The Reader Organisation Promoting Reading in the Wider Community In case you would like to see a photo of that
The Reader Organisation Bringing about a Reading Revolution In case you would like to see a photo of that
This is what it looks like – a small group of people deeply intent on their conversation about a poem while in the background a huge stampede takes place So what’s enterprising about the reading revolution? It all goes back to the moment my boss
Get into Reading groups. meet weekly. read aloud Get into Reading groups *meet weekly *read aloud *whole books, poems, plays, short stories – from Millions by Frank Cottrell Boyce to Doris Lessing’s African Stories to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe to Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
It’s personal In case you would like to see a photo of that
The Reader Organisation
Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced or cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how straight the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. We use books to build community through shared meanings – language and imagination can change your life
We use books to build community through shared meanings – language and imagination can change your life
Our work in general In case you would like to see a photo of that
60% have read for pleasure in past year according to DCMS which means 40% haven’t 5m functionally illiterate 12m find reading ‘a struggle’
Professor Louis Appleby NHS Director for Mental Health She moved from UoL School of English to this rather dilapidated library in the North end of Birkenhead: this was the enterprising leap of faith based on Janes crazy idea that this stuff ‘ literature’ was’ valuable’. She saw what we’d call a gap in the market based on the following facts Professor Louis Appleby NHS Director for Mental Health
Pictured here in her demanding role as CEO of a growing charity, reading in a supermarket car park with a passing 6 year old
Our work with children and young people In case you would like to see a photo of that
'The kids freeze when they see written words on a page -- they can't or don't want to read - how can they possibly achieve GCSEs? The first step is getting past that fear.'
Project Worker Report from Tranmere Community Project They voted to carry on past the hour mark in order to hear the last twist in the tale of Hell’s Island. ‘That book’s wicked!’ exclaimed C, attending for the first time. ‘Where can I find more books like that?’
Weatherhead School Reader in Residence
Woodchurch Men and Boys project ‘One of the first things we did was to supply books to the youth groups in the area that children could pick up and read – bringing reading material to them. We indicated that there was no pressure to return the books. One of the youth workers reported to us that one boy, H, picked up one of the books. H was aged 13 but had a younger reading age ability. The book was written with a reading age of about 7. H patiently read the book out loud to the youth worked and was told he could take it home and keep it if he wanted – he did. He did not have any books at home. H returned to the youth group the following week and told the youth worker how he had read the book to each of his nine siblings and asked if he could have another book as they wanted to hear something new..’
All of the boys in this group wanted to attend a reading group again in the future, and had enjoyed the reading group more than they thought they would. ‘I didn’t like the group...I loved it’. ‘I’ve enjoyed this 10 out of 10. I thought reading was boring but I like it now. Would I come again? Yes! Yes! Yes!’ ‘Reading would get really boring for me because I didn’t understand many words. It was more exciting for me here, and I liked being given the chance to read.’ ‘Next time, can we go on longer, and read two whole books?’
Training Youth Workers to Read Aloud through Liverpool Reads ‘It's made me think how important imagination is for the young people as well as physical stuff. Without imagination you can't think. It can help you understand things. It's like the power to think ahead. We've got to give this to the young people.’ (Katie, Youth Worker, Norris Green)
2010 young person projects: Wirral Looked After Children Liverpool Looked After Children Reader in Residence in 6 Merseyside Secondary Schools Engaged 10 schools in reading for pleasure inc workshops for parents Home office funded work with parents in Seacombe Engaged 20,000 + through Liverpool Reads
The Reader Organisation Bringing about a Reading Revolution
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