Discussion Topics for Exploring OMG UPDM Way-ahead Maturity Concepts for DoDAF Representation in the Core Architecture Data Model (CADM)
DOD IT Standards Executive Agent Summary Analysis and Conclusions on CADM Based on considerable technical and non-technical information put forward by numerous subject matter experts on this issue the EA concludes that: CADM is an effective mechanism for identifying, developing, and managing DOD architecture information requirements It is primarily focused on the earlier conceptual stages of a capability and lacks integration with the acquisition/development processes
Adoption of CADM in commercial products is very limited Presently, Proforma being the only vendor who has implemented CADM. However, Proforma is an early implementation of CADM v1.03 (not v1.5) Followed Architecture Interoperability Project (AIP) Phase II guidelines that specified just 7 of the 26 products - OV2, OV3, OV5, SV1 ,TV1, AV1 and AV2 constituting about 300 of the 700 CADM v1.03 tables
CADM Needs Broader Participation and Support Lacks standards body endorsement A CADM Community of Interest (COI) has not been formally established To date, draft development work in the CADM Technical Working group lacks full internal DoD participation
Current CADM Limitations CADM was not built to support cross architecture analysis techniques and requires analysts to extract data into a usable form for analysis needs Vendors supporting DoDAF not able to read, write and exchange CADM data among multiple commercial tools CADM artifacts and data poorly leveraged in systems development and acquisition
Way Ahead for CADM needs to leverage OMG accomplishments Earlier work sponsored by DoD in the Object Management Group (OMG) to extend the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to support the modeling needs are beginning to show results in the UML Profile for DoDAF / Ministry of Defense Architectural Framework (MODAF) Universal Profile Data Model (UPDM). The larger scope of UPDM, that includes both US DoD and UK MOD systems development work, encourages a larger pool of vendors to consider developing automated tools for creating the architecture artifacts. Both UPDM as the broader industry standard and CADM, possibly as a DoD subset, with possible unique DoD extensions may ultimately need to be in the DISR in order to fully represent enterprise architecture exchange standards.
Possible OMG Way-ahead OMG work could support follow-on ISO SDO processes to ensure harmonization with related international standards Recognition to encourage development of commercial tools support for enterprise architecture data standards. Work effort must harmonize the value-chain of the architecture artifacts along the entire continuum of the acquisition process from requirements definition through production. (See Systems Engineering Wall Chart) This will include continued participation in the OMG-based UPDM effort. CADM drafts to continue to express DOD architecture data requirements and would be one of the foundation document for OMG consideration as an emerging standard.
Objective DOD Enterprise Architecture Exchange Goals An interoperable architecting tool for enterprise assessment of capabilities and IT portfolios Increased usefulness of architecture data throughout the development, acquisition, and sustainment processes Managing architecture information requirements and promoting interoperability of architecture descriptions A standard format and interface for exchange of architecture data that supports tool and repository interoperability. Harmonizing and credentialing CADM as an industry standard through OMG, and thereafter moving towards ISO consideration.
Objective DOD Enterprise Architecture Exchange Goals (cont.) CADM to keep pace with the industry; supported by UPDM so that it emerges as a commercial standard. Broaden commercial interest in developing standards-based architecture tools that auto-magically support CADM/DARS. development of a robust Architecture repository that accepts data from a variety of commercial architecture development tools in e.g. XML and XMI responds to user query and commercial tool use through commercially supported Object Request Brokers, complete with data interchange agents. Maintain architecture framework as a standard independent of visualization methods and modeling techniques.
Discussion Is UPDM an effective collaboration avenue for DoD’s CADM objectives? Would OMG be a suitable forum for this work? Is there interest in Next Steps?
Contact Information Ken Hong Fong Sr. Systems Engineering Analyst US Department of Defense; Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics; (AT&L/SSE) Systems and Software Engineering Directorate ekenneth.hongfong@osd.mil 703-602-0851 X173 A collaboration effort with OASD(NII)/DoD CIO, Joint Staff/J6 and DISA And the Military Services and DoD Components