Teen pregnancy by John Price Some of these facts are; two out of three kids will have sex by the age of sixteen, and one out of every three teens will have sex by age eighteen, every one out of ten teenagers will have had sex by age thirteen. Most teens become pregnant before the age of twenty.
Teen pregnancy on the rise Many people think one reason teen pregnancy is on the rise because of movies like Juno and Knocked Up because it shows teens glamorizing unwed women. They get pregnant because they think they will get all the attention and get treated like a young women instead of a little girl.
The dangers and effects The effects of having a kid at the age is that the teens will more likely to be poor, be a single parent, and not even have time to finish school. When a teen has to change their kids diaper or get up at three am for the first time they understand the facts and realization of teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy health problems They are also more likely to have pregnancy health problem some of these problems are infant death, breathing problems mental retardation, and learning disorders.
The prevention of teen pregnancy So to stop teen pregnancy the people of the international teen pregnancy organization made May 4th 2005 national teen pregnancy prevention month. They made this to make teens aware of the effects of teen pregnancy.
My opinion on teen pregnancy I don’t think it’s right because they are too irresponsible to get pregnant and they can’t financially support themselves let alone a child.
My opinion on teen pregnancy These are the facts and truth on what happens when you decide to get pregnant and I hope that this will stop and go down by the time we are all adults and have kids of our own.