agriculture the job of working on the land, producing crops, and/or raising livestock
a place where people live, work, or have fun together community a place where people live, work, or have fun together
to travel from home to work and back commute to travel from home to work and back
country the open rural area outside of big towns and cities; or the land of a person’s birth, residence, or citizenship; or a nation or its territory
plants used as food that can be grown and harvested crops plants used as food that can be grown and harvested
number of people living together in one area density number of people living together in one area
an area where the main businesses of a city or town are downtown an area where the main businesses of a city or town are
a piece of land used for growing crops or raising livestock farm a piece of land used for growing crops or raising livestock
high-rise very tall building
the place in which a person or family lives home the place in which a person or family lives
farm animals kept for use or raised to sell livestock farm animals kept for use or raised to sell
an area that includes a city and its surroundings metropolitan area an area that includes a city and its surroundings
a person who lives close to another in any community neighbor a person who lives close to another in any community
an area in a community where people live near one another neighborhood an area in a community where people live near one another
public transportation ways of travel that are organized and that everybody can use
community with open land, few buildings and businesses, and few people rural community with open land, few buildings and businesses, and few people
skyscrapers very tall buildings
social group a group of community members who come together to share common interests
a community just outside of a city suburb a community just outside of a city
trains that can run underground subway trains that can run underground
townhouses more than one house connected to each other
tradition a special way of doing something that is passed down over time from generation to generation
urban a city community with a lot of tall buildings, a community in which people live that is larger or more crowded than a town
a way of moving people or things from one place to another transportation a way of moving people or things from one place to another