Shepherding at MBC March 5, 2017
Agenda Prayer & Introduction. Overview of ‘Shepherding’. The Why: Current State of Affairs in Ministry. The What: Caring for & Shepherding the Congregation. The Who: Regional Pastors & Ministry Leaders Luke 14:1-24 Q & A
Overview of ‘Shepherding’ Pastoral Care at McLean Bible Church
McLean Bible Church PASTORAL COMMITMENTS: Shepherd the Flock. Cultivate a culture of discipleship. Multiply points of pastoral contact within church. Equip the Saints for Works of Ministry. Infuse Scripture into every environment. Develop lay pastors & leaders within congregation. Better Steward our God-Given Resources. Leverage everything for making evangelistic impact. McLean Bible Church
Current State of Affairs: Under 20% of attenders or members in a Small Group (approx. 130). 52% of congregants NOT interested in any Discipleship Group at present. Half of those who come to faith in Christ at MBC are still not baptized. Backdoor survey revealed long-time members left as a result of difficulty assimilating / no interactions with ministerial staff. Lack of pastoral connections for congregants (i.e. difficulty contacting or locating a pastor). Impersonal processes / communication pathways.
The WHAT: Regional Ministry VISION FOR REGIONS: Simplified point of contact: Regional Pastor. Focused effort on development of believers through groups (diff. sizes/types): Regional Pastor of Groups. Providing personal connections/recommendations to groups; visitor retention. A physical MBC ministry presence in your area/neighborhood. Localized and personalized ministry & outreach. A fully developed lived life of faith for MBC congregants that connects them to one another and their communities that results in a truly evangelistic impact on D.C. The WHAT: Regional Ministry A BIG PICTURE SUMMARY OF HOW WE BELIEVE GOD WILL USE ‘REGIONS’ TO EXPAND THE MINISTRY OF MCLEAN BIBLE CHURCH IN-AND-AROUND METRO D.C.
Concentric Circles of Pastoral Care MBC MBC Tyson's MBC Tyson's Community Groups MBC Tyson's Regions Small Groups/Mentoring You
REGIONS & FAMILY MINISTRY: INTERACTION(S) Sr Pastor/Elders Point of ministries’ alignment/integration Exec Pastors/Staff Other Campus Pastors/Staff Other Campus Membership Regional Leadership Teams Functional Ministry Teams Small Group Leadership Teams Community Group Leadership Teams Individuals Individuals Individuals You Individuals Individuals Individuals
Shepherding Team Introductions
Shepherding team Justin Orr: Regional Pastor (East) Nate Reed: Regional Pastor (South) Nyke Gatlin: Regional Pastor (North) James Kana: Interim Regional Pastor (West) Lee Vaughn: Regional Pastor: Groups (North) Joe Kelty: Regional Pastor: Groups (South) Carol Tran: Director of Regional Women’s Ministry Sunny Bender: Director of Evangelism Training