1 Timothy 4:7 7 But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; 8 for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
Jay Adams “The word discipline has disappeared from our minds, our mouths, our pulpits, and our culture. We hardly know what discipline means in modern American society. And yet, there is no other way to attain godliness; discipline is the path to godliness.”
Are You Lacking in Spiritual Self-Discipline? Do you overeat? Do you eat junk foods and high sugar snacks and drinks? Do you drink alcohol to excess? Do you use non-prescription drugs recreationally? If you are not married, are you sexually active? Are you careless with your speech? Do you say whatever comes into your head? Are you overly critical of others? When you are frustrated or upset, do you let it keep you from doing your duty?
Are You Lacking in Spiritual Self-Discipline? Do you allow yourself to grumble and complain about things more than verbally praising the Lord to the experiencing of His joy? Do you allow yourself to engage and stay in a mode of argument with others rather than seeking true peace with others as far as it depends on you? Is your life and attitude characterized more by the deeds of the flesh than by the fruit of the Spirit? Do you oversleep? Do you allow yourself to lay in bed longer than is needful for your rest?
Are You Lacking in Spiritual Self-Discipline? Do you find yourself giving your time to things that you want to do and neglecting those things that are more difficult or more important? Do you spend money you don’t have, or make unwise spending decisions? Do you leave your bed unmade and leave your clothes lying around rather than hung back up in the closet? Do you indulge in recreation when you should be working?
Are You Lacking in Spiritual Self-Discipline? Do you say you are going to do something and then neglect to do it; work projects, school assignments, bible studies? Are you consistently late for appointments or for church meetings?
The Goal of Godliness – Self-Discipline What is Spiritual Self-Discipline? On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7b) To be disciplined is to be in control of your body and your mind and your spirit so that you make them do what they ought to do rather than what they want to do.
Jerry Bridges (The Pursuit of Holiness) “As we become soft and lazy in our bodies, we tend to become soft and lazy spiritually. When Paul talked about making his body his slave, so that after having preached to others he himself would not be disqualified, he was not thinking about physical disqualification, but spiritual. He knew well that physical softness inevitably leads to spiritual softness. When the body is pampered and indulged, the instincts and passions of the body tend to get the upper hand and dominate our thoughts and actions. We tend to do not what we ought to do, but what we want to do, as we follow the craving of our sinful nature.”
The Goal of Godliness – Self-Discipline Why practice Spiritual Self-Discipline? On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7b) “Therefore we have as our ambition to be pleasing to Him…” (2 Corinthians 5:9)
John MacArthur “Godly character is not the result of good intentions, wishful thinking, some mystical “zap,” or even sheer Bible knowledge. It’s developed through the self-disciplined application of God’s Word at a very basic level, enabled and empowered by God’s Spirit.”
Thought Committed people are disciplined people… Godly people are disciplined people…
Donald Whitney “I’ve never known a man or woman who came to spiritual maturity except through discipline.”
The Goal of Godliness – Self-Discipline Is there a difference between godliness and self-discipline? On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7b) Godliness – “to worship and/or serve well.” Godly people are disciplined people