Content of the Corotsky Databases Present Status Corot week 9 – dec. 2005 Content of the Corotsky Databases Present Status S. Charpinet (LA2T/OMP) M. Deleuil (LAM) J. Cuvilo (CESR/OMP) J.-C Meunier (LAM) J. Platzer (LA2T/OMP) E. Bourrec (LA2T/OMP) G. Vauclair (LA2T/OMP)
The Databases behind Corotsky Corotsky has been developped by GMV as part of the Spanish contribution to COROT. Developpement is now being done by Silogic, Toulouse See the document « Content Description of the Corotsky Asteroseismology and Exoplanet Search Databases » available from the Corotsky web page at CNES: Stars brighter than V=9.5 Centre/Anticentre directions ~12,000 stars Large amount of data from catalogs and dedicated GBO Mostly Implemented Stars with 9.5 ≤ V ≤ 17 Centre/Anticentre directions ~1,500 objects Stars of interest for additional programs Mostly Implemented Stars with 12 ≤ V ≤ 16 Centre/Anticentre directions ~10,000,000 stars from cat. BVRI data + identification for ~3,000,000 stars from GBO around principal targets Partly Implemented
The Seismology Database: Data From Catalogues The Core of the Database : Contains all the stars referenced in the CDS/SIMBAD database : Brighter than V=9.5 Within the 15° cones around the Center / Anticentre directions (Scenario 4) 11,890 stars (anticentre: 7431, centre: 4459) Parameters from Catalogues : Main sources: Simbad / Hipparcos Values, errors, origin Parameter Source Identifiers SIMBAD RA (2000) DEC (2000) V B-V SIMBAD/HIP Spectral Type Proper Motion Parallax HIPPARCOS Vrad SIMBAD/GBO Teff Mv
The Seismology Database: Stellar Parameters Strömgren photometry : Observations at Obs. of Sierra Nevada (R. Garrido et al.) Stars V ≤ 8 (~ 1000 objects; Scenario 4) Stars V ≤ 9.5 (around principal targets) Photometric data available from the GAUDI database (E. Solano; LAEFF) High resolution spectroscopy : Observations at/with OHP/ELODIE, LaSilla/FEROS, TNG/SARG, … (C. Catala, E. Poretti et al.) Spectra available from the GAUDI database (E. Solano; LAEFF) 3rd party contributions : Templogg Mv, Teff, log g, [Fe/H] (R. Garrido, A. Kaiser et al.) Tgmet (C.Soubiran) Mv, Teff, log g, [Fe/H] (OHP, FEROS?, SARG?) Detailed Analysis (P. Magain et al.) Teff, log g, [Fe/H] Ha line wings (C. Van’t Veer) Teff LSD (C. Catala) Vrad, Vsin i, SB2 (OHP, FEROS, SARG, SLN/Catania) if Vsin i > 200 km/s (A.-M. Hubert) Vsin i Mv, Teff, log g, [Fe/H] (various sources)
The Seismology Database: Adopted Teff, Mv, log g & [Fe/H] Teff Adopted : For each star in the database, a value is adopted according to the data available and by order of priority (P) of the method used for the determination. P Method Conditions / Comments Source Rec. Impl. # of stars # adopted 1 Detailed analysis Magain et al. yes 5 5 (100%) Bruntt et al. no 2 IR SED 4000 K ≤ Teff ≤ 9000 K Ribas et al. 4701 4696 (99.8%) 3 Be stars line fitting Neiner et al. 48 44 (91.7%) 4 OB stars line fitting Lefever et al. no* Hα line wings 5500 K ≤ Teff ≤ 8500 K Van’t Veer et al. 248 16 (6.5%) 6 Literature Soubiran et al. 164 100 (61%) 7 OB stars Geneva Phot. Aerts et al. Yes 184 160 (87%) 8a Strömgren / Templogg V ≤ 8 (full corot eyes) Kaiser et al. yes† 1137 524 (46.1%) 8b V ≤ 9.5 (near P. targets) 350 ~350 9 Spectroscopy / Tgmet Teff ≤ 8000 K, Vsini ≤ 30 yes‡ 417 8 (1.9%) 10 Strömgren HM 1120 328 (29.3 %) 11 B-V / Allen Charpinet et al. 11082 5187 (46.8%) (no value) 822 † : new calibration – under verification ‡ : from OHP data only * : Data for targets of the 1st and 2nd long runs
The Seismology Database: Adopted Teff, Mv, log g & [Fe/H] MV Adopted : For each star in the database, a value is adopted according to the data available and by order of priority (P) of the method used for the determination. P Method Conditions / Comments Source Rec. Impl. # of stars # adopted 1 Literature Soubiran et al. no 2 Parallax Δπ/π ≤ 10% Charpinet et al. yes 415 415 (100%) 3 Be stars line fitting Neiner et al. 48 44 (91.7%) 4 OB stars line fitting Lefever et al. no* 5 Strömgren / Phystar Jordi et al. no+ 6 OB stars Geneva Phot. Aerts et al. 184 165 (89.7%) 7a Strömgren / Templogg V ≤ 8 (full corot eyes) Kaiser et al. yes† 1113 757 (68%) 7b V ≤ 9.5 (near P. targets) 342 ~342 8 Spectroscopy / Tgmet Teff ≤ 8000 K, Vsini ≤ 30 yes‡ 411 14 (3.4%) 9 Strömgren HM 1095 669 (61.1%) 10 Par. 10 < Δπ/π % ≤ 30 1240 725 (58.5%) 11 AV Ribas Catala et al. 4139 2981 (72%) 12 Parallax Default Δπ/π ≥ 30% 10265 6114 (59.6%) † : new calibration – under verification * : Data for targets of the 1st and 2nd long runs ‡ : from OHP data only + : data available soon
The Seismology Database: Adopted Teff, Mv, log g & [Fe/H] Log g Adopted : For each star in the database, a value is adopted according to the data available and by order of priority (P) of the method used for the determination. P Method Conditions / Comments Source Rec. Impl. # of stars # adopted 1 Detailed analysis Magain et al. yes 5 5 (100%) Bruntt et al. no 2 Be stars line fitting Neiner et al. 48 44 (91.7%) 3 OB stars line fitting Lefever et al. no* 4 Literature Soubiran et al. 141 134 (95%) OB stars Geneva Phot. Aerts et al. 184 161 (87.5%) 6a Strömgren / Templogg V ≤ 8 (full corot eyes) Kaiser et al. yes† 938 726 (77.4%) 6b V ≤ 9.5 (near P. targets) 296 ~296 7 Spectroscopy / Tgmet Teff ≤ 8000 K, Vsini ≤ 30 yes‡ 417 5 (1.2%) 8 Strömgren HM 1013 374 (36.9%) 9 IR SED 4000 K ≤ Teff ≤ 9000 K Ribas et al. 4701 3931 (83.6%) (no value) 6510 † : new calibration – under verification ‡ : from OHP data only * : Data for targets of the 1st and 2nd long runs
The Seismology Database: Adopted Teff, Mv, log g & [Fe/H] [Fe/H] Adopted : For each star in the database, a value is adopted according to the data available and by order of priority (P) of the method used for the determination. P Method Conditions / Comments Source Rec. Impl. # of stars # of adopted 1 Detailed analysis Magain et al. yes 5 5 (100%) Bruntt et al. no 2 OB stars line fitting Lefever et al. no* 3 Literature Soubiran et al. 136 132 (97%) 4 Strömgren / Templogg V ≤ 8 (full corot eyes) Kaiser et al. yes† 649 603 (92.9%) V ≤ 9.5 (near P. targets) 267 ~267 Spectroscopy / Tgmet Teff ≤ 8000 K, Vsini ≤ 30 yes‡ 380 15 (3.9%) 6 Strömgren HM 778 398 (51.2%) 7 IR SED 4000 K ≤ Teff ≤ 9000 K Ribas et al. 4701 3892 (82.8%) (no value) 6845 † : new calibration – under verification ‡ : from OHP data only * : Data for targets of the 1st and 2nd long runs
The Seismology Database: Star Type Catalogues Stars of specific interest : Primary candidates Variable stars Peculiar stars … Catalogues that define star types in the database Current status : Implementation of the VISAT catalogues (Obs. Vienna; W. Weiss et al.) for the seismology channel 26 referenced startypes
AP-Exo and Exo-planet Databases 9.5 11 17 mV Sismo Database Complete down to V=9.5 Simbad Exoplanet Database EXOSKY near principal targets only USNO-A2 (Corot eyes → reference) AP-Exo Table Lists of specific objects from APWG 11 ≤ V ≤ 17 19 contamination Saturating stars for Exo Bright AP Stars From APWG 9.5 ≤ V ≤ 11 Inclusion in the Cross-identification with USNO-A2 (and EXOSKY)
AP-Exo Table – Star Types
EXOSKY – Sky Coverage First long run
EXOSKY – Sky Coverage 2nd long run
TBD for the Sismo/AP/Exo DBs Seismology Database : 1. Implement missing methods for star fundamental parameter determinations OB Star Line Fitting (Lefever et al.) : first data received last Friday (1st & 2nd long runs) Detailed analysis (Bruntt et al.) : no data received (when?) MV from literature (C. Soubiran ?) : no data received (any plans?) Strömgren / phystar (Jordi et al.) : data should arrive soon 2. Complete the DB description document. Contribution of each group/person who provided fundamental parameters: write a short description (~ 1 page) of the method employed, including refs. to any related published work. AP-Exo table : 1. Implementation of the new lists of AP potential targets cross-identified with USNO-A2 Are all the stars from additional programs approved by the SC in the database? 2. Migration of the brightest AP stars (9.5 < V < 11) to the seismology database EXOSKY Database : 1. Completion of the sky coverage 2. Link with the AP-Exo table
The AP-Exo Table Type of star: e.g., eclipsing binary, sdB star, PMS star, … (whatever is relevant for Corot) Preferred Name for the star (only one name) B and R photometry as provided by the USNO-A2 catalog (for consistency checks) V Startype(s) USNO-A2 Number RA (°) DEC (°) B R … KPD 0721-0026 13.83 sdB star 0825-04772206 111.059914 -00.551084 13.6 13.9 Cross-identification with USNO-A2. Provides the link with the Exoplanet database effectively used to select targets in the Exoplanet field. Coordinates as provided by the USNO-A2 Catalog. Ensures homogeneity of the coordinates In the AP-Exo Table.