By: Katelyn, Markus and Tyler Martin Luther King Jr. By: Katelyn, Markus and Tyler
Who was King and when and where was he born? Martin Luther king Jr. was born on January 15th 1929, in Atlanta Georgia and died April 4th 1968. He was a Baptist minister and civil rights activist. King led the civil rights movement in the United States from the mid 1950 until his death by assassination in 1968. King was a spokesperson for nonviolent protest in the civil rights movement. Also, he won a Nobel peace prize in 1964.
What did king say was the enemy of the black people and what did he say could breach the divide between blacks and whites? In 1963, southern states featured not only separate black and white schools, churches, and neighborhoods, but also separate black and white restrooms, drinking fountains, hotels, motels, restaurants, cafes, golf courses, libraries, elevators, and cemeteries. African-Americans were also systematically denied the right to vote. Civil rights activists saw the possibility of a country where black and white citizens were truly equal. Martin Luther King, Jr. joined in the fight for civil rights for black Americans.
As King’s popularity grew, what happened in the south? After king died, the world was shocked once again by a senseless act of violence. No other person had such a following among his own people. His message of non-violence, his courageous pursuit of justice, and the wisdom and tolerance of his appeal, made him a leader throughout the United States.
When and how did King die and how did people react? On April 4th, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. He was shot by a sniper bullet while he was standing on a balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The news of his death was greeted with an outpouring of grief and rage. Riots erupted all over the country. Cities, all over the country, experienced violence and destruction in the next few days, resulting in roughly $50 million in damage.
What is the Civil Rights Movement and what impact did King’s life and death have on it? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination in employment and in public facilities, and gave the federal government greater power to enforce the desegregation of schools. This Act could only pass in the right atmosphere, and the creation of such an atmosphere is generally attributed to one pivotal series of events and their repercussions.
"The Death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. " The Death of Dr "The Death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." The Death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <>. "Civil Rights Movement." New Georgia Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <>. "Martin Luther King, Jr. on Loving Your Enemies - OnFaith." OnFaith. 2015. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <>. "Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)." Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968). Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <>.