Greek/Roman Myth Project
Step 1 Choose Myth character Mortal or immortal (heroine, hero, god, or goddess).
Step 2 Provide a visual that explores name and description of myth character. Iconography Etymology of name Etymology of items or names associated with character, etc.
Step 3 * Choose only “1” myth from your chosen God/Goddess/Hero
Step 4 *apply/explain why this “1” myth exists originally “old” in at least 3 ways
Step 5 *compare old to new: take original meaning and apply it in modern context (new can be a literary or modern application)
Step 6: focus on didactic application
Final Product visual for name and description of myth character. Iconography Etymology of name Etymology of items or names associated with character, etc. 50 points possible Multi-Flow map idea of cause and effect. Focus on old to new application. Apply moral or didactic application Total points = 100 points