Basin Instruction – Field Locations End Line Crease 8 Meter Side Line Restraining Line 12 meter
Basin Instruction – Stick Pocket/Webbing Head Neck/Top of Shaft (Top hand position for Scooping & Catching) Middle of Shaft (Top hand position for Shooting & Passing) Butt End (Bottom hand position for Passing, Hooting, Scooping & Catching)
Basin Instruction – Passing Top hand at mid-shaft, bottom hand on butt of stick Hands back, out, and away from body Elbows out Opposite foot forward Eyes on target Rotate hips, torso and then stick Pull with bottom hand, push with top hand, and point stick at the target
Basin Instruction – Catching Top hand at top of shaft, bottom hand at butt of shaft Present good target - Stick parallel to body with top arm extended toward passer Watch the ball into the stick Catch the ball with soft hands – Like catching an egg
Basin Instruction – Ground Balls Slide top hand to the top of the shaft and bottom hand to the butt of the shaft Both butts (their own butt and the butt of the stick) low to the ground Scoop through the ball, being careful not to pop the ball up out of the stick No “Raking” (Using head of the stick to roll balls back into the pocket)
Basin Instruction – Shooting Shooting is very similar to the motion for passing Top hand at mid-shaft, bottom hand on butt of stick Hands back, out, and away from body Elbows out Opposite foot forward Eyes on target Rotate hips, torso and then stick Pull with bottom hand, push with top hand Follow through until top hand is next to opposite hip
End Line Crease 8 Meter Side Line Restraining Line 12 meter Group Warm Up Call out area on field and ask players to run to that area (Midfield, Crease, Sideline, End Line). End Line Crease 8 Meter Side Line Restraining Line 12 meter
Line Drill – Triple Threat Players start on sideline with a ball in stick and body in right handed triple threat position (TTP) Right hand halfway up shaft, Left hand at butt of shaft Stick back with stick head above ear level, and stick butt next to cheek Elbows out Hands away from the body Legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart, left foot forward, and knees slightly bent While standing in TTP players cradle the ball by moving the stick in a rocking motion Increase difficulty by having players move from one sideline to the other while cradling in TTP. Start by walking and increase speed as players get closer to the opposite sideline. Practice in both left and right hand Triple Threat Position P1 Increase difficulty by asking players to switch hands while moving between the sidelines Start in TTP While rotating stick in front of player, punch stick and top hand down to meet bottom hand Pull crosse head across face Slide bottom hand over top hand, replacing it at mid-shaft (becomes top hand) Slide top hand down to the butt of the stick (becomes bottom hand) Return to TTP P2 P3
Line Drill - Partner Passing P1 starts with 1 ball in her stick and 3-4 additional balls at her feet . P1 passes the ball to P2 using the proper technique Top hand at mid-shaft, bottom hand on butt of stick Hands back, out, and away from body Elbows out Opposite foot forward Eyes on target Rotate hips, torso and then stick Pull with bottom hand, push with top hand, and point stick at the target P2 catches the ball using the proper technique Top hand at top of shaft, bottom hand at butt of shaft Present good target - Stick parallel to body with top arm extended toward P1 Watches the ball into the stick Catches the ball with soft hands – Like catching an egg P1 P2 P1 P2 10 yds. Drill can be altered by having players toss the ball underhanded using one hand ( regular flip, between the legs, around the back
Line Drill - Knee Passing Pair players up into partners P1 starts on right knee and with stick in right hand. Left foot should be out in front of player, with knee bent at 90 degree angle and toe pointed straight ahead. P2 stands behind P1 with 5 or 6 balls at her feet P1 moves stick into passing position, where P2 places ball into P1’s stick P1 then passes ball to coach, returns to TTP and is reloaded by P2 Points of Emphasis: Hands need to be above their shoulders Kiss their shoulder Rotate their torso. Once P1 has used all balls, players should switch positions. Drill should be done right and left handed C P1 P2 C P1 P2 C P1 Drill can be turned into a contest by having pairs pass into a garbage can or bucket. First to sink 3 passes wins P2 5 yds.
Line Drill – Push and Scoop Players start on sideline with one ball at their feet On the whistle, players push the ball toward the other sideline using the top edge of head of their stick When players have pushed the ball for about 10ft., coach yells “Scoop” Players then scoop the ball Slide top hand to the top of the shaft Both butts (their own butt and the butt of the stick) low to the ground Scoop through the ball. Players should then move back into cradling or triple threat position and accelerate to the other sideline. Practice both right and left handed P1 Scoop P2 P3
Line Drill - 1 Girl, 1 Ball Stop at other sideline. All Players line up on side lines with a ball. Walk kids through scooping ground ball. Top hand on neck. Keep both butts low. On the whistle kids scoop right handed and run to the coaches. Coaches step back 10 yards. Repeat across the field. Repeat process coming back left handed. After they complete ground balls demonstrate cradle technique. In the whistle kids run across the field cradling right handed. Stop at other sideline. Repeat coming back in left hand. C P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Line Drill - 2 Way Ground Balls Cones are set up in line in two parallel lines ~10-15 yards apart. A ball is placed about 5 feet inside each cones Each player is lined up outside of a cone. On the whistle the players run to the first ball and scoop it up Full speed Top hand on neck. Keep both butts low. Players then run full speed to the second ball, where they drop the first ball and scoop the second Players round the cone, and run back to the first cone where they drop the second ball. The drill can stop here, or continue by having players continue to scoop and drop balls as they run between the cones P1 B1 B2 This drill can also be modified to serve as a relay race P2 B1 B2 P3 B1 B2
Station Drill - Ground Ball, Pass - Ground Ball, Shoot Players start in a single line ~25 yds from the goal mouth The Coach (C) starts by rolling a ground ball toward the first player in line. The player charges the ball, scoops it up and passes it back to the Coach Coach then rolls the same ball as a ground ball toward the net (away from the player) Player chases down the ground ball and scoops it up Player cradles to the goal circle and shoots the ball C Key Points: Players learn to scoop ground balls both moving towards and away. Keep both butts low Scoop through the ball Remember not to pop the ball up Players must scoop ball and transition directly into passing position (TTP) As players become more proficient, coaches can teach and emphasize shooting technique
Station Drill – Scoop/Catch & Shoot Two cones are placed at 5 & 5 (Five yards over and five yards above GLE) The Coach (C) starts with a bucket of balls about 15 yards above the goal line and centered on the goal Players start in two lines approximately 5 yards behind GLE, and 7 yards away from the near corner of the goal The line on the left of the goal should be in their left hand, and the line on the right of the goal should be in their right hand Players round the cone at full speed, Coach can roll the player a ground ball, or soft toss a pass. Player scoops/catches the ball, runs to the net and shoots Player then returns to the original line (as to avoid crossing behind the net) After 2-5 reps, the lines should switch sides of the net. C 5&5 5&5 Left Hand Right Hand
Station Drill – Continuous Ground Ball A cones is placed ~ 15 yards in front of coach Player runs toward coach, who rolls a ground ball toward the player Player scoops up the ball Full speed Top hand on neck. Keep both butts low. Players then cradle full speed to the coach Players drop the ball, and round the coach Players run full speed back to line Be sure to practice scooping the ball in both the right and left hands C
Station - “Split & Rip” Line 1 Line 2 Two lines. Each player starts with a ball in her stick. Player will perform split dodge the cone, run towards goal and shoot. Key is players learn to change hands as early as possible and shot strong and weak hand. You can add targets in net. Line 1: player starts with stick in Right hand, performs split dodge at cone, and shoots with Left hand. Line 2: player starts with stick in Left hand, performs split dodge at cone, and shoots with Right hand. Line 1 Line 2
Station - “Soft Toss with Shot” Coach starts with bucket of balls in the center. Line 1 is right handed , line 2 is left handed. Coach tosses ball to player, player catches and shoots. Remember 3 P’s. Pull, Push, Point. Key is keep stick vertical, soft hands. Similar to catching an egg. Line 1 C Line 2
Station - Agility, Ground Ball, & Shoot Players are lined up 10 yards to the right/left of the goal at GLE A set of drill cones (or agility ladder) is placed about 5 yards above GLE Players traverse the cones or agility ladder, using the coaches choice of technique. At the end of the cones/ladder, payers should round a turn back toward the goal Coach rolls a ground ball or soft tosses a pass to the player Player cradles toward the net and shoots Drill can also be run from two sides of the net to increase reps., and facilitate use of both hands Variations Zig Zag Around Cones Alternating Back Pedal Shuffle Skip Dodge Variations High Knees (1 Foot) Quick Feet (2 Feet) Bunny Hop 2 In, 2 Out Lateral Quick Feet C C
Game - Musical Ground Balls Drill starts with all players around a circle and an equal amount of balls inside the circle On the first whistle (music start)all players begin to jog (run backward, hop, skip, bear crawl, etc…) around the circle in the same direction. On the second whistle (music stop)the players run into the circle scoop and ground ball and then run back outside the circle After 1-2 rounds, the coach removes a ball, leaving one more player the there are balls The drill repeats. The player who does not scoop a ground ball is eliminated The drill continues until one player is left Drill can be altered by asking the players to leave their sticks on the round while they traverse the circle. On the whistle the players must first run to get their sticks before going into the circle to scoop a ground ball
Game - Hungry Hungry Hippos Divide players into even teams of 2-4 players Each team should occupy a cone arraigned in a circle with a diameter of about 10 -12 yards The Coaches spreads a large number of balls evenly within the circle One the whistle P1 from each team runs into the circle, scoops up a groundball (1 only), returns to their cone, and drops the ground ball Upon P1 returning to the cone, P2 from that team then runs into the circle, scoops up a ground ball and returns to the cone. The drill repeats, alternating players until all balls have been scooped up At the end, each team counts the balls at their cone in order to determine a winning team