Finishing Chapter 2! And starting Chapter 3 Objective: Students will be able to write five positive messages to themselves WB 53 P 24
Messages that play in our heads… Watch the Jubilee video.
Positive messages to yourself Come up with five Check the website: Page 23 WB other messages….some good, some bad Page 24 five positive messages to yourself.
Finish Chapter 2 P 24 Activity 53 Please write in positive messages at least 5 to yourself! Go to :
Chapter 3 Vocabulary 12 sociology 13 psychology 14 component ChVocabulary Word 1 self‐actualization 2 esteem 3 survival 4 capable 5 necessity 6 satisfaction 7 hierarchy 8 legacy 9 acknowledgement 10 epitaph 11 lifestyle Definition 12 sociology 13 psychology 14 component 15 contemplation 16 spiritual 17 recuperate 18 external 19 internal 20 priority
Would you rather? 1.10: Would You Rather...? Student Objective Students will discover similarities and differences between themselves and their classmates. Overview Would You Rather...? is a game in which the teacher poses a question that presents two options, and the students must choose one. The act of stepping to the side of the line that represents the selected choice gives a visual description of the similarities and differences between community members. Teachers should begin with light and silly questions before eventually progressing to more serious questions. Materials/Set-Up • Tape, to create a long line down the middle of the classroom Instructional Steps Have all students stand on the line. Read one of the “Would you rather...?” questions and inform students of the side of the line that they should move to based on their choices. Have students move back to the line and repeat with the next question. Sample “Would you rather...?” questions are included below: broccoli or carrots? television or listen to music? ...own a lizard or a snake? ...have a beach vacation or a mountain vacation? an apple or a banana? invisible or able to read minds? ...make headlines for saving somebody’s life or for winning the Nobel Prize? ...go without television or without fast food for the rest of your life? ...always be cold or always be hot? ...eliminate hunger and disease or be able to bring lasting world peace? ...see the future or change the past?
Tuesday Chapter 3 Lifestyles of the Satisfied and Happy Read P 56- 57 Answer the following questions. This is an open book quiz and you should take this alone and without listening to anything. 1.True/False Most people want happiness, peace and life satisfaction 2. True/False What makes people want these feeling varies greatly. 3. Who said “You can’t get what you want til you get what you need?
Open book Quiz continued 4. Who was the psychologist that developed the Triangle about the hierarchy of human needs? First and last name pleas 5. Draw on your paper the diagram of the hierarchy of human needs and label it. 6. What is our very first need, according to Dr. Maslow? 7. True or False. You can’t have the next level of the triangle until achieve the lowest level first. 8. What do the first two rungs of the Ladder deal with?
Quiz continued 9. At what level of the triangle do you really need to have other people? 10. What is the definition of Esteem? 11.What percentage of people are really “Self Actualized” –(those who have set out to do what they have accomplished and have reached all their goals?)
10/4/16 Objective: What is Maslow’s Triangle and where are you on it? What would WB activity 59
When you are finished turn it over Leave it on your desk Bonus question 1 What band does Mick Jagger play in?
Thursday Oct. 6 1.It’s Frannie’s birthday! Say happy birthday to her when you see her!
Today’s Agenda October 6 1. Kickstart 0ctober 6 2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in UP and Ratatouille 2. Computer Day! Complete the Work Value survey from Chapter two! It may say that you have 100 percent but you might not have completed it! 3. Complete Chapter 3 survey. 4. Kahoot Vocabulary practice FOR TOMORROW’S VOCABULARY QUIZ on Chapter 3. Partners 5.Make sure that you TURN IN Your PUZZLE #3 today! if you didn’t yesterday.