The Element of … LINE …the path of a moving point through space.
Why are lines so important to art? Lines lead a viewer’s eyes into, around, and out of visual images. Why are lines so important to artists? Piet Mondrian
OUTLINE A line that shows or creates the outer edges of a shape. (Hint: A coloring book drawing)
Implied Lines A series of points that the viewer’s eyes automatically connect.
Line of Sight -An implied line based on the direction of a subject’s gaze in a piece of art. Wyeth Christina’s World 1948
Kinds of Lines ~Vertical ~Horizontal ~Diagonal ~Zigzag ~Curved
VERTICAL Vertical Lines-Lines that move up and down Examples: You, when you stand tall Skyscrapers How they are used: ~Makes low ceilings seem high ~Short people seem taller Feelings they create: stabile, strong VERTICAL
HORIZONTAL Horizontal Lines- lines that move left to right and are parallel to the horizon. Horizon Line- where the eye perceives the meeting of land/water and sky. Examples: You, when you are lying down. Where the wall and floor meet. Feelings: Rest, peace, relaxation
Diagonal Lines Diagonal Lines- slanted lines between vertical and horizontal lines. Feelings: Instability
ZIGZAG LINES Zigzag Lines- Combination of diagonal lines Feelings: Confusion
CURVED LINES Curved Lines- Lines that change direction gradually. Feelings: Activity, Luxurious CURVED LINES
5 Ways Lines Vary Length 2.Width 3. Direction 4.Texture 5. Degree of Curve
Contour Drawing A contour drawing defines the edges and surface ridges of an object, making it appear 3-dimensional.
Blind Modified Contour Drawing During a BLIND contour drawing you may NOT look at your drawing. Do NOT lift your pencil. Modified A MODIFIED contour drawing you can look at your drawing. Still do NOT lift your pencil.
A gesture drawing is created with expressive line movement that captures a feeling of movement. Hint: Draw lines loosely, freely, and quickly. Gesture Drawing