Gender inequality in the U.S. voting, sign contracts, sit on juries, education, jobs, wages, personal property,
The Women’s Movement Seneca Falls, New York 1848 “ Declaration” Suffrage “ the right to vote “ 19th Amendment 1920 1972 / feminist argued for a constitutional amendment ( Equal Rights Amendment ) ERA The amendment needed 38 states to ratified and become part of the constitution. 35 approved thus it fell 3 short
Progress and Reform Title IX ( prohibited discrimination in education ) Work place discrimination has declined Personal property Marriage rights Opportunities and acceptance in most aspects of society
Education Education : 56 % of colleges are woman Engineering, physical science, and architect degrees are still dominated by men More woman are attending graduate school Woman are still less likely to pursue a doctorial degrees High School and College athletics ( Title IX )
Work world Wage gap : level of women’s income relative to that of men Woman, 81 cents / men $1.00 $10, 000 average yearly difference Glass ceiling: invisible barrier that prevents woman form gaining upper level positions in management.
Home life Married woman who work face a particular kind of gender inequality known as the “ second shift “ Household duties: cooking, cleaning, and child care. Husbands find ways to avoid helping with the household responsibilities
Political Woman make up about 52% of the voting age population Woman make up about 18 to 26% of political representation in the United States government. This includes house of representatives, senators, governors, and all state and local offices