Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King's childhood Martin Luther King's jobs Read about Martin Luther King's childhood Martin Luther King's jobs Why Martin Luther King is famous How Martin Luther King died Martin Luther King’s monument Turn and Talk Click on the words you want to read about.
Martin Luther King’s Childhood He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, there were many unfair laws in our country.
Martin Luther King’s Jobs Martin Luther King went to college. He became a minister. Then he became a leader in the Civil Rights Movement.
Why is Martin Luther King Jr. famous? MLK did many important things. Marched on Washington D.C. Wrote “I have a dream” Won the Nobel Peace Prize
How did Martin Luther King die? In 1969, he was shot by James Earl Ray. It was in all the newspapers. Our country was very sad to lose such an important person.
Martin Luther King Jr. Monument in Washington D. C.
Turn and talk to your elbow partner. How can you be like Martin Luther King Jr.?