Word Dissection Lesson #18
Make a flashcard for each word part. On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __
Im__= In (on; into; against) Examples: Immigration = having to do with moving in Impress = Press in In (on; into; against) Imprint = Print into or on
Im__= No/not (without; lacking) Examples: Impure = Not pure Immortal = not mortal No/not (without; lacking) Imperfect = not perfect
Log; logo logy; logu logue= Examples: Eulogy = Good words Logomania = Crazy about words Monologue = words by one Word (speech; reasoning) Logic = having to do with reasoning
e/ex= Out (out of; away; completely; off; up) Examples: Exceed = Go out or away Educe = lead out Eductive = leading out Out (out of; away; completely; off; up) Education = having to do with leading away or up
Lingu lingua= Language (tongue) Examples: Monolingual = one language Bilinguist = specialist in two languages Bilingual = two languages Language (tongue) Trilingual = three languages Multilingual = many languages
__ful= Full of (having or having to do with) Examples: Truthful = full of truth Respectful = full of respect Thoughtful = full of thought Full of (having or having to do with) Fearful = full of fear
__able __ible= Examples: Unsociable = not able to be social Audible = able to be heard Respectable = able to respect Able to Reducible = able to reduce
__iac __ac= Having to do with (Adjective) or Examples: Cardiac = having to do with the heart (Adj) Demoniac = having to do with demons (Adj) Having to do with (Adjective) or person who is or has (noun) Egomaniac = Person who is crazy about him/her self (noun)