The third Annual Conference On Gynecologic Oncology and Prevention Oncology July 20-21, 2017 Chicago, Illinoid USA PPGYNO1 Poster Section @Athens Title Investigation and Verification of New Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer with Proteolytic Variants of Blood Proteins Title Authors : 1 Song Nan Chow, MD, Ph.D ,National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of OBGYN . Min-Sheng General Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan . 2 Chin-hsiang Chien OncoLock Co., Ltd. , Taiwan12 ; Taiwan Foundation for the Development of Biomedical Technology.1,2 There is a lot of efforts on discovery of biomarkers for early detection of ovarian cancer. However, still no suitable biomarkers can be applied for early detection or prognostic prediction of ovarian cancers, especially by blood test. Tumor markers should meet the criteria as listed below: 1. Reflection of tumor burden; 2. Levels should be quantifiable before and after surgical operations; 3. It can be detected in the live tumor tissues; and 4. Low level or absence in normal tissues. The purpose of this study is to verify whether the variants of factors contained in plasma or serum of ovarian cancer patients are new blood protein biomarkers for ovarian cancers. We are interested to investigate whether proteolytic species in human blood samples can be biomarkers for diagnosis of ovarian cancer. A new proteomic methodology has been implemented to mine these biomarkers of ovarian cancer. Methods of Investigation: Proteomics and Western blot detection. p1
Western blot analysis for NB from ovarian cancer patient plasma sample Results of western blot analyses of blood samples from human subjects with various health conditions using an OncoLock antibody-1 . Western blot analysis for NB from ovarian cancer patient plasma sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10% reducing gel Loadng: 0255 0255T T263 T264 T265 T266 T267 T268 T7 T21 Nr- Jimbo Nr- Leo 245 180 140 100 75 60 45 35 25 15 Blocking buffer: 1% BSA 1st Ab : pre-NB (25 kDa) (1/1000 ) 2 ∘ Ab: Donkey anti mouse (1/10000) Contact information:
Found the New Biomarker for Ovarian Cancer : Detection and Monitoring The third Annual Conference On Gynecologic Oncology and Prevention Oncology July 20-21, 2017 Chicago, USA PPGYNO1 Poster Section @Athens Found the New Biomarker for Ovarian Cancer : Detection and Monitoring Please Contact : OncoLock Co. Ltd,