybe some big forests. They usually Sleep under a tree or a bush. Its shelter can be cold or really hot or maybe even in the middle.
Fun Facts They can change its fur from black to gray to white . When it is hot it shreds it fur When it is cold its new fur grows thicker then usual. They are the biggest member in the dog family.