International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)


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Presentation transcript:

International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS) Experiment ’08: Exchanging Coalition Operations Planning Architecture Data

Experiment & Exercise Overview Components of the Experiment Briefing Outline IDEAS Overview Experiment & Exercise Overview Components of the Experiment Data Methods Presentation

IDEAS Overview

The IDEAS Group International Defense Enterprise Architecture Specification for exchange Australia, Canada, UK, USA Sweden & NATO (observers) Established 2005 UK is leading the technical work, using UK methodology (BORO) and joint MOD/Contractor team Objective — To deliver a unified specification for the exchange of military architectures between coalition partners.

Requirements and Assumptions Australia, Canada, UK and USA have a history of military coalition Each nation is pursuing its own version of net-centric warfare How do we ensure coalition interoperability ? Need to understand: Each others’ capability and functionality How to interface with coalition systems To do this we need to be able to share architectures Each nation has its own architecture framework Requirement to share architectural information between nations to enable interoperability at the operational and system levels Need a standard data format for architectural interoperability Nations using different tools and data formats Semantic integration issues inhibit interoperability Coalition military operational planners will benefit from IDEAS

Mission, Goals, and Priorities To facilitate pre-mission planning through exposure of national processes and capabilities expressed through a common ontology. To establish an ontology for expressing the procedures and capabilities of each nation and put in place a mechanism to interchange architecture information that describe those procedures and capabilities. To improve force planning capability through: Reduced timescale for mission planning Enhanced data: Interoperability Reusability Understandability Visibility Shareability

Usage – Exchange Scenario IDEAS File UK Capability Architecture (e.g. in MooD / Sparx) Loaded into Canadian System (e.g. System Architect) UK & Canada in combined ops (e.g. Herrick) and Canadians need to interface to UK systems

Approach Use each nation’s architecture framework as input Analyse the common elements between frameworks Using the BORO Methodology to de-conflict the different national approaches Develop integration model (ontology) Re-apply national terminology Provides an interfacing mechanism – each nation can continue to work with their own terminology and data whilst still conforming to IDEAS Implement Repository (US Experimenting on IDEAS Repository) XML Data Exchange

Products IDEAS model; includes all layers of the model and the RDFS / OWL Specifications IDEAS model documentation; includes business rules IDEAS experimentation procedures IDEAS experimentation reports IDEAS marketing material IDEAS training material IDEAS exercise plan, procedures and reports IDEAS productionisation / industrialisation Software; various

Side Benefits UK requirement for a standard dictionary to support MODAF architectures Being developed as the “MOD Ontology” by ICAD Plan is to leverage the IDEAS model to provide the top level of the ontology Interest in ontology is developing all over Govt. DG-Info uniquely placed with expertise in formal ontology development Usage being investigated for data integration in Logs and Casualty tracking – i.e. the benefits and possible uses go well beyond enterprise architecture BORO methodology being used to re-engineer and de-conflict legacy systems Again, DG-Info (through ICAD) are thought leaders in MOD

Experiment & Exercise Overview Selected a scenario: Casualty Management Selected a set of architecture data to exchange Exercise Candidates Avoidance of friendly fire incidents due to procedural mismatches Others TBD?

Experimentation First experiment, exchange architecture data regarding the processes, agents, information flows, and sequences of activities (OV-5, 6c) involved in Battlefield Human Casualty Management. Using US & Canadian doctrine documents as “test data” Want to show “value added” military utility, e.g., Inconsistencies in processes, sequence, timing, event triggers, information flow and reporting, … Knowing ahead of time could lead to adjustments or just understanding so there won’t be surprises during execution

Manual Coalition Ops Planning Processes “As-Is” AUS Plan CAN Plan GBR Plan USA Plan etc.

US vs. CA Casualty Management Flowcharts Canada United States

Implication • 3 mental data parses • 3 mental comparison per country = • 12 mental data parses IAW national background • 12 mental comparisons

“To-Be” enabling technologies & tools considered in the experiment Visualization Environment Decision Environment Relational DB Query Environment SQL Query OWL/RDFS DB Data Mining Environment RDFS Database IDEAS Data Exchange Format (RDFS)

Automation Assistance via IDEAS Automated Compare CA EA UK EA AU EA 1 data parse IDEAS US EA • 4 mental data parses of our native doctrine (instead of 12) • 0 mental comparisons (instead of 12) against an consistent ontology vice a national background

Experiment & Exercise Overview

Components of Experiment Data Methods Presentation

Components of the Experiment: DATA

How is IDEAS Different ? All country’s IT history is littered with grand plans for data integration Failures due to insufficient stakeholder engagement – i.e. attempting to “foist” a data architecture on unwilling parties Failures due to inadequate analysis techniques – usually based on process modelling Failures due to inability to properly compare different sources of information Failures due to “Country-Centric” approach ignoring coalition partners IDEAS is different because: It does not seek to impose a particular terminology, way of working, or data architecture on the users and stakeholders It brings in the opportunity for international coalition interoperability It fosters a “view from nowhere” approach – soft systems practitioners will be familiar with this idea It is strongly founded in set theory, allowing it to provide a more accurate representation of real-world

What Makes IDEAS Different ? The BORO Methodology - Provides a precise, mathematical approach to comparing information Very easy to understand, and stakeholders readily commit to use the methodology Guaranteed to produce a correct representation, and is fully transparent at every stage – stakeholders are involved so buy-in is kept all the way through Set Theory Traditional data modelling is generally not founded in mathematic principles IDEAS uses formal set theoretic tools to accurately represent the structure of real-world concepts The Naming Pattern Once the analysis is complete, the terminology used by the stakeholders is mapped back onto the resulting model Enables stakeholders to continue working with their own terminology Allows seamless integration of legacy systems

IDEAS Structure Provides a common semantic foundation for multiple uses The common foundation enables interoperability across domains and applications All traces back up to IDEAS, so also offers possibility of international interoperability Data sources act as requirements on the ontology, feeding up the stack into the areas of stronger governance – “standardisation by adoption”

Data Analysis Steps The BORO Analysis breaks down the data into its fundamental elements These are then re-assembled under the appropriate ontological pattern Finally, the names used by the original systems / parties are re-assigned to achieve seamless interoperability

The Naming Pattern The ontology itself is concerned with the nature of things Relies on the only thing that is irrefutable, the physical extent of something It is useful to ignore names when developing the ontology, as they carry too much baggage and confusion – people tend to cling onto names of things rather than trying to work out if things are the same or not Once the semantic de-confliction is done, the names can be re-assigned, in context of their owners – and this is how interoperability is achieved

Sample Diagrams from IDEAS Model

Components of the Experiment: METHODS

Training and skills mismatch Systems mismatch Examples of Analyses Doctrine mismatch Tactics, techniques, and procedures Training and skills mismatch Systems mismatch Communications Processing Data formats Capabilities gaps and overlaps Scope for ’08 experiment

Many Aspects of C4I Interoperability ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION Interoperability PROCEDURAL/DOCTRINAL Interoperability Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TT&P), Training PHYSICAL RF Waveform Modulation Compression Technique (JPEG, etc.) DATA TRANSFER Protocol (Pull, push, etc.) Bulk/Change Publish/Subscribe etc. SECURITY Crypto (Procedural) Over the Air Rekeying Sanitizers MLS DATA FORMATS Bit oriented Formats (TADIL A, J, K, etc) Character oriented Formats USMTF HTML, XML, XSI, etc. Air control procedures (Navy vs. Air Force) Tactical datalink conops, etc. Joint/Coalition tactics and training Joint/Coalition C2W (mop 6, 30) Joint surveillance Conops (IFF, etc) etc. PRESENTATION Symbology GIS types (e.g., PPI vs map/chart) Filtering Formats INFORMATION SEMANTICS Battlespace Objects (e.g., GCCS and Combat System “track files” vs analysis data like ASAS vs. IEW data) Prior Intelligence (e.g., OOB vs. IPB, Characteristics and Performance) Geophysical (e.g., NGA vs. tactical) Logistics (e.g., field vs. “reachback”) etc. ALGORITHMS Tracking and correlation algorithms Target ID SYSTEM Interoperability

Lessons Learned Categories Components of the ’08 Experiment on Procedural Interoperability: Use Cases Use Cases Scud missile attack (Saudi Arabia) Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf) Lessons Learned Categories Planning Communication Coordination Reporting

Use Case Examples Based on a “Quick-Look” analysis 1 Use Case Examples Based on a “Quick-Look” analysis 1. Scud missile attack (Saudi Arabia)

1. Scud missile attack (Saudi Arabia) Background An Iraqi scud missile strikes a warehouse at U.S. Aujan compound in Saudi Arabia Casualty Management Process problems experienced: Planning Random removal of casualties U.S. Army bus left Aujan with four wounded soldiers for an Army hospital. The vehicle mistakenly arrived at a barracks, not a medical installation (the building had once served as a clinic and sported a large Red Crescent on the outside). As the first Army medical evacuation helicopter landed at Aujan, no landing site had been planned or marked; the wash of the blades sent shards of glass, metal, sand, fiberglass, and debris everywhere. The majority of US casualties were taken to the local Saudi trauma center, not U.S. facilities Weapons and personal items were secured by the Saudi hospital staff, not U.S. The survivors of the attack had nothing to help the wounded. Bandages, splints, and dressings were not available. Unit members were unaware of an emergency plan. The location of a landing zone, protection of the perimeter, self-defense, and chain of command initially did not happen. Background An Iraqi scud missile strikes a warehouse at U.S. Aujan compound in Saudi Arabia Casualty Management Process problems experienced: Planning Within minutes of blast, Saudi civil defense system was activated. Saudi ambulances were randomly removing the living and the dead into the Saudi trauma system. U.S. Army bus left Aujan with four wounded soldiers for an Army hospital. The vehicle mistakenly arrived at a barracks, not a medical installation (the building had once served as a clinic and sported a large Red Crescent on the outside). As the first Army medical evacuation helicopter landed at Aujan, no landing site had been planned or marked; the wash of the blades sent shards of glass, metal, sand, fiberglass, and debris everywhere. The majority of US casualties were taken to the local Saudi trauma center, not U.S. facilities Weapons and personal items were secured by the Saudi hospital staff, not U.S. The survivors of the attack had nothing to help the wounded. Bandages, splints, and dressings were not available. Unit members were unaware of an emergency plan. The location of a landing zone, protection of the perimeter, self-defense, and chain of command initially did not happen.

1. Scud missile attack (Saudi Arabia), cont. Casualty Management Process problems experienced (cont.): Communications The local Saudi civil defense system responded but was only communicating within its own network. Many Saudi ambulances were on site and removing soldiers before the U.S. military was even notified. Calling between the civilian and military communities was problematic. Direct communication was impossible. Army ground ambulances did not carry radios. Not all Saudi ambulances had radios. Medical evacuation helicopters could communicate with their headquarters but not with the 173rd Medical Group communications center. There was no plan regarding how all of the potential participants would communicate.

1. Scud missile attack (Saudi Arabia), cont. Casualty Management Process problems experienced (cont.): Coordination Both U.S. and Saudi hospitals were working on their own disparate disaster plans During the initial hours after the attack, it was impossible to account for all of the wounded, seriously ill, and very seriously ill personnel. No joint planning or coordination occurred between military and civilian assets. Civilians did not understand or utilize the military concept of echelons of care. Reporting Call that would bring U.S. military support and air ambulances to the scene was not phoned in until 22 minutes after the blast. Cameramen from CNN broadcast to the United States that a scud had struck an Army Reserve unit before military authorities in Saudi Arabia could respond. Soldiers could quickly phone home to reassure worried families, but the dead or wounded could not call. The casualty reporting system could not keep up with this instantaneous communication. For many families, the delay in notification of the status of their loved ones for additional days brought added hardship. The location of all of the casualties was not known for at least 48 hours.

Use Case Examples Based on a “Quick-Look” analysis 2 Use Case Examples Based on a “Quick-Look” analysis 2. Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf)

2. Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf) Background During Operation Desert Storm, coalition forces faced the possibility of nuclear, chemical or biological warfare Casualty Management Process problems experienced: Planning Although both the U.S. and U.K. regarded anthrax and botulinum toxin as potential threats, France did not identify any imminent biological warfare threat, and was thereafter unprepared to care for coalition casualties caused by such threats. All three countries agreed that the Iraqis might use some form of chemical warfare, but they drew different conclusions about the specific agents that Iraq was most likely to employ. The U.S. concluded that Iraq had nuclear weapons production facilities but had limited information on device development; the U.K. and France identified no nuclear or radiological threat, and were thereafter unprepared for such threats.

Casualty Management Process problems experienced (cont.): Communications Information not spontaneously shared among Coalition members. Example 1: French commanders were told of U.S. concerns regarding a biological threat only when the French made inquiries about media reports of U.S. troops receiving anthrax vaccine. Example 2: Contemporary U.S. doctrine lacked clear provisions for real-time warning of U.S. ground troops or friendly forces about impending U.S. or Coalition strikes against hazardous targets, such as suspected Iraqi biological warfare, nuclear or chemical industry facilities.

2. Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf) Coordination U.S., U.K. and France varied not only in the extent to which they used drugs and vaccines, but also in the drugs and vaccines they chose and in their policies on consent to administer them. Differences existed in the selection of medical countermeasures for threats that were mutually recognized Use of drugs and vaccines varied within the national forces as well as among the three forces. Reporting Different warning and reporting practices were in use across the Coalition’s member forces. French reported that some U.S. forces in the Gulf War did not comply with NATO Allied Tactical Pamphlet 45 with respect to warning and reporting, which was the procedure in use by U.K. forces.

So how could IDEAS and architecture address these types of problems?

PLANNING Problems OV-4: Command Relationships Chart The OV-4 depicts the relationships among operational elements for a given mission. It documents the operational roles and management relationships that enable or facilitate the mission. OV-5: Activity Model Activity models describe the business processes associated with the architecture, as well as the relationships or dependencies among the business processes, data or information exchanged between business processes, and external interchanges (i.e., from/to business processes that are outside the scope of the model) of data

Lessons Learned (cont.) So how could IDEAS and architecture help solve these problems (cont.)? PLANNING Problems (cont.) OV-6a: Operational Rules Model, e.g., Random removal of casualties The OV-6a describes the rules that control, constrain or otherwise guide the actions within an Operational Architecture. It describes the dynamic behaviors inherent in the operational architecture, as well as the relationships, conditions and constraints associated with operational actions. OV-6c: Operational Event/Trace Description The OV-6c provides a tracing of the operational activities that occur in a given scenario or the critical sequence of events. It is typically used to describe the dynamic behavior of operational nodes (i.e., their responses to stimuli).

Lessons Learned (cont.) So how could IDEAS and architecture help solve these problems (cont.)? COMMUNICATIONS Problems SV-1: System Interface Description The SV-1 documents the configuration of the linkages or interfaces among two or more systems, and provides a view of connectivity from the physical implementation or system perspective. Specifically, the SV-1 provides a representation of a communications pathway or network. SV-2: System Communication Description The SV-2 specifies the communications networks and pathways that link physical nodes and systems interfaces, and provides details regarding their configuration.

Lessons Learned (cont.) So how could IDEAS and architecture help solve these problems (cont.)? COORDINATION Problems OV-2: Operational Node Connectivity Description This offers a visual portrayal of the interaction between operational nodes or elements (e.g., organizations). It graphically depicts the information exchanges required between the operational elements. Instead of describing specific systems solutions, it permits a user to determine what connectivity, connections, and or node interactions, are necessary to satisfy the defined needs. SV-5: Operational Activity to System Function Traceability Matrix The SV-5 relates operational activities to system functions, and thus provides a "translation" of operational needs into physical solutions.

Lessons Learned (cont.) So how could IDEAS and architecture help solve these problems (cont.)? REPORTING Problems OV-3: Operational Information Exchange Matrix The OV-3 identifies the information transfers that are necessary to support the operational nodes in the accomplishment of a specific operational task. Information Exchange requirements (IERs) focus on the content of the information messages, the flow requirements of that information, and the required supporting services.  In general, IERs define who needs the information, what the information is, where it comes from, why the information is needed, and how the information exchange occurs. SV-6: System Information Exchange Matrix The SV-6 documents the characteristics of information exchanges between systems, whether such exchanges occur within or across nodes. It is particularly useful for determining the implications of the physical implementation, such as the constraints, resource requirements associated with the exchange and other overhead. 

Components of the Experiment: PRESENTATION

We know differences exist in the processes… Process A CONDITIONS? IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 TIMING? EVENTS? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 TRIGGERS? IE-09 So how do we present them? Process B CONDITIONS? IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 EVENTS? TIMING? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 TRIGGERS?

Process Comparison Presentation Provide rigorous representation of the process data flow and sequencing (OV-5 and OV-6c) precise data representations. Identify Alternative Visualization and Analysis Techniques Provide Candidate Visualization Techniques (Enable Analysis of Doctrine and Process Differences)

Current Status Initial Process Representation and Comparison Receive Casualty Assign CNO Notify NOK Establish Liaison Teams Notify Upper Echelon Coordinate with CAO Manage Estate Assign CAO Withhold media release 24 hours Authorize Media Release Receive Casualty Assign AO Notify Upper Echelon Establish Committee Notify NOK Manage Estate Provide semi- hourly SITREPS Authorize Media Release

Summary Exchanging architecture data during coalition operations planning process: Can automate interoperability comparisons to: Reduce resource requirements Speed the process Potentially detect issues that may have been missed De-bias national interpretations of other doctrines Depends on a precise data exchange standard IDEAS grounding in a formal ontology provides such precision A limited experiment in ’08 will demonstrate some of these benefits An exercise in ’09 is planned to show these in a broader context


To solicit suggestions and inputs Why Are We Here? To update JFCOM on current initiatives of the multi-national “IDEAS” Group To solicit suggestions and inputs To solicit inputs on areas of concern to JFCOM for future initiative planning

Current Interoperability Initiative What are we trying to do? Demonstrate the military utility of flexible and interoperable exchange of architecture data. What aspects of interoperability is this experiment series focused on? Doctrinal and procedural interoperability. Interoperability between a diverse and ever evolving set of automated architecture design tools. What challenges are we addressing ? Providing precise and unambiguous representation and exchange of coalition doctrine and procedures utilizing the precision and discipline that the DoDAF and MODAF architecture standards and products require. Enabling clear and unambiguous visualization of the differences in multi-national doctrine and procedures. Enabling near real-time collaboration and analysis of associated interoperability problems in a multi-national, geographically dispersed environment.

Current Interoperability Initiative (Cont.) What is the current scope (Experiment 08)? Exchange and collaborative analysis of Process data flow (OV-5) and Event Trace/Sequences (OV-6c) data. Demonstrate candidate visualization tools and techniques. Evaluate the precision of the data exchange. What are the current enabling technologies? Evolving technologies in Internet exchange techniques and ontology's allowing increased precision in data interoperability (i.e. XML, XSI, WXSD, RDF/OWL, etc.). Precise data models representing the architectural data. Emerging improvements in visualization and business intelligence tools. How does such an exchange help a coalition ops planner? Brings out unknowns ahead of time, e.g.: Enables the identification of automation opportunities and process improvements

Current Experiment Direction Compare and contrast coalition processes Nations agreed on a Military Casualty Management example scenario. Who are the players? (AU, CA, UK, US) Other examples - JFCOM input needed Candidate NATO Operational Processes of concern. Known doctrine/process differences (identify country Process differences causing potential interoperability problems) Known doctrine/process successes (identify existing country Process successes resulting in favorable interoperability results)

Military Utility - Current Example: Military Casualty Management Purpose To demonstrate potential military operational utility of enabling interoperable exchange of Doctrine and Procedural casualty management data utilizing precise DoDAF/MoDAF architecture data. Approach Contrast “as-is” processes with with potential “to-be” methods Show relevance to procedures, tools, methods, etc., that coalition planners would actually use Objective To seek out automation opportunities and document how the Coalition Ops Casualty Management Planning scenarios are done today: Identify manual, time consuming processes? (paper, email, faxes, phone calls, meetings, …) Enable discovery of issues in the field (on-the-job interoperability)

Military Utility - Current Example: Military Casualty Management Expected Results Common data standards allowing for coalition collaboration utilizing XML-based schemas Tool-independent data exchange mechanisms Visual decision aids for coalition planners making use of rigorous layout of procedures, sequences & timing Risks Disparate doctrine, development procedures & LOEs Methodology way over the heads of most COTS vendors need to embrace development of accommodating tools

Demonstrate Multi-National data exchange and collaborative analysis. EXERCISE ’09 Demonstrate Multi-National data exchange and collaborative analysis. Implement techniques in a diverse tool set Evaluate Precision of data exchange Demonstrate ability to identify manual, time consuming processes? (paper, email, faxes, phone calls, meetings, …) Demonstrate the ability to discover issues in the field (on-the-job interoperability)

Current Efforts and Progress to Date ????? *truly different, names assumed aligned or mapped Mock-up AU-CA-UK-US Casualty Management process comparison displays (currently underway): Exchange data via RDFS, allowing for the creation of classes of resources that share common properties Highlight different processes, sequences, information flows, event triggers between coalition partners Develop potential side-by-side comparison analysis Post on IDEAS FTP site for review US review with Joint Forces Command Thereafter examine tools for potential process comparison functionality

Dynamic Comparison Scenario Model execution “Notifying Next of Kin” Casualties are received and sent to be processed and transported

Both UK and CA begin Process & Transport activities… UK P&T activity begins Casualties are received and sent to be processed and transported CA P&T activity begins

CA completes P&T activity and begins process of assigning AO while UK continues P&T process… Casualties are received and sent to be processed and transported CA completes P&T activity and begins process of assigning AO

UK Process completed in 1hr, 50 min UK process is completed in 1 hr., 50 minutes while CA continues AO Assignment process… UK Process completed in 1hr, 50 min CA process continues

Process Comparison Example UK NOK notification process completed in 1 hr., 50 minutes CA NOK notification process completed in 2 hrs., 30 minutes UK NOK notification process completed in 1 hr., 50 minutes CA NOK notification process completed in 2 hrs., 30 minutes Coalition average: 2 hrs., 10 min

Summary Experiment Goals Enable multi-nation casualty management to be more compatible Establish common data standards allowing for multi-national collaboration utilizing XML-based schemas Expose real-world interoperability issues experienced by planners and warfighters Identify alternative visualization and analysis techniques

Potential Tool Interoperability with SysML -------------------------------- • ..... SV4 OV2 OV7 TV2 AP233/XMI Systems Modeling Tool Model/Data Interchange Other Engineering Tools

Comparing Processes In two or more distinct processes … Process A Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

Comparing Processes Similarities must be easy to identify … Process A Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

Comparing Processes As well as differences in those processes … Process A Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 Process B Activity 3 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

Comparing Processes What about the information exchanged? Process A IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 IE-09 IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

Comparing Processes Again, differences exist between the processes and must be identified… IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 IE-09 IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4

What about other considerations? CONDITIONS? IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? Process A IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 TIMING? EVENTS? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 TRIGGERS? IE-09 CONDITIONS? IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? Process B IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 EVENTS? TIMING? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 TRIGGERS?

OK, so we found differences, how do we present them? Process A CONDITIONS? IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 IE-06 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? IE-01 IE-02 IE-08 Activity 3 Activity 5 TIMING? EVENTS? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 IE-07 TRIGGERS? IE-09 Process B CONDITIONS? IE-06 IE-07 IE-03 IE-04 IE-05 SEQUENCES? RESOURCES? IE-01 IE-02 Activity 3 IE-08 IE-09 EVENTS? TIMING? Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 6 Activity 4 TRIGGERS?

Current Status Initial Process Representation and Comparison Receive Casualty Assign CNO Notify NOK Establish CLTs Authorize Media Release Notify Upper Echelon Assign CAO Manage Estate Receive Casualty Assign AO Notify Upper Echelon Establish Committee Notify NOK Provide semi- hourly SITREPS Authorize Media Release Manage Estate

Goal: Interoperability at Multiple Levels of the Architecture