Why GCSE History? Students should have a desire to know more! They should want to understand why people used ancient medical ideas two hundred year ago or why the German people chose to vote Hitler into power. They should have good communication skills, enjoy reading books and watching film clips that deal with events in history. They should have the ability to balance an argument but also to understand why people have very different interpretations of the same event. Finally they should have an enquiring mind and want to investigate further. This subject is an excellent foundation for the study of A Level History; the successful completion of which will provide a wide range of opportunities at University. It is a useful foundation for other humanities subject such as Geography, Religious Education, Politics, Law, Sociology and Archaeology. Students will find the range of communication skills that are taught valuable in careers such as the law, newspaper and television journalism as well as more obvious opportunities in teaching, archaeology, museums and libraries
Edexcel GCSE – 3 exam papers in year 11 British Thematic Study with historic Environment – Medicine in Britain 1250 – present day with The British sector of the Western Front: injuries, treatment and the trenches. (30%) Paper 2: Period Study and British Depth Study – The American West 1835- 1895 (20%) with British Depth study – Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 (20%) Paper 3: Modern Depth Study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (30%)
Describe it to the person next to you. The image will flash up for 10 seconds and then you have 30 seconds to remember as much as possible. Describe it to the person next to you.
Periods you will study: Medieval England The Renaissance in England Paper 1: British Thematic Study with historic Environment – Medicine in Britain 1250 – present day Periods you will study: Medieval England The Renaissance in England Medicine in the Industrial period Medicine in Modern Britain
Your study will include: Paper 1: British Thematic Study with historic Environment – Medicine in Britain 1250 – present day Your study will include: Natural and supernatural approaches to medicine The Black Death The rebirth of the Renaissance Florence Nightingale Jenner Cholera Penicillin NHS
Your study will include: Battles of WW1 Conditions in the trenches Paper 1: British Thematic Study with historic Environment – The Western Front in WW1 – injuries, treatment and trenches Your study will include: Battles of WW1 Conditions in the trenches Wounds from rifles and explosives Surgical advances in WW1 Such as x-rays, blood banks and plastic surgery Source analysis…
How the West was won
Period Study and British Depth Study – The American West 1835-1895 Paper 2: Period Study and British Depth Study – The American West 1835-1895 Your study will include: The early settlement of the West, including a study of the Native American people. Social and tribal structures and the way they survived on the Plain for 1000’s of years. The clash between the white settlers and the Native Americans – including battles such as the Battle of the Little bighorn Changes in the use of the land – cattle, gold and railroads.
Paper 2: Period Study and British Depth Study - Early Elizabethan England 1558 – 1588 Your study will include: The Virgin Queen – her strength, relationships and gender Religious divisions in England Mary Queen of scots – her challenge and her execution Attacks from Scotland and Spain Life in Elizabethan times – education, poverty, technology and exploration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wNboYbgYjo
Modern Depth Study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (30%) The Rise of Hitler - 5 minutes Paper 3: Modern Depth Study – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (30%) Your study will include: The conditions in Germany in 1918 The Weimar Government The treat of Versailles Problems Germany faces in the 1920’s Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party The use of fear in Nazi Germany The role of women and children The persecution of minorities
Why GCSE History? Is this the subject for me? The course is very varied in content – don’t choose this just because you like to study Germany. There is much more to it than that… Some of the skills you have practised at KS3 are employed at GCSE – description, explanation, balanced arguments, interpretations and inferences. However, you must be prepared to learn new skills It is hard graft. It is hard to achieve a top grade in History GCSE and it doesn’t happen by accident. You will be expected to think about the quality of your communication as well as your History knowledge and skills. But it is a brilliant GCSE if you are up for it…