Seamless Transitions during Early Childhood Linda Elenbaas Ottawa Area Intermediate School District
Transition to Kindergarten Start at entry – day one! Focus on independent skills and skills needed for kindergarten (Dressing, toilet training, sitting, following directions, self-regulation, responding to group instructions, following a routine)
Plan for Transitions Early January or February is a good time to begin talking to your team about transitioning the student Begin assessments and profiles Know your student Consider using a Transition form Transition Procedure Talk to your existing special education team about student movement Transition checklist
Local Special Education Director Involvement When a transition is being planned: Give a summary of the skills and needs of the student. Understand the expectation for communication throughout the transition process. You need to alert the person who financially supports programing, staff, supports They may bow out of the process once you’ve contacted them but you must know the process for proceding Student Summary
Transition Options Visit all classroom options that might fit the student’s needs After the visits Hold a team meeting Review student’s Strengths Deficits Support needs Accommodations/Modifications Placement recommendation with rationale Program Options
Moving Forward with a Recommendation Communicate with Special Education Director after visits Set up a visit with receiving teacher Encourage parents to visit May attend kindergarten round-up together When the receiving teacher visits you can show the supports used for the student and the teacher gets to see the student being successful in a classroom setting. If the receiving teacher does not visit video, document, show them how the student functions in a classroom.
Next Steps Transition Portfolio Skills Checklist Student Profile Form Tobin Lyndia ECSE Report Card Conference Report Student Behavior Support Summary Current Work (photos or videos of work performance)
Pre-IEP Meeting Share: Transition Portfolio Current assessments Core deficit areas and goal recommendations Examples of current work and work performance (copies, pictures, video)
Setting Up the Exit IEP Meeting Meeting invitation should include the following people: Special Education Director from each district involved Current teacher Receiving teacher(s) Ancillary staff from sending and receiving team Parents Every member is critical so make the meeting work around schedules.
IEP Meeting Sending teacher hosts the meeting and writes the IEP Receiving teacher recommends goals based on current assessments
Preparations: Sending Teacher and Receiving Teacher Give receiving teacher any supports that have been used or created for the student Type of schedule the student uses Visual supports Prompting procedures Differentiated output Behavior support summary
Preparations: Sending Teacher and Receiving Teacher Provide additional information on Autism that is pertinent to the student Inform the receiving teacher that present staff is available for questions or concerns as the student transitions into the new class. If available staff can be placed in new classroom for up to 2 weeks during transition period. Staff is to work directly with the teacher as a classroom support giving the teacher strategies and assistance with the student should issues come up.
Preparations: Parents and the Receiving Teacher Discuss: Classroom communication procedure in new class Programs and family activities that are part of the new classroom and school community (PTA, volunteering…) Food or health needs or restriction Sensitivity training Sensitivity Training
Preparing the Student Create a countdown calendar Create a transition book Give the student the classroom rules in advance Prepare student for riding a new bus and having a new bus driver Have the child visit the classroom and playground Transition book-Things Tobin wants you to know…
Preparing Peers Get parent consent to do sensitivity training Sensitivity training may include: Talking about all the differences between each of us (hair color, eye color, glasses, tall , short) Reading the book My Friend With Autism Reading 10 things my friend “Tobin” wants you to know about him (LINK) Let the students ask questions and answer as honestly as possible while maintaining the student’s dignity
Models to Support Successful Transition Special education teacher is available to assist with transition Related services staff supports transition to new classroom Paraprofessional staff attends kindergarten (or new early childhood program) for first week In the fall, early childhood programs start a week later than K-12 to allow EC staff to support transition