International Travel Request System Presenter: Allie de Nysschen Date: 11 March 2013
International Travel Request System Overview International Travel Problem Solution Example How Personnel can report back on International travel How the International Office can extract information on International travel requests Requirements for the solution Strategic Roadmap
International Travel Request System The International Office, is responsible for agreements between their own University and Universities all around the world creating partnerships and agreements leading to “Partner Universities”. In order to build a better relationship between partner Universities, they need to be visited by representatives of the University at great cost.
International Travel Request System Problem Currently very little or no records are being kept regarding International travel. No Electronic process exists to manage the approval of International travel. No Financial records can be extracted without effort regarding International travel. No control exists regarding reporting on International travel. Personnel travel to countries at great expense without maximizing the benefit of the cost and do not include visits to Partner Universities because personnel are not always aware of partner Universities and the International office is not always notified when international travel takes place. International Office cannot report back on cost incurred for International travel.
International Travel Request System Solution Create a system where personnel can apply online to travel internationally on behalf of the University. Ensure that an approval process is in place to approve or reject the application as well as notify all the relevant parties such as the International office regarding such applications in order for them to suggest partner universities to be visited to maximize the benefit of international travel cost. Create or integrate a process where the travel costs can be captured on the existing Finance iEnabler system which should also handle the finance approval process. Create a process where personnel who travelled internationally can report back on the travel request and where the specific report can be approved or rejected by a designated approver per department or faculty. Create a view where the International office can extract financial data that was created as a result of an international travel request as well as travel request data such as countries visited etc.
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application International Travel Request Approval
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application International Travel Request Approval Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application Finance Approval of International Travel Cost International Travel Request Approval Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application Finance Approval of International Travel Cost International Travel Request Approval Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application Report Back on travel request Finance Approval of International Travel Cost International Travel Request Approval Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system Approval of Travel request report International Travel Request Application Report Back on travel request Finance Approval of International Travel Cost International Travel Request Approval Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system Approval of Travel request report International Travel Request Application Report Back on travel request Finance Approval of International Travel Cost International Travel Request Approval Query View on Finance cost and destinations for Travel requests Capture International Travel request Cost Travel Insurance number
International Travel Request System Web based system International Travel Request Application
International Travel Request System Web based system Travel reason and Motivation International Travel Request Application
International Travel Request System Web based system Add travellers Travel reason and Motivation International Travel Request Application
International Travel Request System Web based system Add travellers Travel reason and Motivation International Travel Request Application Add Itinerary for each Traveller
International Travel Request System Web based system Add travellers Travel reason and Motivation International Travel Request Application Add Itinerary for each Traveller Capture Partner Visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Approval process International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Approval process Approve Travel request International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request Recommend travel request awaiting info from International Office International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request Recommend travel request awaiting info from International Office International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit Send travel request back for correction
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request Recommend travel request awaiting info from International Office International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit Send travel request back for correction No Visit requested
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request Recommend travel request awaiting info from International Office International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit Send travel request back for correction No Visit requested Request a visit
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject Travel request Approval process Approve Travel request Recommend travel request awaiting info from International Office International Travel Request Approval International Office request partner University Visit Send travel request back for correction No Visit requested Request a visit Time out
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture Travel Insurance Number, travel cost cannot be captured without it Travel Insurance Number
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture International Travel Request Cost
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture Defined items restricted to travel related costs Capture International Travel Request Cost
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture Defined items restricted to travel related costs Capture International Travel Request Cost Capture Payment Items
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture Defined items restricted to travel related costs Capture International Travel Request Cost Capture Payment Items Capture Non Defined Items
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture Defined items restricted to travel related costs Capture International Travel Request Cost Capture Payment Items Capture Non Defined Items Upload and view supporting documents
International Travel Request System Web based system Finance Approval of International Travel cost
International Travel Request System Web based system Existing Finance Approvers and Approval process is used Finance Approval of International Travel cost
International Travel Request System Web based system Existing Finance Approvers and Approval process is used Existing Finance Routing and Notification is used Finance Approval of International Travel cost
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture report Capture International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Capture report Upload Supporting Documentation Capture International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Approve International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Approve report Approve International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject a report Approve report Approve International Travel request report
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject a report Approve report Approve International Travel request report View Supporting Documents
International Travel Request System Web based system Reject a report Approve report Approve International Travel request report Prevent Future International travel if all approved travel request reports are not approved View Supporting Documents
International Travel Request System Oracle Discoverer Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests
International Travel Request System Oracle Discoverer Which countries were visited all or per department Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests
International Travel Request System Oracle discoverer Total cost for International travel or per department or person Which countries were visited all or per department Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests
International Travel Request System Oracle discoverer Total cost for International travel or per department or person Which countries were visited all or per department Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests Cost per cost type (travel cost) per department/person/travel request
International Travel Request System Oracle discoverer Total cost for International travel or per department or person Which countries were visited all or per department Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests Cost per cost type (travel cost) per department/person/travel request Which countries were visited, but partner Universities were not
International Travel Request System Oracle discoverer Total cost for International travel or per department or person Which countries were visited all or per department Query View on Finance cost and destinations for travel requests Which partner Universities were visited Cost per cost type (travel cost) per department/person/travel request Which countries were visited, but partner Universities were not
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Travel Request Approval process
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email Travel Request Approval Recommended Notification to International Office
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email Travel Request Approval Recommended Notification to International Office Approved Update travel request status to approved & Notify Applicant Standard iEnabler Finance Requisition and approval Capture Travel insurance nr Travel request Finance Bridge Capture cost
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Create a new routing request number Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email Correction Travel Request Approval Recommended Notification to International Office Approved Update travel request status to approved & Notify Applicant Standard iEnabler Finance Requisition and approval Capture Travel insurance nr Travel request Finance Bridge Capture cost
International Travel Request System Routing process Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Create a new routing request number Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email Correction Travel Request Approval Recommended Notification to International Office Approved Request Partner visit Yes Update travel request status to approved & Notify Applicant Standard iEnabler Finance Requisition and approval Capture Travel insurance nr Travel request Finance Bridge Capture cost
International Travel Request System Routing process T Capture Travel request on WEB Submit Travel Request Update status of the request to reject and update the status of finance document to ‘Normal’ Create a new routing request number Travel Request Approval process Travel Request Approval Reject Notify Applicant via Email Notification to International Office Correction Travel Request Approval Recommended Approved No Request Partner visit Yes Update travel request status to approved & Notify Applicant Standard iEnabler Finance Requisition and approval Capture Travel insurance nr Travel request Finance Bridge Capture cost Time out
International Travel Request System Example
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Functionality exists to ensure that a person cannot apply for a next travel request if the previous travel request report have not been approved. This is user controlled and can be turned off in {GCS2-11}. Code Description Default IT International travel Report required Y The traveller can capture a report as well as upload documents in the report option. Please note: Future inquiries can only be done on captured reports not on uploaded documents. A Specific approval process exists for the reports to be approved, here the approver may capture some remarks.
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Example
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Example
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Example
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Example
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Example
International Travel Request System Reporting on travel request A specific view containing the existing finance tables as well as all the travel request tables exists where Oracle discoverer can be used to extract data such as: What was the total international travel cost for 2014 or per faculty/ department. What countries were visited in a specific year or per faculty/department Which partner Universities were visited in a specific year or per department/ faculty What was the specific cost per faculty/department for International travel. What was the specific travel cost of a specific person, what countries were visited and what partner universities were visited Which partner universities were not visited in a specific year, but the country was visited
International Travel Request System Requirements for this solution The client must use the Personnel iEnabler system as well as the Finance iEnabler system Full Integration with the existing Finance iEnabler system, but restricting the defined items to travel related items. Setup of an approval hierarchy in {GCS-10}, The user must decide if approval takes place per Department or per Faculty. Setup Routing system with notifications for approval of travel requests. Maintain Finance code structures. Maintain travel request Code structures. Setup SOD values as required. Security settings for LOV’S for IE8 or later releases
International Travel Request System Strategic Roadmap Roll out the International travel process for students and Other Users. Extend this Application to also cater for Domestic Travel.
Disclaimer The information, comments and material presented in this presentation are provided for information purposes only. The presentation is not addressing all possible technical or business aspects and does not claim to be complete or exhaustive. Adapt IT reserves the right to change its business or product development plans as circumstances dictate. This document may not be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of Adapt IT (Pty) Ltd.
Thank you
International Travel Request System Maintain Finance Code structures Create Travel Cost Codes and link the S&T cost amount - {FPMM-25} This will be prepopulated with values, but can be changed by the User. The Finance system will only display rates in the “Payment Items” of zones linked to the Arrival countries that is not the resident country. If no rate is displayed a specific country is not linked to a Zone for the reason that the normal rates for the zone does not apply because it may be too expensive, in this case and the user must get an order made out via the defined or non defined items for S&T Costs
International Travel Request System Maintain Finance Code structures Create a Travel request Commodity code in {FPMC-2}. Link the commodity code to SOD ‘WA’
International Travel Request System Maintain Finance Code structures Create general defined items in {FPMM-3} linked to the Travel request commodity code
International Travel Request System Maintain Finance Code structures
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Partner University - {GCS-2} The user must add all partner Universities in this option with the following information: The institution should be active. Partner University Indicator should = ‘Y’. Country code should be populated using the LOV. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Travel request Reason codes – {GCS-37} The user must add all the relevant reason codes to be used. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Travel request Reason codes on the WEB application
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Create Zone codes - {GCS-41} This will be prepopulated, but the user may apply changes. A zone code have to be created for every different S&T rate. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Link Travel Cost Codes to International Zones - {GCS-42} This will be prepopulated, but the user may apply changes. The economic zones will be used to link S&T rates to a zone instead of a rate linked to every country. If a specific country in a region has a different S&T rate then a new Zone code have to be created for this country. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Link Countries to International Zones – {GCS-38} This will be prepopulated, but the user may apply changes. The economic zones will be used to link S&T rates to a zone instead of a rate linked to every country. If a specific country in a region has a different S&T rate then a new Zone code have to be created for this country. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: City Definition codes - {GCS-39} This will be prepopulated, but the user may apply changes. Example:
International Travel Request System Maintain Travel Request Code structures: Airport Definition codes – {GCS-40} This will be prepopulated with comprehensive list of most airports in the world, but the user may apply changes and maintain this list. Example:
International Travel Request System Setup SOD values Sod Setup on GCS2-11 Code Description Default IT International travel Report required Y WT Travel request document storage category WTRAVREQ WV International Travel request Routing Type TRAI W1 Routing request outcome – Approve Travel Request TRAP W2 Routing request outcome – Reject Travel Request TRRJ W3 Routing request outcome – Send Travel Request back for correction TRCR W4 Routing request outcome – Recommended, Partner Visit request TRAV W5 Routing request outcome – Submit Travel Request for approval TRSM W6 Routing request outcome – No partner Visit requested TRNV W7 Routing request outcome – Partner Visit requested TRRV W8 Routing request outcome – Approve Travel Request report TRRA W9 Routing request outcome – Reject Travel Request report TRRR W0 Travel request Resident country code ZA WD Validate Department or Faculty Approver setup Y WK International Travel request Report Routing Type TRRI
International Travel Request System Reporting by Travellers Functionality exists to ensure that a person cannot apply for a next travel request if the previous travel request report have not been approved. This is user controlled and can be turned off in {GCS2-11}. Code Description Default IT International travel Report required Y The traveller can capture a report as well as upload documents in the report option. Please note: Future inquiries can only be done on captured reports not on uploaded documents. A Specific approval process exists for the reports to be approved, here the approver may capture some notes .
International Travel Request System Reporting on travel request A specific view containing the existing finance tables as well as all the travel request tables exists where Oracle discoverer can be used to extract data such as: What was the total international travel cost for 2014 or per faculty/ department. What countries were visited in a specific year or per faculty/department Which partner Universities were visited in a specific year or per department/ faculty What was the specific cost per faculty/department for International travel. What was the specific travel cost of a specific person, what countries were visited and what partner universities were visited Which partner universities were not visited in a specific year, but the country was visited
International Travel Request System Correction of security settings Cross-site scripting is an automatic browser setting that came in from IE 8. To fix per browser, Follow the steps as mentioned below: Click start and click on internet explorer Hit Alt key on keyboard Click on Tools , internet options Click on security tab Click on Custom level Scroll down to Enable XSS FILTER “Under Scripting” Place a check mark for Disable XSS FILTER and click on Ok Click ok to close the properties windows Restart internet explorer and check for issue To fix problem via webserver (will work on Apache servers) In Apache's config: Header set X-XSS-Protection 0
International Travel Request System Correction of security settings Cross-site scripting is an automatic browser setting that came in from IE 8.
International Travel Request System Requirements Routing Process for Travel Request. Notifications. Examples of emails generated
International Travel Request System Requirements Routing Process for Travel Request. Notifications. Examples of emails generated
Disclaimer The information, comments and material presented in this presentation are provided for information purposes only. The presentation is not addressing all possible technical or business aspects and does not claim to be complete or exhaustive. Adapt IT reserves the right to change its business or product development plans as circumstances dictate. This document may not be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of Adapt IT (Pty) Ltd.
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