New Student Orientation Day 2016/2017 Master Program in Economics


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Presentation transcript:

New Student Orientation Day 2016/2017 Master Program in Economics

Mission Statement ”To become a leading master program in applied economics at international levels and to produce highly skilled graduates who understand spiritual values and continually develop their knowledge”

Learning Goals the general Learning Goals (LG) in the educational process of MPIE consist of two aspects: (i) hard skill aspect that shown in LG1-4 and (ii) soft skill aspect that shown in LG-5. The Learning Goal are: LG.1 Identifying problems in (1) Public Finance, (2) Monetary, Banking, and Finance, and (3) Islamic Finance and Economy. LG.2 Explaining knowledge in (1) Public Finance, (2) Monetary, Banking, and Finance, and (3) Islamic Finance and Economy. LG.3 Applying research techniques in order to develop knowledge in the field of (1) Public Finance, (2) Monetary, Banking, and Finance, and (3) Islamic Finance and Economy based on scientific principles. LG.4 Analyzing problems and knowledge in (1) Public Finance, (2) Monetary, Banking, and Finance, and (3) Islamic Finance and Economy. LG.5 Organizing research activities as well as publish the research results in both national and international levels.

Master Program in Economics General Admission selection Cooperation with Bappenas/Ministry of National Development Planning Cooperation with Ministry of Finance

Curriculum and Study Load The Curriculum of Master Program in Economics is (1) Program Compulsory Courses, (2) Compulsory Courses for concentration, (3) Elective courses, and (4) Thesis. The study load ranges between 39 CPs – 42 CPs

Study Load Distribution: Courses Categories CPs Program Compulsory 15 Course interest/concentration 12 elective 6-12 Thesis 9 Total 39-42

List of Courses Master Program in Economics Compulsory Courses No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1. EKP 6101 Applied Econometrics 3 1 2. EKP 6102 Applied Macroeconomics 3. EKP 6103 Applied Microeconomics 4. EKP 6204 Indonesian Business and Economy 5. EKP 6105 Economic Research Method Total 15

Compulsory Course of Program Elective courses (students are obliged to take 2-4 courses) No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1 EKP 6302 Regulation and Competition Economics 3 1/2/3 2 EKP 6310 Strategic Management for Public Sector EKP 6304 Environmental Economics and Management 4 EKP 6313 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 5 EKP 6312 Assets and Property Appraisals 6 EKP 6202 Economy of Disaster Management 7 EKP 6208 Financial Risk Management 8 EKP 6214 Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Total 24

Compulsory Course of Program Course Interest/Concentration Public Finance Management (Public Sector Content) No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1 EKP 6209 Business Environment and Public Policy 3 2 EKP 6203 Regional Economics EKP 6211 Public Finance 4 EKP 6311 Public Budgeting and Management Total 12

Compulsory Course of Program Course Interest/Concentration Monetary, Banking and Finance (Private Sector Content) No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1 EKP 6205 Banking and Financial Management 3 2 EKP 6206 Economics of Financial Institution EKP 6207 International Financial Management 4 EKP 6228 Design and Implementation of Monetary Policy Total 12

Compulsory Course of Program Course Interest/Concentration Islamic Finance and Economy (Local-Specific Content) No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1 EKP 6221 Islamic Economy Theory 3 2 EKP 6222 Islamic Financial Institution EKP 6223 Alms (Zakat) Economics 4 EKP 6224 Contemporary Issues in Islamic Economy Total 12

Compulsory Course of Program Final Project No Code Compulsory Course of Program Credit Semester 1 UBU6006 Thesis 9 4 Total

Thesis Supervisory Supervisory committee consist of lecturers responsible to supervise a thesis. Each student is supervised by a maximum of 2 supervisors; one of whom acts as the supervisory head and the other as the member.

Responsibilities of Supervisory Comittee 1. Supervise the planning the research process the writing of journal articles and the thesis writing. 2. Give on evaluation on the research proposal (research proposal examination), research process research result seminar, thesis writing and thesis examination. 3. Attend the research proposal examination, research result seminar and thesis examination of the supervised student. .

Thesis Writing Stages Thesis Proposal examination Research result Seminar Thesis Examination

Journal Publication Besides being liable to complete lectures and a thesis, according to article 2 dictum 2 of the UB Rector Regulation No. 336/PER/2012 regarding the publication of scientific work in scientific periodicals as the graduation requirement for the educational program of Bachelor. Master, and Doctoral, and article 7 item 2 of the UB Rector Regulation No. 427/PER/2012 on Academic Regulation of UB Master program, students of master degree are required to make publication in nationally accredited scientific journals or international scientific journals, suggested by the Head of Study program.

Journal Publication regulation The procedure of this publication is stated below: a. The publication topic is related to the student’s thesis or field of study. b. the draft to be published must be approved by the supervisors. c. Publication made is a joint publication between the student and the supervisor. d. the inclusion order of the writer’s name is based on the agreement between the student and supervisor according to the contribution of each. e. the student and lecturer who produce the publication must and only mention the institution of Postgraduate Program of Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya. .

Plagiarism Prior to the examination, the examinee have to take a plagiarism test admitted by the study program. Plagiarism checker: FEB UB (start from 2015) Postgraduate Program UB

Subject Passing Evaluation Number (value) Grade Letter Grade Number Ability >80 – 100 A 4 Excellent >75 – 80 B+ 3.5 Between excellent and Good >69 – 75 B 3 Good >60 – 69 C+ 2.5 Between good and fair >55 – 60 C 2 Far >50 – 55 D+ 1.5 Between fair and less >44 – 50 D 1 Less 0-44 E Fail

Components and Values of Thesis Passing Grade No. Component Value (%) 1. Examination score of research proposal 10 2. Research activity score 20 3. Journal article writing and research result seminar score 30 4. Thesis examination score 40   Total 100

Graduate Predicate Students are considered graduating from the master program and entitled Master if they: 1. Complete their study with a total number of minimum credit points as stated in the regulation of each study program. 2. Obtain a minimum score of B in each subject. 3. Obtain a GPA of ≥ 3.00 4. Passing the thesis examination

Graduate Predicate (Contd.) 1. Graduate with the predicate of cum laude if: a. The GPA of subjects and thesis supporting subjects ≥ 3.75. b. An A grade for the thesis. c. Publish more than one article based on their thesis result in a national scientific journal accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education or international journal (at least have already had the article acceptance letter to be published), and d. The maximum study period is 5 (five) semesters. 2. Graduate with the predict of very satisfactory if: a. cannot fulfill requirements in point 1a and 1b; b. Obtain a minimum GPA of 3.50 and < 3.75; c. Publish an article based on the thesis result in a national scientific journal accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education or international journal (at least have already had the article acceptance letter to be published).

Graduate Predicate (Contd.) 3. Graduates with the verdict of satisfying predicate if: a. Obtain a minimum GPA of 3 and < 3.50, b. Publish an article based on the thesis result in a national scientific journal accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education or international journal (at least have already had the article acceptance letter to be published). The graduation predicate is decided by the examiners commission and ratified by the Dean/Head of study program.

Graduation Requiement To be able to join the graduation ceremony as well as receive the graduation certificate, the student must: 1. Graduate from the Master program. 2. Have made publication related to the thesis in scientific national journal, accredited is prioritized, or international journal. 3. Meet other requirements as assigned by Postgraduate Programs FEB UB.

Cooperation Economics Department has made cooperation with third parties in order to achieve the mission statement. Some of the cooperation are: Government (Province, Regency, city) Finance Institution (BI, BRI, Bank Niaga, BNI, dll) Universities in Australia (Curtin, Wollonggong dan Murdoch University) Some international institution: USAID, World Bank, JICA, PERFORM-PDPP, SIDRP, Dai, PEG, RTI Internasional)

Job Career Prospect Bank and other financial institution Statistic Center Bureau Government (Province, City, Regency) LIPI Ministry of Foreign Affairs Financial Department Community Empowerment Consultant Information System Consultant Finance and Economic Policy Consultant Journalist/Reporter World Bank Lecturer in private and state university

Academic Facilities Statistic Analysis training programs up-to-date curriculum Newest edition literature Guest lecture from government institution or social activist Economic Development Computer Laboratory: Newest specification computer laboratory Free internet access Original software of mathematics, statistics, and econometrics Representatives room with AC hot spot area

Research Center Economics Policy Research Centre(PPKE) Economics Development System Research Centre(PKDSP) Society-Oriented Economy Research Centre (PKEK) State and Local Study Center (PK2ND) Student study center Center for Participatory Planning

Achievement Accredited by BAN-PT: A The last stage of accreditation process by ABEST21
