Achieving innovation to meet new market challenges: Global Commodity Financing GTR MENA Oscar Wehtje, Head of Product Development February 2017
Recent warehouse receipt fraud cases Qingdao 2014 Busan 2017 Financial Times 19 DEC 2014 Qingdao fraud case taints commodity financing Metal Bulletin 27 JAN 2017 [Warehouse company] warns of forged warehouse receipts circulating in Asia GTR 24 FEB 2015 Trade world awaits Qingdao fraud verdict Bloomberg 30 JAN 2017 Forged warehouse receipts renew worries of commodities fraud Reuters 24 FEB 2015 Qingdao scandal casts a long shadow over metal markets
LMEshield provides a range of measures to address issues in the warehouse-receipting market $ Commodities IN Commodities OUT A B F Receipt created Receipt holder 1 Receipt holder 2 Receipt cancelled D E Finance / collateral Receipt creation by approved warehouses, with attached supporting documents1 Secure electronic transfer of ownership between approved participants2 A D Receipts securely printed and immobilised in depository, record held on central register Clarity regarding financing agreement status, with clearly identified liability for rent B E All participating warehouse facilities subject to approval and inspection Encrypted codes issued to ensure safe release of commodity from warehouse C F 1) Can include e.g. photographs, certificates of analysis, bill of lading, and other supporting evidence of unique parcel 2) Transfers using the LMEshield system ensure to facilitate good delivery
Aiming to bring benefits to all LMEshield user groups Warehouses and commodity storage facilities Ensuring security and instilling customers with confidence Maintaining high standards globally Controlling operational costs and managing rent collection Supporting customer needs and facilitating effective transfer of ownership Banks and financing institutions Reduced risk of fraud and losses on financed material Effective global inventory management Familiarity and consistency of legal structure Transparency of financing status and liens Physical commodity traders Ability to access finance against a commodity Efficient transfer of ownership Minimising credit, operational and fraud risk
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