The Ministry that builds the Church…


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Presentation transcript:

The Ministry that builds the Church… 12th November 2016 The Ministry that builds the Church…

The Big Picture:

Starting at the right place… The basis of this model of discipleship: Experience of different models, but most importantly… Biblical Conviction! The message of Ephesians...

The healthy, growing Body of Christ that’s built up in love! Ephesians 4:1-16 4:16: The Goal The healthy, growing Body of Christ that’s built up in love!

4:12: Saints equipped for the work of ministry Ephesians 4:1-16 4:12: Saints equipped for the work of ministry 4:16: The Result The healthy, growing Body of Christ that’s built up in love!

4:12: Saints equipped for the work of ministry Ephesians 4:1-16 4:11: Christ’s Gifts The Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds (Pastors) & Teachers 4:12: Saints equipped for the work of ministry 4:16: The Result The healthy, growing Body of Christ that’s built up in love!

The Big Picture:

Discipleship in the Word:

The RML System St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London Year 1: Mark Year 2: Romans Year 3: Bible Overview

The Big Picture:

The System’s engine: The Leaders’ Group So what happens at a Leaders’ Group? Before: Prepare 2 Statements: The Main Point Statement The Aim Statement

The System’s engine: The Leaders’ Group So what happens at a Leaders’ Prep Group? Before: Prepare 2 Statements: The Main Point Statement The Aim Statement During: Training leaders to think for themselves vs. Didactic teaching

The System’s engine: The Leaders’ Group So what happens at a Leaders’ Prep Group? Before: Prepare 2 Statements: The Main Point Statement The Aim Statement During: Training leaders to think for themselves vs. Didactic teaching After: 1st week: Write study, send to Trainers for feedback 2nd Week: Improve study based on feedback

Use of External Material…

The effect of training…


Potential Questions: Why the need for studies every week? How about BSF & Precepts?

Example Small Group Schedule: February: Small Group Program: 1st Week Bible Study: Romans 3:1-20 2nd Week Bible Study: Romans 3:21-26 3rd Week Bible Study: Romans 3:27-4:25 4th Week 321: Reflect on Romans 3 & 4 and Pray

Zion Bishan’s Plan:

The long term picture…

How this works at AG level: