Starting with a Vision for Reaching the entire People Group or Area With Whom Do We Start? Starting with a Vision for Reaching the entire People Group or Area
An overwhelming number of mission strategies begin with children’s or women’s ministries.
In General Terms … VBS (for children) is often done when the parents are at work Often we utilize strategies and methodologies that specifically target women in their initial ministries (at times when men are not home) Very few strategies intentionally make disciples of men in order to win their families.
We have noticed, that often men from a Latin Catholic culture see: God Bible Church as things needed by those who are weak.
When children are the first in their families to come to Christ - Mothers often also come to Christ Fathers almost never come to Christ In many cases, the Father prohibits their families from active participation in Evangelical Churches.
When mothers are the first in their families to come to Christ - Children very often also come to Christ Fathers almost never come to Christ Reinforcement of the Worldview that God, Bible and Church are for the weak.
When fathers are the first in their families to come to Christ - The wife very often comes to Christ The children very often come to Christ We see the entire family actively participating in the church and being discipled.
If we know these patterns are true… How should they affect the way we do missions in a male dominate, Latin Catholic Culture?
We Might Want to Consider Minimizing doing ministries at times men are not available Avoiding including men in ministries in which they would have little or no interest Minimizing efforts that tend to separate/isolate family members Doing ministries that impact every member of the family Exploring ministries that recognize and affirm men as leaders and providers Using Bible stories that address worldview issues of men
If men tend not to be willing to “go to church…” Do things away from any type of “church building” Look for “neutral areas” where men will not be uncomfortable about being seen If possible, have Bible studies/church in the home where the man has allowed these to take place and when he will be present
Men may be interested in: Agriculture Money Management Home Improvement/How to do Repairs Basic Auto Mechanics Computer Skills Sports/hunting/fishing Discipline in the Home
Can you learn from the men in your area? Language Culture Build relationships to explore worldview Learn about their interests!
Bible Stories/Figures God as Just, Powerful Lord David as King and Conqueror Moses as Leader of a Nation Abraham as Father of a Nation Paul as an Unashamed Follower Jesus as a Real Man who faced Real Issues